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P. 24
Wednesday 9 Mayednesday 9 May
Thankfully our hero will be able to count on his HEAVY TRIP (Premiere) went through a lot of difficulties with the spirit
friend the black ant that flies to the rescue from Finland, 90’, Comedy. of never giving up, finally he becomes a nation-
has a proposition that provides Alec with a the other side of the world. Palais B al player.
clean slate. He will pay all his debts in Next screening: 10 May, 17:30, Lerins 2 Sales: Levelk (Croisette 55 Scandinavia Stand)
exchange for Alec moving to Nova Scotia for Section: Market SKATE KITCHEN
one year. He arrives to Lunenburg, the small DINO KING: Director: Juuso Laatio, Jukka Vidgren USA, 106’.
rural town where his uncle owns a house. To JOURNEY TO FIRE MOUNTAIN Casting: Torstein Bjørklund, Minka Kuustonen, Palais J
make a living, Cecilia (Camilla Luddington) the Australia, 92’, Animation. Ville Tiihonen Sales: Charades
local veterinary he befriends places an ad for Lerins 4 Synopsis: Turo (25) is trying to overcome his (3 Rond-Point Duboys D'Angers)
him in the local weekly newspaper offering his Sales: Odin'S Eye Entertainment (Booth M2) fears by leading the most unknown heavy met- Section: Market
services in repairing electrical components. Section: Market al band in Finland, Impaled Rektum, to the hot- Director: Crystal Moselle
Trying to cleverly allure the townspeople, he Director: Han Sang-Ho test metal festival of Norway. The journey Synopsis: A teen girl gets on the ride of her life
decides to print “The Healer, I fix anything elec- Casting: Hee Soon Park includes heavy metal, grave robbing, Viking when she joins all-girl New York skateboard
trical that is broken”. The ad is misprinted and Synopsis: An action packed family adventure heaven and an armed conflict between Finland collective Skate Kitchen and falls for a mysteri-
it seems Alec is claiming to be an actual mysti- that combines the realism of Walking With and Norway. ous guy in the scene.
cal healer of people. The townspeople flock to Dinosaurs with the heart of Finding Nemo. Next screening: 12 May, 15:30, Palais D Next screening: 13 May, 14:00, Gray 1
hire his services but Alec dissuades them Speckles, a ferocious Tarbosaurus and his young
explaining the misprint. What's extraordinary son Junior, mourning the loss of their family in PIG AS NEEDED (Premiere)
and unexplainable is that those that do go and an epic battle, roam the lands in search of food, Iran, 107’, Comedy. Italy, 92’, Comedy.
see Alec, are getting cured of their ailments! adventure and peace. Under the watchful eye Palais D Riviera 2
Rumour spreads, Alec definitely heals. As much of his Dad, Junior is growing up healthy and Sales: Films Boutique Sales: True Colours Glorious Films
as Alec yearns to avoid being attributed any strong, but with an overconfidence thanks to (Booth G3) +04 92 99 32 20 (Booth C1)
healing powers, more bizarre events keep his young age. After one such encounter results Section: Market Section: Market
occurring. Dogs seem absolutely fascinated in Junior being kidnapped, Speckles embarks Director: Mani Haghighi Director: Francesco Falaschi
with him; the local priest Father Malloy (Jorge on an adventure to the ends of earth to find Casting: Hassan Majooni, Leila Hatami Casting: Vinicio Marchioni, Valeria Solarino,
García) who has a heart attack and is certifiably Junior. Encountering friend and foe, ally and Synopsis: Hasan is full of rage. He's been Luigi Fedele
dead comes back to life; and a deaf old man enemy, Speckles will stop at nothing and will blacklisted and hasn't been allowed to make a Synopsis: Arturo, a 40-year old chef with a
troubled past, is assigned to serve community
tells his wife to stop screaming at him. Alec, in take on all comers to save his offspring. film in years. His star, a woman he adores, is services as a cooking teacher at the San
shock, is discovering the family secret he pos- Next screening: 10 May, 12:00, Palais E impatient and wants to work with other direc- Donato Institute for a group of guys with
ses.... a gift.... The gift of healing. Alec must tors. His wife seems to have fallen out of love Asperger’s syndrome. Guido, 20-year old with a
now make a conscious choice: to accept or MY GUY (Premiere) with him, and his mother has become old and great talent and a lot of passion for cooking, is
reject such a gift. The arrival of Abigail, a teen- France, 100’, Drama. is slowly losing her mind. Worst of all, film one of the pupils. In the meantime, Arturo is try-
age girl with terminal cancer, wise beyond her Olympia 3 directors across the city are being murdered ing to convince his teacher Celso to open a res-
