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                                                                                                                       Sunday 19 May 2019

                  FIVE PRODUCERS TO WATCH                                                           FIVE FILMS IN THE PIPELINE

                  JAIME GONA                           dramas (Agustín Díaz Yanes’s Gold); thrillers   WHILE AT WAR
                                                       (Tu Hijo, by Miguel Ángel Vivas); horror
                  Gutsy enough to get behind Victor Garcia   (Veronica, by Paco Plaza) and genre-bending   Directed by the hugely popular Alejandro
                  León’s cult fi lm Selfi e, Gona is now attached   gems (Quién te Cantará, by Carlos Vermut).  Amenábar, who struck box-offi ce gold with
                  to the director’s current project, Los                                               The Others, Agora and drama The Sea Inside
                  Europeos. Back in 2016, his company Gonita   BEATRIZ BODEGAS                         — winner of the Oscar for Best International
                  produced Sergio Villanueva’s Los Comensales.                                         Feature Film in 2005 — this historical drama
                  Gona is currently working on Daniel Castro’s   Having nabbed a Goya for her work on The   features Karra Elejalde as author Miguel de
                  second full-length fi lm, El Profesor.  Fury of a Patient Man, Raúl Arévalo’s         Unamuno, as he locks horns with the Spanish
                                                       directorial debut, Bodegas is now engrossed     authorities and questions his own decisions
                  LEIRE APELLANIZ                      in producing a comedy by another actor,         in his role as Rector of the University of
                                                       Daniel Guzmán, a fellow Goya-winner for         Salamanca.
                  Head of the technical department at the San   Nothing in Return. Through her company La
                  Sebastián Film Festival, Apellaniz took the   Canica Films, she has also been a champion of   MADRE
                  plunge into production and direction in 2015   Jota Linares work, producing both Animales
                  with her debut fi lm El Último Verano, a   sin Collar and Who Would You Take to a     Sharing a title with director Rodrigo
                  documentary shortlisted by festivals   Deserted Island?                              Sorogoyen’s earlier, Oscar-nominated short fi lm,
                  including Karlovy Vary. In 2017, she co-                                             this full-length spin-off centres on the ordeal of
                  produced Mudar la Piel, by Ana Schulz and   MARTÍN SAMPER                            a women who receives a disturbing phone call
                  Cristóbal Fernández. At present, she’s busy                                          from her son. Earlier this year, Sorogoyen was
                  co-producing Chema Garcia Ibarra’s fi rst   After cutting his teeth with Filmax, Samper   awarded the Goya for Best Director for
                  feature-length project, Espíritu Sagrado.  founded his own company, No Hay Banda, in   The Realm, a fi lm about political corruption
                                                       2008. Samper is a devotee of arthouse           that clearly struck a chord with audiences
                  ENRIQUE LÓPEZ LAVIGNE                cinema and was an associate producer on         outside Spain.
                                                       Sergi Pérez’s El Camí Més Ilarg per Tornar a
                  Through his company Apache Films, Lavigne   Casa and on Ana by Day, by Andrea Jaurrieta.   A THIEF’S DAUGHTER
                  has just wrapped up work on Paco Cabezas’   His latest project, 7 Reasons to Run Away
                  latest offering, Adiós. His impressive résumé   (from Society), was directed by Gerard   The directorial debut of Catalan fi lmmaker
                  includes musicals (Holy Camp!, directed by   Quinto, Esteve Soler and David Torras and is   Belén Funes reunites real-life father and
                  Javier Ambrossi and JavierCalvo); period   set to premiere at SXSW in Austin.        daughter Eduard and Greta Fernández. The
                                                                                                       younger Fernández plays a mother whose daily
                                                                                                       routine is turned upside down by the return of
                                                                                                       her father, following years of silence. The fi lm
                                                                                                       explores the irreparable harm that families can
                 editing, always with the aim of bringing out the best in each   tries to convince her daughter not to kill herself, but his big-  infl ict.
                 moment,” Triola says.                    screen debut took place back in 2010 with Finisterrae, a film
                 The Galician mountains provide the backdrop for Fire Will   that follows two ghosts as they set off on the Camino de   EL AÑO DEL DESCUBRIMIENTO
