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SCREENINGS                                                                                                  Friday 17 May
                                                                                                                                   DAY 4


                                                                 Friday 17 May

                 of their people. With this new special book,   Section: Market  show streamed live on the dark web. Held   Gray 5 (Press Allowed)
                 Salma sets off onto an adventure with her two   Director: Nicolas Blies, Stephane Hueber-Blies,   captive by a sadistic ringmaster their survival   Sales: Habanero (H6 (Marina Club))
                 brave and heart-warming foster brothers, Jorge   Denis Lambert  instincts are stretched to the limit as an unseen   Section: Market
                 and Pedro, to find the missing links to her fami-  Synopsis: Although our contemporary society   audience decide their fate.  Director: Juan Caceres
                 ly’s heritage in hopes to finally get to meet her   has ample legal arsenals to condemn sexual
                 long lost parents.             violence in times of war, impunity remains total.   IN THE TRAP (Premiere)  Casting: Steevens Benjamin, Alfredo Castro,
                 Next screening: 18 May, 14:00, Lerins 3  Men and women have only just started to raise   Italy, 90’, Horror.  Blanca Lewin, Gaston Salgado, Junior Valcin,
                                                their voices: by telling their stories, they engage   Riviera 2  Erto Pantoja, Daniel Antivilo
                 4X4                            us in their struggle for justice and the slow   Sales: True Colours Glorious Films Srl (A10-C1)  Synopsis: A Haitian immigrant living in Chile
                 Spain, Argentina, 88’, Thriller.  process of healing these deep wounds. Alisa is   Section: Market  has his precariously balanced life disrupted in a
                 Lerins 4 (Priority Badges Only)  a survivor of sexual violence during the   Director: Alessio Liguori  series of unexpected events that stoke a large
                 Sales: Latido Films (A5)       Donbass conflict in Ukraine, an area where war   Casting: Jamie Paul , Sonya Cullingford , David   anti-immigration sentiment in the city.
                 Section: Market                is not even recognised; Mark, one of the former   Bailie      CENTRAL PARTNERSHIP LINE-UP
                 Director: Mariano Cohn         interrogators in Guantanamo, denounces the   Synopsis: Philip has been a prisoner of himself   (Premiere)
                 Casting: Peter Lanzani, Dady Brieva  institutionalised system of sexual torture put in   and in his flat for two years. A labyrinthine flat   100’. Trailer
                                                place by the United States; Fatima, mother of
                 Synopsis: A high-end 4x4 is parked on a street   11-year-old Nora, abducted like thousands of   which has become a refuge of unknown and   Lerins 1
                 of a typical neighbourhood in Buenos Aires. A   other children and sexually tortured in the pris-  extreme evil that haunts him every night trying
                 young kid breaks into it to steal whatever he   ons of the Syrian regime… These stories con-  to come in. .  Sales: Central Partnership Sales House
                 can find, but when he tries to get out he   front us with the most obscure and horrendous    +89160116704
                 discovers that he can’t.                                                                     Section: Market
                                                mechanics of international institutions, a look   11:45
                 DOLCE FINE GIORNATA            backstage behind contemporary conflicts, spot-                ORDINARY HAPPINESS (Premiere)
                 Poland, 100’, Drama.           lighting those who have the courage to   DOUBLE TROUBLE -     Italy, 93’, Comedy.
                                                                               AND THE MAGICAL MIRROR
                 Olympia 3                      engage, resist and mobilise.   Germany, 90’, Children’s.      Lerins 3
                 Sales: Films Boutique (G3) +04 92 993220  Next screening: 22 May, 15:30, Lerins 1  Arcades 3  Sales: Rai Com (A8)
                 Section: Market                BIRDSONG (Premiere)            Sales: Arri Media International (M11)   Section: Market
                 Director: Jacek Borcuch        Belgium, 90’.                  +33 4 92 99 32 04              NO FILTER
                 Synopsis: Maria Linde, a free-spirited, Jewish   Palais B (Priority Badges Only)
                 Polish Nobel Prize winner, lives in Tuscany   Sales: MPM Premium (23 Rue Bivouac   Section: Market  France, 103’, Comedy.
                 surrounded by warmth and chaos in her                         Director: Marcus H. Rosenmüller  Olympia 4
                 family’s villa. A loving mother and grandmother,   Napoléon, 3rd Fl.)  Casting: Luis Vorbach, Jona Gaensslen,   Sales: Gaumont (2 Rue Bivouac Napoleon)
                 she also fosters a secret flirtation with the   Section: Market  Margarita Broich            +33 4 93 68 90 20
                 much younger Egyptian man who runs a   Director: Willemyns Hendrik  Synopsis: Frido is a fun-loving kid and just like   Section: Market
                 nearby seaside inn. After a terrorist attack in   DARK SENSE (Premiere)  most kids his age, a little lazy in school. One   Director: Eric Lavaine
                 Rome, Maria refuses to succumb to the                         day during a town fair he encounters a magical
                 hysterical fear and anti-immigrant sentiment   United Kingdom, 93’, Thriller.  mirror. .     Casting: Alexandra Lamy, José Garcia
                 that quickly emerge, deciding in her acceptance   Palais D                                   Synopsis: Béatrice, a vivacious, pretty woman
                 speech of a local honor to boldly decry Europe’s   Sales: 7 & 7 Producers’ Sales Service Ltd.   in her 40s, has written a book telling the story
                 eroding democracy—but she is unprepared for   (The Members Club, La Plage 45)  12:00         of her new life with her husband Frédéric. For
