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NEWS                                                                                               Wednesday 15 May 2019
                                                                                                                                   DAY 2

                 THE BUZZ
                 OF THE DAY                                                                                   SEE SAW WRAPS

                                                            EXCLUSIVE                                         PRINCIPLE
                                                                  ANDERSON                                    ON AMMONITE




                                                                  BODY AND

                  Laurie                                          BRAIN                                        See Saw’s Ammonite          © DR
                © DR  Anderson
                                                                                                                     EE-SAW Films, BBC Films and
                         HIRTY years after she   In all three experiences, the viewer can fly   people’s experiences.”  the BFI, have wrapped
                         premiered her debut film   — up to and around the moon, through   Anderson and Huang are fluid about   principle photography on the
                         Home of the Brave at Directors’   chalk drawings on multilayered   how, when and where people will see the   romantic drama Ammonite,
                         Fortnight, Laurie Anderson is   blackboards and inside a virtual aircraft.   works, although  “rather than just putting  S which stars Kate Winslet and
                  T back in Cannes with Go      In all three presentations the viewer takes   a headset on a chair, we prefer an   Saoirse Ronan. Fiona Shaw, James
                 Where You Look: Falling Off Snow   control using two virtual wrists/hands,   installation”, she said.    McArdle, Gemma Jones and Alec
                 Mountain, which comprises three VR   which are used to swoop, soar and   And they are discovering new ideas as   Secareanu round out the cast.
                 installations created with Taiwanese artist   interact with what appears in the scene at   they show these works. “One of my   Inspired by the life of Mary Anning, a
                 and filmmaker Hsin-Chien Huang.   any given time.             assistants in New York has a condition   Victorian-era paleontologist, the film is
                 Anderson describes the three works —   “The incredible thing about VR is that   where he can’t open his hands and it’s not   based on an original screenplay by
                 Aloft, Chalkroom and To The Moon — as   even though you are getting a lot of   the right time yet to have an operation.   BAFTA-nominated writer Francis Lee
                 “three poetically linked and   feedback from other senses, the eyes   He was a musician and he had to stop   who also directs.
                 complementary pieces”. They debut in   rule,” Anderson told Cannes Market   and now he’s a wonderful writer. He was   The film is being co-financed by the BFI
                 Directors’ Fortnight today, until May 25.   News. “Your feet tell you that you’re   doing Aloft, in which, like the others, you   (awarding National Lottery funding) and
                 The partnership between the two artists   standing in a safe place, but your eyes say   have virtual hands which you can see.   BBC Films. See-Saw developed the
                 dates back to 1994 when Huang won a   you’re falling.”        And while he was using it, his hands   drama with BBC Films and the BFI.
                 competition titled New Voices New   The pieces were created as separate works   opened — I just started crying and I took   Set in 1800s England, the story follows
                 Visions, for which Anderson was judge.   some two years ago and this is the first   pictures. He didn’t realise what had   Anning who works alone on the
                 She invited him to work with her on an   time they’ve been shown together. “We   happened so I showed him the pictures   southern coastline. Her famed
                 interactive CD-ROM for her album   didn’t have the foresight to create them as   afterwards.” She added: “You know, we   discoveries are behind her, as she
                 Puppet Motel, and since then, they have   a trilogy, but they work very well together   don’t know anything about the   searches for common fossils to sell to
                 worked together several times.  in the way you use your body,” she said.   connection between the brain and the   tourists to support herself and her ill
                 At the Cannes installation, at Le Suquet   “But you don’t see any people, except for   body. So this is a very exciting   mother. When a wealthy visitor asks
                 des Art(iste)s, a public art space in the old   a falling body in To The Moon, partly   development for VR. With the next thing   Mary to take care of his wife, she
                 town, the first door takes you To The   because VR people look unpleasant. They   we do we’re going to use that brain-body   cannot afford to turn the offer down.
                 Moon, the second to the Chalkroom and   look like they’re made of rubber. So this   connection.” ✦   Julian Newby  Although they at first clash, an intense
                 the third to Aloft.            is all about your perception and not other                    bond develops, compelling the two
                                                                                                              women to determine the true nature of
                                                                                                              their relationship.
                 SONY PICTURES STRIKES MULTI-TERRITORY                                                        Lee said: “I first came across Mary
                                                                                                              Anning when I was looking for a fossil
                 DEAL ON HANWAY’S THE SONG OF NAMES                                                           for my boyfriend. I was instantly drawn
                                                                                                              to this working-class woman who
                HANWAY Films has closed a multi-territory   (Japan), Frontrow (Middle East), Forum            despite being born disadvantaged
                deal with Sony Pictures Classics for François   (Israel), Cinesky (airlines/ships).           within a class-ridden, patriarchal society,
                Girard’s The Song of Names, starring Tim   Directed by Girard from a screenplay by            rose to being one of the leading
                Roth and Clive Owen. The deal includes   Jeffrey Caine, the film is based on the              authorities in her field, but whose
                Australia and New Zealand, Latin America,   award-winning novel by classical music            accomplishments went almost totally
                South Africa, Benelux, Portugal,   scholar Norman Lebrecht. Howard Shore                      unrecognised by her
                Scandinavia, South Korea, China, Pan-Asia   scored the film. Robert Lantos, Lyse              contemporaries.”✦   Liza Foreman
                Pay TV, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia,   Lafontaine and Nick Hirschkorn produced.
                Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand and   Described as a journey through friendship,
                Vietnam. Sony Pictures Classics previously   betrayal and reconciliation, The Song of
                acquired  US rights and will release the film   Names  is ultimately a detective story
                later this year. Additional deals have been   spread over two continents and half a            NEWS  THE  OFFICIAL  DAIL Y
                made with Prorom Media (Bulgaria,   century, culminating in the titular song. The
                                                                                                               JOIN US ON US ON
                Romania, Hungary), Monolith (Poland),   film shows that within the darkest of                  JOIN
                Discovery (former Yugoslavia), Bohemia   mysteries sometimes only music has the   © SERENDIPITY POINT FILMS
                Motion Pictures (Czech Republic and   power to illuminate the truth, heal and                  FACEBOOK
                Slovakia), Odeon (Greece), Mars Production   redeem. Elevation Pictures is distributing in
                (Turkey), Shaw (Singapore), Kino Films   Canada. ✦   Liza Foreman  Tim Roth in The Song of Names

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