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NEWS                                                                                                   Friday 11 May 2018
                                                                                                                                   DAY 4

                 NEW PLAYER RISE UP             CANNES Q&A:
                 LAUNCHES IN CANNES
                 WRITER director, and producer Maria
                 Pulera is launching her production and   ELLEN WANDER
                 distribution company, Rise Up, in Cannes
                 with partners Eric Banoun and David
                 Hillary, it was announced today.  PRESIDENT, FILM BRIDGE INTERNATIONAL
                 The company is backed by a Spanish-
                 Israeli finance fund. The goal is to shoot   What was your first Cannes    focused on great material as we are
                 and distribute three to four globally   and what were you doing    getting more involved in producing our
                 diverse stories told through a range of   there that year?    own films as well as solidifying our base
                 different voices each year.    My first Cannes, I was Senior Vice-  of distributors. Sales agents have a keen
                 Its first production, Between Worlds,   President of International Distribution   understanding of the market, its tastes
                 starring Nicolas Cage, Franka Potente,   for Turner Pictures. I was hired to find   and its values. We understand that films
                 and Penelope Mitchell, centres on a   cinema releases for films TNT produced   have to be made for a budget that’s
                 spiritually gifted woman who enlists    for broadcast in the US   reflective of the market.
                 Joe (Cage) in an attempt to recover
                 the lost soul of her comatose daughter,    What are you doing there    What’s the state of the industry
                 Billie (Mitchell).             this year?                     from your perspective?
                 Altogether, the company has seven new   We are expanding market opportunities   As technology evolves, the industry is
                 projects greenlit. The first to go into   for Film Bridge International.  We have   shrinking. There are fewer distributors
                 production is the Spanish neo-noir title,   our first major action title: Assassin’s   and fewer cinema release opportunities
                 El Matador, which Pulera penned and will   Club which we are very excited about.   for features. Studios dominate cinemas.   © DR
                 direct in Spain in July.       Also, we have our first faith-based film,   In the past, independent distributors
                 The story follows an assassin who takes   An Interview With God starring David   often released as many as 10 titles a   to which James was attached as a
                 on his final job and a beautiful singer in    Sraithairn and Brenton Thwaites, and an   month in DVD and cinema. Now most   producer.  Ismail cooked a fabulous
                 a nightclub who is witness to it all. A   engaging, smart, musical romance, Mya   are releasing eight, if not fewer, a year.   Indian dinner
                 second project, Johnny Thunders, is the   to be directed by the brilliant and world   Expanding digital platforms certainly
                 biopic about American punk rock hero   renowned choreographer Fatima   have an appetite for features offering   Best and worst Cannes films?
                 Johnny Thunders of the New York Dolls.   Robinson. The film has major market   outlets for independent producers. That   Best — the Palais screening of Midnight
                 The feature film will be directed by   potential as the film is relatable to any   said, the independent market is   In Paris was a great moment. The
                 Swedish director Jonas Akerlund whose   culture. Additionally, we are presenting   absolutely more competitive now.   audience loved the film and adored
                 recent film, Lords of Chaos, was shown    other titles that we will be financing and   Lenders are increasingly conservative,   Woody Allen. Worst — no worst. It’s
                 at Sundance this year.         producing. We have a new financial   which alters the financing plan, making   very difficult to make a movie, and it’s
                 Meanwhile, The Clean Up is a violent   partner enabling us to be more aggressive   equity more important.  More than ever,   extraordinarily difficult to make a good
                 contemporary noir thriller in the vein    in the marketplace; as are always hunting   success requires really outstanding   movie. Every film has merit for the effort
                 of Pulp Fiction, and is written,   for good material. Cannes is an ideal   material. Finding that material, is the   involved.
                 to be directed by Alex Turner.  place to meet with film-makers that we   tough part.
