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                                                                                                                            Sunday 19 May

 Sunday 19 May

                 Sales: Be For Films (A6) +33 6 14 34 37 55  Swastika Mukherjee, Atharva Padhhye  Schiltz, Jeanne Werner, Patrick Hastert  Director: Shahrbanoo Sadat
                 Section: Market (Directors’ Fortnight)  Synopsis: Synopsis – Babu, a 15-year-old boy from   Synopsis: When young girl Sue gets in contact with   Synopsis: In the late 1980s, 15-year-old Qodrat
                 Director: Ala Eddine Slim      a small village in Konkan(Maharashtra), has not met   a liquid invented by her mother, a scientist, she is   lives in the streets of Kabul and sells cinema tickets
                                                                                                              on the black market. He is a big Bollywood fan and
                                                                               suddenly able to become invisible.
                                                his mother for many years due to her work in Paris.
                 Casting: Abdullah Miniawy, Souhir Ben   The boy and his uncle, who is entrusted with the     he daydreams himself into some of his favorite
                 Amara, Khaled Ben Aissa        responsibility of taking him to his mother, start their   THE EULOGY (Premiere)  movie scenes. One day the Police bring him to the
                 Synopsis: S is a young soldier in the southern   journey to Paris, which turns out to be an   Australia, 99’, Documentary.  Soviet orphanage. But in Kabul the political situation
                 desert of Tunisia. When S learns about his   unforgettable sojourn for them. Babu’s quest for his   Palais I (Priority Badges Only)  is changing. Qodrat and all the children want to
                 mother’s death, he obtains a week’s leave and   mother with the help of his uncle reveals many   defend their home.
                 goes back home. He will never return to the   dimensions of human nature, feelings, and emotions.  Sales: Cinestaan International
                 camp. In his popular neighbourhood starts a                   Section: Market                20:00
                 man hunt after which S eventually escapes   IMPRISONED (Premiere)  Director: Hosking Janine
                 through the mountain. Few years later, F, a   USA, 104’, Drama.  Synopsis: The Eulogy, a feature documentary,   ISLAMOPHOBIA (Premiere)
                 young woman married to a rich business man   Lerins 3         answers this question. For the first time this film   Germany, 130’, Drama.
                 who has just settled in a luxurious villa, learns of   Sales: Cinema Libre International (F3)  unravels the truths and myths behind the life and   Palais B (Invite only)
                 her pregnancy. One morning, she goes out alone   Section: Market  career of one of Australia’s most brilliant, prolific   Sales: Peace Motion Pictures
                 for a walk in the forest. She will never come                 and least understood concert pianists.  Section: Market
                 back.                          Next screening: 20 May, 11:30, Riviera 2                      Director: Sarikaya Omer
                                                                               THE WHISTLERS (Premiere)
                 Next screening: 20 May, 17:30, Lerins 2  KUNG FOOD (Premiere)  Romania, France, Germany, 97’, Drama.  Casting: Mike Mitchell, Willma Elles, Chris
                 18:00                          China, 98’, Animation.         Palais K (Priority Badges Only)  Mulkey, Hripsime Sargsyan, Fanny Torres,
                 MY OUT-LAWS (Premiere)         Olympia 4                      Sales: MK2 Films (52 La Croisette)  Michael Berge, Pierre Dulat, Carlos
                                                                                                              Antonio León, Jesus Sans, Julia Helbich
                 France, 90’.                   Sales: Yi Animation Inc.       Section: Market (In Competition)
                                                Section: Market
                 Gray 1                                                        Director: Corneliu Porumboiu   20:30
                 Sales: Orange Studio (35 La Croisette)  PARADISE WAR (Premiere)  Casting: Vlad Ivanov, Catrinel Marlon  NEXT GENERATION SHORT TIGER 2019
                 Section: Market                Switzerland, 141’, Drama.      Synopsis: Not everything is as it seems for Cristi, a   (Premiere)
                 Next screening: 20 May, 15:30, Olympia 6  Olympia 8 (Invite Only)  police inspector in Bucharest who plays both sides   Germany, 98’, Drama.
                                                                               of the law. Enticed by the beautiful Gilda on a high-
                 THE GREAT WAR (Premiere)       Sales: Trustnordisk (10 Rue Buttura, 2nd   stakes heist, both will have to navigate the twists   Olympia 2
                 USA, 95’, Action/Adventure.    Floor) +4560298466             and turns of treachery and deception.  Sales: German Films Service & Marketing
                                                Section: Market
                 Gray 5                         Director: Hilber Niklaus       Next screening: 21 May, 17:30, Palais J  Gmbh (122) +33 4 92 59 01 80
                 Sales: VMI Worldwide (Cormoran Ii, 2nd                        BELLISSIME (Premiere)          Section: Market
                                                                                                              Synopsis: German Films invites you to discover
                 Floor)                         KETTLE (Premiere)              Italy, 82’, Documentary.       young German talents with the 22nd edition of
                 Section: Market                Russia, 96’.                   Riviera 1 (Invite Only)        the acclaimed annual program of recent German
                 Director: Steven Luke          Palais C                                                      shorts. The films scan deeply under the surface of
                 Casting: Ron Perlman, Billy Zane  Sales: Wide (G2/Palais -1 16.04   Sales: Fandango (A10-C1) +393479431358  current social topics and share fascinating
                 Synopsis: During the last days of the Great War, A   (Cannes XR)  Section: Market            perspectives with the audience. The program
                 group of US soldiers are sent behind enemy lines to   Section: Market  Director: Elisa Amoruso  includes the animations Armed Lullaby by Yana
                 rescue a lost platoon.                                        Synopsis: Three baby models and one Miss Over:   Ugrekhelidze, La Boutique by Andreas Fischer, Fest
                                                INVISIBLE SUE                  when beauty is a family business.  by Nikita Diakur, Milk Men by Michelle
                 AARON (Premiere)               Germany, 95’, Family.          Next screening: 20 May, 18:00, Olympia 4  Burakowski & Aljoscha Ramon Böhnert, and Nest
                 India, 116’, Drama.            Palais E                                                      by Sonja Rohleder; the documentaries Shapes by
                 Lerins 1                       Sales: Attraction Distribution   THE ORPHANAGE (Premiere)     Fariba Buchheim and Whose Hand Was It? by
                 Sales: Maharashtra Film, Stage & Cultural   (H6 (Marina Club))  Denmark, Germany, Afghanistan, France,   Minze Tummescheit, Sara Lehn & Arne Hector; the
                                                                               Luxembourg, 90’, Drama.
                                                                                                              narrative fiction shorts The Boy In The Chequered
                 Development Corporation Ltd (22.06)  Section: Market                                         Shirt by Aleksandra Odic, Jupiter by Benjamin
                 Section: Market                Director: Ubay Fox, Agus Pestol  Palais G (Priority Badges Only)  Pfohl, Mascarpone by Jonas Riemer, Moonjump by
                 Director: Omkar Shetty         Casting: Ruby M. Lichtenburg, Anna Shirin   Sales: Luxbox (23 Rue Bivouac Napoléon)  Lasse Holdhus, Myborder’s Joyfence by Michael
                 Casting: Shashank Ketkar, Neha Joshi,   Habedank, Lui Eckardt, Victoria Mayer, Luc   Section: Market (Directors’ Fortnight)  Kranz, and The Ink Doesn’t Dry by Felix Herrmann.
                            SHORT FILM
                                  CORNER                                          NEWS   THE  OFFICIAL  DAIL Y