                 Come, the latest film from Oliver Laxe, who shone at   Santiago, and winner in Rotterdam. He went on to stun
                 Directors’ Fortnight in 2010 with You All Are Captains, filmed   audiences for a second time with The Distance, in 2014.   This co-production between Spain (LaCima
                 in Morocco. He returned to African climes with Mimosas                                Producción) and Switzerland (Alina Films) is
                 (winner of the Grand Prize at Critic’s Week in 2016) and will  TORRAS ON THE MOVE     the latest offering from Luis López Carrasco,
                 now grace the Un Certain Regard section with this exploration   Another Catalan filmmaker, Carles Torras, is taking part in   who was part of fi lm collective Los Hijos and
                 of the conflict between a pyromaniac and a firefighter. Andrea   2019’s Producers on the Move, organised by European Film   later he´d direct El Futuro. Using amateur
                 Vázquez is making her debut as one of the producers of a film  Promotion with support from the MEDIA Programme.   actors from La Unión and Cartagena (Murcia)
                 that’s set to take the world by storm: “Making a film is an   Torras pocketed the Golden Biznaga at the Malaga Spanish   and his familiar blend of reality and fi ction,
                 opportunity for personal growth; it has to be something of a   Film Festival in 2016 for the disturbing Callback, filmed in   Carrasco’s new project revisits the
                 challenge, with obstacles to overcome. Laxe is demanding; his   NYC. He is now on the hunt for partners for his latest film   contradictions of Spain’s recent past.
                 films need that rigour to come to life. If you want to work   in the role of director–producer: The Paramedic, a project that
                 with non-professional actors, in real settings and in real time,   he describes as “still my kind of film, with a darkness to it — a   EYE FOR AN EYE
                 if you’re looking for that truth, you have to break the mould   psychological thriller that’s also about people”. Through his
                 when it comes to production. Our greatest achievement as   company Zabriskie Films, Torras says, “I like having   Backed by the MEDIA Programme and
                 producers on this film is that we were able to resist the   connections to the industry and helping other talented young   co-produced between Spain and France,
                 conventional production model and preserve the creative  filmmakers with unique perspectives — supporting high-  Paco Plaza’s thriller sees the Valencian director
                 interest of the project, adapting our work to the demands of   quality films that have a chance of being selected for the   decamp to Galicia, where a nurse (played
                 the film and questioning ourselves every step of the way and   festival circuit while still achieving commercial success. Like   by Luis Tosar) is drawn into a life-altering
                 at every automatic industry reflex. In many cases we ended   other directors, I like having my own company so I can have   relationship with a drug dealer. Violence,
                 up working in a very unorthodox way, but with the conviction   tighter control over my projects.” He also feels that “the public   betrayal and fractious family relationships
                 that we owed it to our vision to be brave. None of this would   institutions that safeguard filmmaking in Europe are very   abound in this sure-fi re hit from the director
                 have been possible without the mutual trust between Oliver   important, because they ensure that better-quality films can   of [REC 3].
                 and the entire cast and crew.”           get off the ground”. At Cannes this year he’ll be looking for
                                                          partners for the television series La Invasión, created by Héctor
                 CABALLERO ON THE ROAD                    Hernández Vicens (The Corpse of Anna Fritz) and the film
                 A different kind of festival, Sonar — the music festival   Upon Entry, to be directed by Alejandro Rojas y Juan S.
                 launched in Barcelona in 1994 — has always enjoyed an   Vázquez.
                 avant-garde image in keeping with its programme. Sergio  Finally, Spanish cinema’s disregard for thematic or genre limits
                 Caballero, one of Sonar’s founders, has set himself the   deserves a mention: Manuel Cristobal, through his company
                 challenge of reworking his audiovisual works into a concept  Dragoia Media, is currently working on an ambitious 3D
                 that transcends advertising. Caballero has brought the latest   animation film that will premiere in China, a production
                 of these projects to this year’s Directors’ Fortnight Je Te Tiens   partner on the film, sometime next year. It’s called
                 takes us on a car journey through a breathtaking tundra   Dragonkeeper, it’s directed by Ignacio Ferreras and Li Jianping
                 landscape, during which a mother (played by Ángela Molina)  and it’s based on the novel series by Carole Wilkinson.✦

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