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MPA FOCUSES Head of Production, Netflix France

ON SUSTAINABILITY Netflix announced at the
beginning of the year that each
of its productions would be
subject to a carbon footprint.
What is the purpose of this?
How can we improve the carbon
footprint of these productions?

Our ambition is to significantly
reduce the carbon footprint of Netflix
productions. That’s why we need
benchmarks to measure the progress
made on our French shoots. This is in
line with our global eco-responsibility
action plan, which started with an
accurate assessment of our carbon
footprint with the University of Bristol’s
DIMPACT laboratory. This allows us to
focus our efforts where we have the
greatest impact. But our approach does
not stop at simple evaluation: we also
want to encourage the emergence of
new technologies, which are essential
for making a real difference, by offering
French innovation players the
opportunity to test their solutions in
the field. This is the case, for example,
with TSF, which was able to test a
hydrogen fuel cell on the set of part 3
of Lupin.

THE MOTION PICTURE ASSOCIATION WILL HOST A PANEL DISCUSSION companies mirror in real life what they bring so powerfully
INDEPENDENTS. TOGETHER, THEY WILL EXPLAIN HOW THEY HAVE PUT What role do you think the film industry has in
INTO PRACTICE INITIATIVES TO MAKE THE INDUSTRY GREENER the fight against global warming? How can it
create desirable futures for audiences?
By Florian Krieg and Vincent Le Leurch C. R.: As a former president and CEO for the Jim Henson
Company, I had the pleasure and privilege of working for
CHARLES RIVKIN its founder. And Jim used to say something that has always
stayed with me. He said: “Media, if used properly, can be
Chairman and CEO, MPA a force for good in the world.” There is no doubt that his
beloved creations — the Muppets and the films and TV
The MPA is heavily involved in many areas such What actions do you take with your members? series they were in — fulfilled that piece of wisdom. They
as the fight against piracy. Its actions in favour C. R.: The MPA member companies have all recognised became icons for generations of children around the world.
of eco-responsibility are less known. How do that sustainability is of vital importance to our industry The global drawing power that we have as an industry is
you take part in this issue which is becoming and our planet. For us that means that we have a moral enormous. And few issues could be more compelling than
more and more important in the industry? responsibility to make deep and systematic changes to the the dangers that climate change poses to all of us. With
way we do business by making sustainability an integral the stories we are capable of bringing to the screen and the
Charles Rivkin: Our studios have recognised for some part to production and all aspects of the business. ways we conduct ourselves as an industry, we have it in our
time that sustainability is good business. We — the We will have a wonderful panel to discuss the very power to make a difference.
members of the film and television industry — have concrete steps that are being taken to address this vital
always been drivers of creative and technological issue, not just by our members. But let me just say this, Can rising energy costs lead to a more rapid
innovation. The MPA co-operates closely with the as an industry with the storytelling power to move hearts transformation of the sector?
Sustainable Production Alliance (SPA), which is a across cultures, and the ability to reach billions around C. R.: I don’t think that we need particular motivations to
consortium of the world’s leading film, television and the globe, our stories can also move the minds and drive change and increase our commitment to sustainability
streaming companies dedicated to advancing sustainability behaviours of audiences. And the MPA members are within our studios. Remember their studio lots are in
initiatives through advocacy, education and innovation doing that in so many ways. We can also help to make southern California, where fires and water droughts are
while reducing the industry’s overall environmental positive change by the way we operate behind the camera. frequent reminders of the consequences of climate change.
impact. More recently we also joined SAG-AFTRA, and How we follow sustainable practices in our studios, in While there is a lot that we have done, there is always more
other guilds and unions and environmental groups, to our offices and in the communities where we produce we can do. As positive influencers, we must continue to
launch Green Council, a campaign to inspire audiences films and TV shows. And indeed, the MPA member strive to do better, and to do more. And as an industry, we
and consumers to take their own actions on sustainability. are doing that. We have two representatives from MPA
member companies, a prominent independent producer
and the vice-president from Euro-MEI representing the
unions. Change can only be driven through collaboration
and collective efforts. And you’ll hear more about the
commitments and actions at the event. ✦

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