                                                                                  A LFF Media publication, in partnership  Pre press
                                                                                  with Marché du Film         Etienne Hénocq
                   SUNDAY 19 MAY                14 :30                            Chief Editor                ([email protected])
                                                                                  Laurent Cotillon            Published by LFF Media.
                   15 :00                       Masterclass – Claire Denis        Managing Editor             Editorial, Advertising:
                                                moderated by Jean-Michel Frodon   Vincent Le Leurch           105, rue La Fayette, 75010 Paris
                   Screening – Directors’ Fortnight –   (Conference Room)         ([email protected])  Director of Publication
                   Program 1 (Théâtre Croisette)                                  Copy Editor                 Réginald de Guillebon
                                                                                  Debbie Lincoln
                                                14:45                             ([email protected])  Origination: Creatoprint, Printing
                   MONDAY 20 MAY                                                  Reporters                   Dist. Gilles Pierret, LD Prod
                                                Screening – Semaine de la Critique   Liza Foreman ([email protected])  May 2019
                   10:00                        – Special Short Films Screening 2   Julian Newby (Boutique Editions Ltd)
                                                (Miramar)                         ([email protected])  Cannes Market News
                   Panel – Building An Audience:                                  Advertising Director        13, square Mérimée   st
                   How To Make People Care About   16 :30                         Sylvie Marceau              (above La Potinière restaurant, 1  Fl.)
                   Your Film?                                                     Int’l Sales                 Advertising: +351 911 577 720
                   (Conference Room)            Long Story Short By Distributors:   Markus Duffner            Editorial: 04 97 06 39 81
                                                                                  ([email protected])
                   10:30                        Programmers, Buyers and           Artistic Director           The paper used for this publication is a recyclable
                                                Distributors Meet Up              Bruno Lesauvage             and renewable product. It has been produced using
                   Workshop: Pitch Training Session   (Israel Film Pavilion)      Photographer                wood sourced from sustainably managed forests,
                   with Ido Abram (Workshop Corner)                               Éric Bonté/1000images       elemental or total chlorine-free bleached pulp.
                                                                                  Database Manager
                                                                                                              The producing mills have third-party certified
                   11:30                        17:00                             Jimmy Jouve                 management systems in place, applying standards
                                                                                  Prod. Manager               such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, EMAS, OHSAS
                   Market Screening – Autour    Happy Hour. Bahcesehir University X   Isabelle Dubuc          18001, FSC and PEFC. This publication is printing
                   de Minuit – Acides Animés    Kisakes Short Film Festival       Marketing Manager           in a plant which has been certified “Imprim’Vert”
                   (Palais F, Level 3)          (Meeting Area)                    Pauline Liebens             under the registration #DO/CL N°07-161

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