Page 9 - LFF
P. 9
19 May 2023


Film Producer, Chairman, Film and Music Austria (FAMA)

As a producer, what are your actions in favour
of eco-production?

My production company Amour Fou is committed to
environmental sustainability. The materials and processes in our
Vienna office have been reviewed and adapted according to the
standards of the Austrian Eco-label (consumables, green
electricity, consumption/use and internal communication). Also,
one of our staff completed a green consultant course and
constantly keeps an eye on our in-house and production planning.
Knowing that travel is a major contributor to the carbon
footprint, we do not fly at all within a radius of 500km and
beyond that we try to reduce it as much as possible. Sustainable
production has become part of our company’s mission statement,
which we also want to communicate to the outside world.
Working as sustainably as possible and being guided by our
company mission statement has become part of our service
contracts. We seek communication with all filmmakers and
coproduction partners, encourage them to apply eco-friendly
approaches and constantly seek new relevant sustainability input
that could be integrated.


Vice-president, UNI EUROPA

Why is the topic of the environmental transition of
production important to Euro MEI and its members?

The environmental transition is important for all of us and it is
the responsibility of all of us, individually and collectively, to
engage on this issue.
Unions have a particular role to play with their members and
with the professionals of the sector in general, to accompany the
evolution of practices and the necessary changes on the shelves
and in all phases of production.
Unions must also be active in negotiating relevant and fair
agreements, both environmentally and socially, in the areas of
training, career development, working conditions etc.
For Euro-MEI and its affiliates, the ecological transition of
audiovisual production is urgent and indispensable. It can only be
achieved in partnership with all the actors of the production
chain and the support of relevant public policies.
The partnership and the dialogue with the FIAPF at the European
and international level is particularly important for us. We would
like to continue and deepen our co-operation to promote good
practices that allow for a just ecological transition.

JAMES TATAM the longer-term vision for parent company, Internally, a Sustainability Board and employee-
Paramount Global, which released its third led working group, The Mountaineers, have
Senior Vice-President, Chief Operating annual environmental, social and governance been established to help strengthen the
(ESG) report in September 2022. Since making company’s commitment and champion green
Officer, Content & Studios, Sustainability its seven key climate action pledges, Paramount initiatives. Culturally, Peak Sustainability is
CoLead, Paramount UK in the UK continues to meet its responsibilities cultivating a tangibly climate-smart workforce
What major actions is Paramount as a public-service broadcaster (via Channel 5) whose knowledge and efforts extend beyond
taking to be eco-responsible? and signatory of the cross-industry Content Paramount’s office walls. Two surveys
Climate Pledge with a number of content conducted six months apart indicate that while
In October 2022, Paramount in the UK took commissions such as Natural History only 10% of employees were inspired to act
a major step towards playing its full part in Museum: Saving Planet Earth which more sustainably before the launch of Peak
addressing the challenges presented by climate premiered last week to stellar audience figures Sustainability, following a series of internal
change by launching its Peak Sustainability and forthcoming Britain’s Poisoned Rivers: events and learning experiences, this has now
strategy. As a pilot for further international What Can You Do?, due to air this summer. increased to 44%.
roll-out, Peak Sustainability forms a key part of

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