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                                                            Wednesday 15 May

                 GRAND ISLE (Premiere)          Next screening: 19 May, 12:00, Gray 1  THE BEARS’ FAMOUS      scared and helpless, they’re forced to become
                 USA, 97’, Thriller.                                           INVASION (PREMIERE)            matching mates of the three islander brothers
                 Palais I                                                      France, Italy, 80’, Animation.  who’re raised by their grandmother on the
                 Sales: VMI Worldwide (Cormoran Ii, 2nd Floor)  THE ARTIST’S WIFE (Premiere)  Olympia 7 (Priority Badges Only)  island in isolation from the outside world.
                 Section: Market                USA, 94’, Drama.               Sales: Pathé Films (Ibis Entrance, 4a/E)
                 Director: Iver William Jallah, Stephen S.   Gray 2 (Invite only)  Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)
                 Campanelli                     Sales: Celsius Entertainment (20bis Rue Des   Director: Lorenzo Mattotti  RUN (Premiere)
                 Casting: Nicolas Cage          Serbes, 2nd Floor)             Synopsis: To find his long lost son and food to   United Kingdom, 78’, Drama.
                 Synopsis: Walter Franklin (Cage) lives alone   Section: Market  survive the winter, the great bear king leads his   Palais J
                 with his wife Fancy in a Victorian house on a   Director: Tom Dolby  clan down from the mountains and into the   Sales: Film Constellation (Dauphin Entrance,
                 quiet island in Louisiana. Walter is awoken in   Casting: Bruce Dern, Lena Olin, Juliet Rylance  world of men. After escaping terrible monsters   2nd Floor)
                 the middle of the night by a home invader, he   Synopsis: Claire, wife of famed artist Richard   and defeating an evil duke, the bears and men   Section: Market
                 swiftly guns down the invader but destroys his   Smythson and once a promising artist herself,   live together in peace – for a time.  Director: Scott Graham
                 fence in the process. Walter hires Buddy to   has been living in the shadow of her husband’s   Next screening: 17 May, 15:30, Olympia 7  Casting: Mark Stanley, Marli Siu, Amy Manson,
                 quickly fix his fence but the job is put on hold   illustrious career.                       Anders Hayward
                 when a ferocious hurricane strikes trapping                                                  Synopsis: The Northern Scottish town of
                 Buddy at the Franklins’ residence. The night                  BLOODY MARIE                   Fraserburgh; where boys become men through
                 takes an expected turn and Walter is forced to   EXTRA ORDINARY. (Premiere)  Netherlands, 84’, Drama.  late-night drag racing as they dream of
                 frame Buddy for murder. When Detective Jones                  Palais B                       escapism. Like many, Finnie, a 36-year old
                 is brought in to lead the extensive investigation   Ireland, Belgium, 94’, Comedy.  Sales: Wide (G2/Palais -1 16.04 (Cannes Xr))  former street racer, now works at the local fish
                 he soon exposes the true identity and   Gray 4                Section: Market                factory with his teenage son, who is slowly
                 intentions of the conspirators.  Sales: Epic Pictures Group (Flamant Entrance,   Director: Guido Van Driel, Lennert Hillege  following in his footsteps. One night, struggling
                                                72)                            Synopsis: Graphic novelist Marie lives in the   to deal with his inner turmoil, and no longer
                                                Section: Market                Amsterdam Red Light District where she   able to ignore the fact that he’s going nowhere,
                 IN THE TRAP (Premiere)         Director: Mike Ahern, Enda Loughman  spends her time at home, in the pub and in the   he decides to go for one final joyride and risks
                 Italy, 90’, Horror.            Casting: Will Forte, Maeve Higgins, Claudia   liquor store. Horrific events in her next door   losing his family forever.
                 Riviera 1                      O’Doherty, Barry Ward          neighbours’ house stir Marie into action.  Next screening: 16 May, 10:00, Palais I
                 Sales: True Colours Glorious Films Srl (A10-C1)  Synopsis: A supernatural comedy in the tone
                 Section: Market                of What We Do In The Shadows, the film tells
                 Director: Alessio Liguori      the story of a driving instructor who must use   BEFORE I FORGET (Premiere)  TOMORROW’S A NEW DAY (Premiere)
                 Casting: Jamie Paul , Sonya Cullingford , David   her other-wordly gifts to save a lonely man’s   Brazil, 95’, Drama.  Spain, 101’, Drama.
                 Bailie                         daughter from a rock star looking to use her for   Palais D (Priority Badges Only)  Riviera 2
                 Synopsis: Philip has been a prisoner of himself   Satanic purposes.  Sales: Titanio Producoes  Sales: Filmax (A1)
                 and in his flat for two years. A labyrinthine flat   Next screening: 19 May, 09:30, Gray 4  Section: Market  Section: Market
                 which has become a refuge of unknown and                      Director: Tiago Arakilian      Director: Simone Spada
                 extreme evil that haunts him every night trying               Casting: Jose De Abreu, Danton Mello, Guta   Casting: Valerio Mastandrea, Marco Giallini,
                 to come in. .                  ALMOST A MIRACLE (Premiere)    Stresser, Mariana Lima, Leticia Isnard, Eucir De   Anna Ferzetti
                 Next screening: 17 May, 11:30, Riviera 2  Japan, 120’, Romance.  Sousa, Luiz Magnelli, Saulo Rodrigues, Augusto   Synopsis: True friendship lasts more than a
                                                Lerins 2                       Madeira                        lifetime.