                 No-No Boy is based on the only novel   want to work with and certainly a good                Favourite hang out?
                 published by Japanese-American writer   place to learn about international   Best and worst Cannes moments?  I don’t have time to hang out, but I often
                 John Okada, and is to be directed by   production incentives as they expand   As I look back today, I’m not sure if it was   enjoy my last day in Cannes at the small
                 Musashi Alexander. After World War II,   around the world.    my best or worst Cannes moment: lunch   restaurant on the Ile Sainte-Honorat. It’s
                 Ichiro Yamada, a Japanese American                            with Harvey Weinstein at the Carlton   overpriced but the ambiance is lovely. A
                 student returns home to a Japanese   What is your main focus?   Beach. My most memorable moment was   glass of rose, tables adjacent to the sea —
                 enclave in Seattle, Washington after   The market is changing, and although we    a small dinner party with James Ivory and   and rarely any market badges. Ideal spot
                 spending two years in an American   pay attention to trends, we also remain   Ismail Merchant. I was involved in a film   to unwind after 130 meetings.✦   LF
                 internment camp and two years in
                 federal prison for refusing to fight for
                 the US during World War II.    Reluctant director Khabensky                                  grasped very quickly what I had in mind,
                 In addition to the five feature films, Rise                                                  and sometimes shared their ideas. We
                 Up has two television series in the works.                                                   were shooting in Lithuania in autumn
                 Gaddafi Stories is a limited series based   makes his debut with Sobibor                     when real historical events took place —
                 on Gaddafi’s inside circle and close family                                                  and it’s a very short autumn there.
                 accounts. Finding the Good has been                                                          The professionalism of the actors allowed
                 created by Dominic Pulera, which takes a   USSIAN actor Konstantin   Olzanska, Wolfgang Cerny, and Felice   us to work at a great pace. I guess
                 tour of the world to find goodness in   Khabensky is in Cannes for    Jankell also star.     we wouldn’t have managed that
                 humanity, glamour and positivity.     the market screening of his   Khabensky had never intended to   with another cast,” he said.
                 “David Hillary and I hit it off instantly   directorial debut, Sobibor.   become a director. “I was sure that   And he believes he wouldn’t have ended
                 after producing Between Worlds    R The film tells the true story    I would never even try it, as it is a   up as director if it had been any other
                 together. We have the same ideas about   of a rebellion in the Polish death camp   completely different profession,” he said.   story. “It’s so strong, breathtaking, almost
                 what makes a good film and the kinds of   Sobibor in 1943 and its release   “I came to this film as an actor, and then   unimaginable. It was one of those big
                 stories we want told and to be put out   commemorates the 75th anniversary    I just got involved in the story. I started    challenges one just can’t turn down.”
                 into the world,” Pulera said. “Together   of this event   — the only successful revolt   to offer some ideas and solutions beyond  Sobibor is produced by Cinema
                 with my producing partner Eric Banoun,   against the Nazis throughout the whole   the scope of my role, and finally I got   Production and Fetisoff Illusion,
                 we knew joining forces to build our own   of World War II. The revolt was lead   the offer to become the director. I   with the support of Alexander Pechersky
                 company and produce our own films    by Soviet prisoner Alexander Pechersky    laughed at first, but we talked again   Foundation. The producers are Elmira
                 on our terms was the natural next step   and resulted in the setting free of several   after a couple of months, I gave it some   Aynulova, Gleb Fetisov and Mariya
                 for us. Cannes is the perfect platform    hundred prisoners of different   thought and finally accepted. It’s not up   Zhuromskaya.
                 to launch our company on the back of    nationalities, languages, cultures    to me to decide whether my debut is   The film pre-sold to France, Switzerland,
                 the debut of our very first film, Between   and faith.        successful or not. But I certainly don’t   the UK, Spain, Benelux, Poland, Hungary,
                 Worlds. I am very proud of this film and   The film stars Khabensky (Wanted, Night   regret this decision.”  Bulgaria, Japan, Australia, Israel and
                 look forward to many, many more.” ✦  Watch, Trotsky) as Pechersky; Christopher   Working with an experienced   Germany. All Media is distributing.✦
                                     Liza Foreman  Lambert, Maximillian Dirr, Mikhalina   international cast helped. “The actors   Julian Newby

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