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SCREENINGS                                                                                                 Sunday 19 May
                                                                                                                                   DAY 6


                                                                Sunday 19 May

                 FORSE È SOLO MAL DI MARE (Premiere)  Althaus, John Getz, Matt Peters, Miranda   Sales: Axxon Films  Cox, Veronica Forque, Sienna Guillory,
                 Italy, 93’, First film.        Bailey, Susan Burke            Section: Market                Brandon Larraguente
                 Olympia 3 (Press Allowed)      Synopsis: When an inexperienced park ranger finds   Director: Adolf El Assal  Synopsis: With the help of his partner in crime best
                 Sales: Blue Penguin Film       a dead body under mysterious circumstances on a   Casting: Karim Kassem, Eric Kabongo,   friend and crafty granddaughter, Claude tries to
                                                                                                              reconnect with the former love of his life Lilian by
                                                remote mountain trail, she must guard it overnight
                 Section: Market                until authorities can arrive, forcing her to confront   Mourade Zeguendi, Jean Luc Couchard,   faking his way into a nearby senior living
                 Director: Simona De Simone     some of her deepest, darkest fears.  Stephane Bissot          community.
                                                                               Synopsis: Samir aka DJ Skaarab has just won the
                 Casting: Maria Grazia Cucinotta, Francesco                    local DJ Championships in Egypt. He gets a once in
                 Ciampi, Annamaria Malipiero, Paolo   OUR MOTHERS (Premiere)   a lifetime opportunity to participate at the “Drop   ROUNDED CORNERS (Premiere)
                 Bonacelli, Barbara Enrichi, Beatrice Ripa,   France, Belgium, Luxembourg,   Beats” event in Brussels. But Samir’s flight is   USA, 88’, Drama.
                 Cristian Stelluti, Orfeo Orlando  Netherlands, Guatemala, 77’, Drama.  redirected to the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg and   Palais I (Press Allowed)
                 Synopsis: Francesco, ex-photographer, is a 40-year-  Riviera 2 (Priority Badges Only)  he takes a replacement bus to his destination. While   Sales: Upper West 80’S Productions, Llc
                 old Tuscan man, who, after traveling around the   Sales: Pyramide International (J6)  trying to call his girlfriend, Samir loses all of his   +6464777758
                 world, became a fisherman in Linosa, leaving his   Section: Market  belongings and gets caught in a case of mistaken   Section: Market
                 homeland for the sake of Claudia, the same who,   Director: César Diaz  identity: Local border police believes that Samir is an
                 after 17 years of marriage, runs away from the                illegal immigrant. Stuck in this new territory, he is   Director: Paul Check
                 island and the family because of an infatuation with   Casting: Armando Espitia , Emma Dib  forced to be taken care of by Daniel, a charming   FANTASTIC 7 (Premiere)
                 another man. Anita is 17, the daughter of Francesco   Synopsis: Guatemala, 2018. The whole country is   hustler, who drags Samir into some crazy, over-the-
                 and Claudia, living in Linosa between the high   immersed in the trial of the soldiers who sparked   top situations. In the meantime, hell breaks loose in   110’.
                 school and the dream to become a pianist.   the civil war. Victim statements come one after   his home country and Samir desperately tries find a   Palais K
                 Francesco and Anita cannot live without each other,   another. Ernesto is a young anthropologist working   way out of this country he’s never heard before,   Sales: Fundacio Sitges Festival
                 but things start to change when the girl tries to   for the Forensic Foundation; his job is to identify the   feeling trapped in an endless loop of trials and   Internacional De Cinema De Catalunya
                 enter the Conservatory of Lugano, Switzerland.   missing. One day, while hearing the account of an   tribulations.  Section: Market
                 Twisted personal stories of a father, who can’t keep   old woman, he thinks he has found a lead that   Synopsis: Baby by Juanma Bajo Ulloa/Superpower
                 away the ghost of the ex-wife, and of a teenage   might guide him to his father, a guerrillero who   THE GOALKEEPER (Premiere)  Girl by Soo-young Kim/The Blue Elephant 2 by
                 daughter, both waiting for an answer that could   went missing during the war. Against his mother’s   Bolivia, 99’, Thriller.  Marwan Hamed/Evasión by Cristián Jiménez/
                 change their lives, among reflections, personal   wishes, he flings himself body and soul into the   Gray 5 (Press Allowed)  Wonderland by Chao Koi Wang/Haywire by Mickey
                 wounds, surprises and twists.   case, looking for truth and resilience.                      Keating/Blood Quantum by Jeff Barnaby.
                                                Next screening: 21 May, 11:45, Miramar  Sales: Habanero (H6 (Marina Club))
                 SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL (Premiere)                             Section: Market                THE INVISIBLE WITNESS
                 France, Canada, 102’, Drama.   DOGS DON’T WEAR PANTS (Premiere)  Director: Gory Patiño       Italy, 102’, Thriller.