years, provides Alec with a last chance to con- Sales: Orange Studio (35 Bd La Croisette) one after the other, but the serial killer is inex- taurant together, but in vain. Just as Arturo was
sider the purpose of his life. Section: Market plicably ignoring him. Hasan's feelings are hurt: nearing end of his sentence and planning to
Director: Marion Vernoux isn't he the most accomplished filmmaker in move in the north to manage a restaurant
STRIKE (Premiere) Casting: Nicolas Duvauchelle, Ana Girardot, town? So why is he being neglected? All these owned by the shady fixer Corradi, he is invited
United Kingdom, 95’, Animation. Béatrice Dalle frustrations come to a head when, through a by Anna, the institute’s psychologist, to accom-
Gray 4 Synopsis: The life of Piotr and Marilyn, a series of bizarre misunderstandings, he pany Guido as a mentor to a cooking talent
Sales: Hollywood Classics International/101 young suburban couple, is suddenly shattered becomes the prime suspect in the serial murder show in Tuscany. Arturo hates talent shows but
Films International by a car accident. Suffering from a head trau- case. Social media are abuzz, Hasan has to reluctantly accepts. Furthermore, Arturo finds
(Booth 20.03) +353 87 251 7136 ma, Piotr is not in his right mind anymore, come up with an ingenious plan to restore his out that the the president of the show’s jury is
Section: Market though he still remains quite good-looking: he his ex-business partner Daniel Marinari, now a
Director: Trevor Hardy continually switches from apathetic to horny DISCARNATE (Premiere) celebrity chef, who Arturo considers responsible
Casting: Ken Stott, Lizzie Waterworth-Santo, with an unbridled sex-drive. For Marilyn, con- USA, 87’, Thriller. for his past troubles. Arturo and Guido will for-
Naomi Mcdonald vinced that her love can save him, it is the Palais F cibly have to spend time together for several
Synopsis: To save his family a young miner beginning of a wild and unpredictable journey. Sales: Octane Entertainment (Booth M6) days, both during the various tests and in the
mole needs to defeat a mobster cat and get Next screening: 11 May, 09:30, Olympia 3 Section: Market time between them. Bit by bit, though, their
selected to play in the Wild World Soccer Cup. Director: Mario Sorrenti conflictual relationship will turn into a friend-
Next screening: 13 May, 16:00, Gray 5 SUPPORT THE GIRLS (Premiere) Casting: Thomas Kretschmann, Nadine ship that will make both of them question their
USA, 94’, Comedy. Velazquez, Josh Stewart, Bex Taylor-Klaus prejudices and that will lead Arturo toward
MINUSCULE - THE MANDIBLES Olympia 7 Synopsis: A neuroscientist's obsession with a new personal and professional choices. And it
FROM FAR AWAY (Premiere) Sales: Myriad Pictures drug that expands the human mind inadvert- will be the right at the end of the show, during
France, 90’, Animation. Trailer (25 Bd La Croisette, 3 Floor) ently unleashes a deadly supernatural force on the final competition, that the true winners and
Lerins 2 (Press Allowed) Section: Market his team. losers will be decided.
Sales: Futurikon (Booth L10) Synopsis: The general manager at a highway- Next screening: 12 May, 12:00, Lerins 1 Next screening: 12 May, 16:00, Riviera 1
Section: Market side ''sports bar with curves" has her incurable
Director: Thomas Szabo, Hélène Giraud optimism and faith, in her girls, her customers, RISE OF THE LEGEND (Premiere) ANOTHER DAY OF LIFE (Premiere)
Synopsis: In the conditioning unit of a small and herself, tested over the course of a long, Malaysia, 110’, Biography. Poland, Spain, 85’, Animation.
chestnut can factory in a quiet little country vil- strange day. Palais H Arcades 3 (Priority badges only)
lage, a young ladybug gets trapped by accident Sales: Ori Pictures / Ori Animation (Booth C2) Sales: Indie Sales
in a cardboard box shipped to the Caribbean. RAI COM PRIVATE SCREENING Section: Market Section: Market (Special Screenings)
His parent sets off for the paradise archipelago (Premiere) Director: Teng Bee Director: Raúl De La Fuente, Damian Nenow
to find his little kid and free him. Once he final- Unknown, 102’. Casting: Chongwei Lee, Kok Huang Mark Lee, Synopsis: Warsaw, 1975. Kapuscinski (43) is a
ly makes it there, our hero finds himself entrust- Olympia 9 Yann Yann Yeo, Jake Eng, Tosh Chan brilliant veteran journalist, an idealist and a
ed with a double mission: find his offspring and Sales: Rai Com (Booth A8) Synopsis: Rise Of The Legend is a story about friend of lost causes and revolutions. At the
save his new Caribbean ladybug friends’ home Section: Market Lee Chong Wei, who was born in a poor family. Polish Press Agency, he convinces his boss to
threatened by a human construction site. Next screening: 11 May, 16:00, Arcades 2 He has the talent of playing badminton and send him to Angola where a bloody civil war