                 17:30                          Sales: Nippon Tv (Ntv / Nippon Television   Synopsis: At 80 years old, Polidoro decides to   Next screening: 17 May, 15:30, Palais B
                                                                               demolish the stability of his comfortable life as
                                                Network Corp.) (B6)
                                                Section: Market                a retired judge and becomes business partner
                                                                               in a striptease club. These dark desires astonish  18:00
                 SCHOOL LIFE (Premiere)         Director: Ishii Yuya
                 France, 116’, Comedy.                                         his family. Beatriz, his daughter, decides to
                 Arcades 1                                                     officially interfere in court, claiming that her   GET IN (Premiere)
                 Sales: Gaumont (2 Rue Bivouac Napoleon)   SWEETHEARTS         father is loosing his mental health. Subpoenaed   France, Belgium, 100’, Thriller.
                 +33 4 93 68 90 20              Germany, 105’, Comedy.         to testify, his son Paulo declares incapable to   Arcades 2
                 Section: Market                Lerins 4                       give an opinion because he hasn’t been in
                 Director: Grand Corps Malade, Mehdi Idir  Sales: Picture Tree International Gmbh (J7)  touch with his father for years. The judge   Sales: Wtfilms (32 Rue Des Serbes (B), 6th
                 Casting: Zita Hanrot, Alban Ivanov, Soufiane   Section: Market  sentences both father and son to spend time   Floor)
                 Guerrab, Moussa Mansaly        Director: Karoline Herfurth    with each other for some time and, then, he   Section: Market
                 Synopsis: Fresh from the South of France,   Casting: Karoline Herfurth, Hannah   would ask Paulo his opinion on his father’s   Director: Olivier Abbou
                 Samia, a young educational consultant, arrives   Herzsprung, Frederick Lau  health. In the unusual setting of the strip club,   Casting: Leonard Glowinski, Stéphane Caillard
                 in a difficult middle school in the suburbs of   Synopsis: It’s double trouble when fate and an   both of them will have their lives turned as,   Synopsis: Paul Diallo, a history teacher, lives a
                 Paris. With Moussa and Dylan, two hall   ill-executed diamond robbery throw Mel and   after a long time, they will put differences aside   quiet life with his wife and kid. During
                 monitors who also master punchlines, she runs   Lise together in a race and chase against time.  and get together.  summertime, he lends his house to his son’s
                 the School Life team that supervises students   Next screening: 17 May, 13:30, Arcades 3     babysitter and her boyfriend. When they return,
                 throughout the school year. Passionate about                                                 the Diallo family finds a closed door - locks
                 her job and assisted by the school’s teachers                 TOKYO GHOUL ‘S’ (Premiere)     have been changed and the new occupants
                 and her colleagues, Samia will do all she can to   THE INVISIBLE LIFE   Japan, 95’, Action/Adventure.  maintain they are in “their home”. With no one
                 motivate discouraged kids and show them that   OF EURÍDICE GUSMÃO (PREMIERE)  Palais F (Invite Only)  to turn to, Paul gets closer to Mickey, a shady
                 a brighter future is possible…  Brazil, 135’, Drama.          Sales: Shochiku Co., Ltd (G15)  local man with a penchant for all things
                 Next screening: 16 May, 09:15, Arcades 1                      Section: Market
                                                Olympia 1                      Director: Takuya Kawasaki, Kazuhiko Hiramaki  extreme and illegal. Soon the once anti-violent
                                                Sales: The Match Factory (25 La Croisette) +33                teacher is approaching the point of no return...
                 SHE’S MISSING                  6 43 63 46 73                                                 Next screening: 22 May, 10:00, Riviera 1
                 Ireland, 103’, Drama.          Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)  CALL HEAVEN TO HEAVEN (Premiere)
                 Arcades 3                      Director: Aïnouz Karim         China, Hong Kong (China), 90’, Thriller.
                 Sales: Carnaby International Sales And   Casting: Carol Duarte, Julia Stockler, Fernanda   Palais H  BATTLE OF THE CLASSES
                 Distribution (23 Rue Mace, 2nd Floor)   Montenegro            Sales: Universe Films Distribution Co. Ltd (G11)  France, 104’, Drama.
                 +447493127126                  Synopsis: Rio de Janeiro, 1950. Euridice, 18   Section: Market  Gray 1
                 Section: Market                and Guida, 20, are two inseparable sisters. They   Director: Oxide Pang  Sales: Orange Studio (35 La Croisette)
                 Director: Alexandra Mcguinness  live at home, and each has a dream: becoming   Casting: Kabby Hui, Joyin Choi, Yomi  Section: Market
                 Synopsis: A desert thriller in which an aspiring   a renowned pianist, or finding true love. .  Synopsis: Three young girls are mysteriously   Director: Michel Leclerc
                 rodeo queen goes missing.      Next screening: 17 May, 17:30, Olympia 9  captured and detained on an remote island,   Synopsis: Corentin, Paul and Sofia’s 9-year-old

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