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NEWS                                                                                               Wednesday 15 May 2019
                                                                                                                                   DAY 2

                ALL RIGHTS                      CANNES Q&A:

                GETS ANIMATED
                ALL RIGHTS Entertainment, the Hong Kong,
                Paris and Los Angeles-based film sales agency,   DAVID GARETT
                is presenting two high-profile animation films
                at the market — White  Snake and Jack  Blue.
                White Snake, directed by Amp Wong and Zhao   FOUNDER OF MISTER SMITH ENTERTAINMENT
                Ji, and produced by Light Chaser in association
                with Warner Bros., did well at the Chinese   What are your hopes for Cannes   The Language Of Flowers too
                                                                               has a life outside of the cinema.
                box-office in January and February of this   I hope to see the Terrence Malick movie,   How does this new movie
                year, overtaking such animation hits as Spider-  A Hidden Life, garner the recognition it   celebrate the Vanessa Diffenbaugh
                Man: Into the Spider-Verse and The Incredibles   deserves. It is truly a magnificent piece of   novel?
                2, with more than 450M RMB ($67 million in   filmmaking. Other than that, plenty of   What is interesting about all of our new
                box office). The film will have its international   sunshine and goodwill, and to sell out on   slate in Cannes is that they all have a
                premiere at the Annecy Film Festival next   all my movies!     brand and/or a strong literary
                June, followed by an Asian premiere at the                     provenance. We are already working
                Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival   Does the changing nature   on another project, The Pecan Man,    David Garett  © DR
                in July. Jack Blue, a Turkish project from   of the audience for film affect   with the same producer, Claude Dal
                Digiflame Productions, is produced by Binnur   how you do business, or do the   Farra, and as soon as he told us about
                Karaevli, and written by Raymond Singer and   old rules still work in the new   The Language Of Flowers we were   What’s your view on
                Eugenia Bostwick-Singer, the writers of   world?               hooked. Aside from having been on   the future of the international
                Disney’s classic Mulan. It will be completed in   Absolutely we have to bear in mind   the NYT best-seller list for a staggering   market for feature films?
                                                                                                              Do you expect further seismic
                                                                               69 weeks, this has a huge worldwide
                                                all of the changes and adapt. Some
                early 2020. Following several deals with high-  of the old rules still apply, but, as with   following having sold over two   changes?
                profile distributors (Roadshow Films, Sandrew   the music industry and many other   million copies and been translated   Strong narrative is always going to be at
                Metronome, KMBO, Viva Productions, and   businesses,  digital disruption has   into over 40 languages. That kind of   the heart of anything that demands our
                more), the Golden Horse-winning animation   radically changed the business   speaks for itself. But what I also love   eyeballs’ attention. I think the earthquake
                film Cats, which holds the all-time box-office   model for everyone in the food   about this is that it has a very unique   has happened already and we are now
                record for a Chinese animation film in Russia,   chain and we must be nimble and   concept. It is kind of like Chocolat but   experiencing the aftershocks. If we have
                is still available for a few countries. Also in the   understand and react to the demands   with flowers. And we have a superb cast   survived this far, our job is now to adapt
                line-up are three martial-arts films from China   of the new order.  to go with it.           and rebuild the model in a future-proof
                and Hong Kong: The Fatal Raid, starring                                                       way.
                Patrick Tam, Jade Leung and Kristy Yeung;   A re-imagining of Black Beauty.   Your current line-up of movies has
                Undercover, starring Philip Ng, Andy On and   What particularly attracted you to   a striking range of big names in   What else from Mister Smith
                Vanness Wu; and Crazy Fist, starring Huang   this project?     front of, and behind, the camera. Is   Entertainment in Cannes?
                Xiaoming, Zhao Wei and Collin Chou .  At the heart of Black Beauty is an   this always important?   Aside from having A Hidden Life in
                                                emotional love story and a reminder to all
                                                                                                              competition, we are also launching a
                                                                               I still believe that the script and
                All Rights Entertainment is also presenting   of us as to how important it is to keep a   provenance is key, but then all the other   theatrical re-boot of the horror franchise
                the feature debut of French director Benjamin   sense of humanity and respect for the   elements are the building blocks for the   Wrong Turn. This has been an
                Goalabré, Trunk, a thriller starring Michael   world around us. But this is also one of   master plan, and having strong elements   extraordinarily successful franchise,
                Madsen (who appears in Quentin Tarantino’s   the most widely read books of all time   attached both gives reassurance to the   which has around 2.5 million followers
                Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, in   and it has a universal appeal particularly   distributors and exhibitors, but also gives   on Facebook. This new version will be
                competition at the Festival) and William   to young girls and women of all ages. It is   you the ammunition to market and   going back to the strengths of the original
                Baldwin (now in Nicholas Winding Refn’s TV   something that has a super-broad reach   publicise and create maximum awareness.   theatrical movie from the same writer. It
                series Too Old to Die Young). ✦  Liza Foreman  and longevity.   That is so important.         promises to be a blast.✦    Julian Newby

                 Benetone Films finds Thai flavours in Cannes

                                                      ENETONE Films is introducing a   network of film professionals. The group   2030, in a world at the edge of a natural
                                                      range of Thai content, set to   has produced nine feature films and also   catastrophe. Ju Long is a socially awkward
                                                      shoot in Thailand and other   offers full services to foreign productions   12-year-old Chinese boy who lives with his
                                                      Asian countries, at this year’s   who shoot their films, series and TV   environmental scientist mother and Jiang,
                                               B Marché du Film.               commercials in Thailand. Benetone Films is   his sassy and rebellious cousin. He embarks
                                                “Thailand’s cinematography industry has   on a mission to evolve Thai content and   on a journey to rescue an artefact found in
                                                grown so much in the past few years, and   make it accessible on an international   their home that belongs to the mythical
                                                we are very excited to present original   slate.              Qilin. It is hoped it can rebalance the
                                                stories made by talented filmmakers that   This year’s films include Tokyo Fantasy, a   natural order of the Earth and save the
                                                Thailand and South-East Asia includes,”   love story between two imperfect people   dying world. While on their quest, the two
                                                Rachvin Narula, CEO of Benetone Films,   who heal the emptiness in each other’s   kids — joined by their neighbour Bai Cong
                                                said.                          lives. The film tells the story of a dreamy,   who would do anything to catch Jiang’s
                                                Benetone Films’ 2019 line-up includes a   imaginative Thai woman who comes to   attention — must escape villainous Ms
                                                Thai/Japanese romantic-comedy drama, a   share an apartment with a handsome   Wei Min and Mr Fang who plan to
                                                Chinese family-adventure feature and a   Japanese man in Tokyo, her newly   jeopardise their mission.
                                                horror story, among other projects, all   adopted city. As their relationship evolves   Benetone Films, together with the
                                                available for co-production deals.  from acrimonious, to accepting, to   Ministry of Commerce, Royal Thai
                                                A Marché du Film regular since 2013,   amorous, secrets emerge that profoundly   Government, will be exhibiting at booth
                                                Benetone Films has 17 years of experience   affect how they perceive each other.   number eight at the Thailand Cinema
                                                in the Thai and foreign audiovisual   Another title, Ju Long - The Quest for the   stand, 22.01, in the Palais, Level 01.✦
                                                industries, and a strong international   Qilin’s Lost Island, is set in the Bangkok of      Liza Foreman

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