                 the public and personal havoc her comments   Section: Market  STANDING UP, FALLING DOWN      the past five years following a scooter accident,
                 wreak.                                                                                       Frédéric has been blind and has had major side-
                                                Director: Magnus Wake          (PREMIERE)                     effects: He says everything on his mind without
                 GOLDIE (Premiere)              Casting: Shane O’Meara, Jim Sturgeon, James   USA, 92’, Comedy.  filtering himself in a totally unpredictable
                 USA, 88’, Drama.               Robinson, Maggie Bain, Gordon Kennedy,   Arcades 2            way… It’s the summer and the couple heads
                 Olympia 6 (Press Allowed)      Siobhan Redmond, Sanjeev Kohli  Sales: Blue Fox Entertainment (29 Rue Du   off to the Basque country with their kids and
                                                                                                              gang of friends. Even if Béatrice took care to
                 Sales: Cercamon (D6)           Synopsis: Having foreseen his own death at   Commandant André)  change the names in her book, old quarrels and
                 Section: Market                the hands of a serial killer, a psychic must enlist   Section: Market  secret jealousies are revived. Frédéric is not the
                 Director: Sam De Jong          the help of an ex-special forces soldier to track   THE LENIN FACTOR  only one lacking filters…
                                                down the psychopath and evade the
                 Casting: Slick Woods, George Sample Iii,   government agents out to exploit his special   Russia, 120’, Historical.
                 Danny Hoch, Khris Davis, Marsha Stephanie   powers.           Gray 3                         MARONA’S FANTASTIC TALE (Premiere)
                 Blake, Gbenga Akinnagbe, Edwina Findley   THE SHARKS          Sales: Planeta Inform Film Distribution (M9)  France, 110’, Animation.
                 Dickerson, Alanna Renee Tyler-Tompkins,   Uruguay, Argentina, Spain, 80’, Drama.  Section: Market  Olympia 5
                 Jazmyn C. Dorsey, A$Ap Ferg                                   Director: Khotinenko Vladimir  Sales: Charades
                 Synopsis: Goldie is a star – well, not quite yet,   Palais F  Synopsis: It’s been almost three years since   (3 Rond-Point Duboys D’Angers)
                 but at least in the eyes of her little sisters   Sales: Visit Films (M4)  the bloodiest war in the history of humanity   Section: Market
                 Sherrie and Supreme she is. The rest of the   Section: Market  began – World War One. Having missed the   Director: Anca Damian
                 world is bound to take note soon too. Her big   Director: Lucía Garibaldi  beginning of the war while dedicating his life   Synopsis: Marona, at the end of her dog days,
                 break surely awaits, she’s just got to pick up   Casting: Romina Bentancur, Federico Morosini,   to the preparation of the revolution, Vladimir   reflects on those that she has loved uncondi-
                 that golden fur coat she’s had her eye on first.   Fabian Arenillas, Valeria Lois, Antonella   Lenin, currently living in exile in Switzerland,   tionally throughout her life. From her puppy
                 And land a role as a dancer in a hip-hop video.               now desperately seeks a way back to Russia to   days, through to her last woof. Marona’s life is
                 And keep child welfare services from   Aquistapache           take control. There are few options and the   a lesson in love.
                                                Synopsis: While reports of shark sightings
                 separating her from Sherrie and Supreme, after                most viable one is also the most dangerous– to   Next screening: 20 May, 16:00, Olympia 5
                 their mother is locked up. Holding onto those   create panic in a small beach town, 14-year-old   cross through German enemy territory by train.
                                                Rosina begins to circle her own prey as her
                 dreams isn’t easy when fate has placed such   intense attraction to an older co-worker grows.  Enter Parvus; the most infamous of political   WAITING FOR ANYA (Premiere)
                 daunting obstacles in her path. With Goldie,                  opportunists! Parvus is obsessed with wealth   France, United Kingdom, 109’, Drama.
                 Dutch director Sam de Jong has delivered a real   FINALE (Premiere)  and destroying the Russian Empire and informs   Palais C (Invite Only)
                 New York film: raw and glamorous,   Denmark, 99’, Horror.     Lenin that he has made a deal with Germany   Sales: 13 Films (35 La Croisette, Villa Bernard)
                 unflinchingly realistic and relentlessly                      to sponsor his revolution and smuggle Lenin
                 optimistic, with a ton of heart and at least as   Palais H (Press Allowed)  and his comrades into Russia. Aware that mak-  Section: Market
                 much attitude.                 Sales: Jinga Films (G7) +447971845546  ing a deal with two devils could cost him every-  Director: Ben Cookson
                                                Section: Market                                               Casting: Noah Schnapp, Jean Reno, Anjelica
                 ZERO IMPUNITY                  Director: Soren Juul Petersen  thing including his political influence, Lenin   Huston, Thomas Kretschmann
                 Luxembourg, France, 93’, Documentary.  Casting: Anne Bergfeld, Karin Michelsen,   knows he must outsmart and outmaneuver   Synopsis: During World War II a young boy
                                                                               Parvus and the Germans at any cost...
                 Olympia 9 (Press Allowed)      Damon Younger                                                 named Jo stumbles on a dangerous secret:
                 Sales: Indie Sales             Synopsis: Two gas station attendants   PERRO BOMBA (Premiere)  children are being smuggled out of Nazi-
                 (2 Rue Bivouac Napoléon, 5th Fl.)  unwittingly become the stars of a terrifying   Chile, 80’, Drama.

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