                 Olympia 9                      Finland, 105’, Drama.          Casting: Fernando Arze, Pablo Echarri,   Riviera 1
                 Sales: Charades                Olympia 6 (Priority Badges Only)  Cristian Mercado            Sales: True Colours Glorious Films Srl
                 (3 Rond-Point Duboys D’Angers)  Sales: The Yellow Affair (D2)  Synopsis: A thought- provoking thriller about a   (A10-C1)
                 Section: Market                Section: Market (Directors’ Fortnight)  former iconic goalkeeper, Jorge “Muralla” Rivera,   Section: Market
                                                                               whose fame has run out and he is now scraping out
                 Director: Guillaume De Fontenay  Director: Valkeapää J-P      a living as an alcoholic bus driver. His son is   Director: Stefano Mordini
                 Casting: Niels Schneider, Vincent Rottiers,   Casting: Krista Kosonen, Pekka Strang  desperately sick and he does the unthinkable to   Casting: Riccardo Scamarcio, Miriam
                 Ella Rumpf                     Synopsis: The film tells a story of Juha, who has   save his child but to no avail. Racked with guilt and   Leone, Fabrizio Bentivoglio, Maria Priato
                 Synopsis: 1992, war is raging in what will become   lost his wife in an accident. Years after, he still feels   haunted by ghosts, Jorge seeks redemption to   Synopsis: Adriano wakes up in a hotel room next
                 ex-Yugoslavia. Paul is covering the siege of Sarajevo.   numb and unable to connect with people. Meeting   rescue the young girl he sold, even if it means his
                 Flamboyant dandy, loud mouth, adrenaline junkie,   Mona, a dominatrix, changes everything. Dogs   own downfall.   to the dead body of his lover, Laura. The door is
                 provocative cigar-smoker, Paul Marchand is the war   Don’t Wear Pants is a darkly humorous story of loss,   locked from the inside and there is no evidence of
                                                                               FIRE WILL COME (Premiere)
                 correspondent archetype.       love and the sweet pain of being.  France, Luxembourg, Spain, 75’, Drama.  anybody else in the room.
                 HALF SISTER (Premiere)         Next screening: 21 May, 08:45, Theatre   Lerins 1 (Priority Badges Only)  ATLANTICS (Premiere)
                 Slovenia, 105’, Drama.         Croisette                      Sales: Pyramide International (J6)  France, Senegal, Belgium, 105’, Drama.
                 Palais B (Invite only)         OLEG (Premiere)                Section: Market                Olympia 5 (Priority Badges Only)
                 Sales: Slovenian Film Centre (133)  Latvia, Belgium, Lithuania, France, 108’,   Director: Oliver Laxe  Sales: MK2 Films (52 La Croisette)
                 Section: Market                Drama.                         Casting: Amador Arias, Benedicta Sánchez,   Section: Market (In Competition)
                 Director: Damjan Kozole        Palais H                       Inazio Abrao                   Director: Mati Diop
                 Casting: Urša Menart, Liza Marija Grašic,   Sales: Best Friend Forever  Synopsis: Amador Coro has been condemned for   Casting: Mama Sané, Amadou Am,
                 Peter Musevski, Jurij Drevenšek, Damjana    Section: Market (Directors’ Fortnight)  having provoked a fire. When he gets out of prison,   Ibrahima Traoré
                 Cerne, Anja Novak              Director: Juris Kursietis      nobody is waiting for him. He returns to his home   Synopsis: Along the Atlantic coast, a soon-to-be-
                 THE ACCORDIONIST’S SON         Casting: Anna Prochniak, Dawid   town, a small village hidden in the mountains of   inaugurated futuristic tower looms over a suburb of
                                                                               rural Galicia, to live with his mother, Benedicta, and
                 Spain, 95’, Drama.             Ogrodnik,Valentin Novopolskij   their three cows. Life goes by slowly, following the   Dakar. Ada, 17, is in love with Souleiman, a young
                                                                                                              construction worker.
                 Palais D                       Next screening: 20 May, 12:00, Gray 3  rhythm of nature. Until one night when a fire starts   Next screening: 21 May, 11:30, Palais J
                 Sales: Filmax (A1)             12:00                          to devastate the region.
                 Section: Market                                               Next screening: 20 May, 16:00, Lerins 3  13:15
                 Director: Fernando Bernues     THE CLIMB (Premiere)           IL SIGNOR DIAVOLO (Premiere)   IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RIVER
                 Casting: Aitor Beltran, Iñaki Rikarte, Mireia   USA, 95’, Comedy.  Italy, 83’, Horror.       Germany, USA, 112’, Drama.
                 Gabilondo, Eneko Sagardoy, Mikel Losada  Arcades 2            Palais C                       Lerins 4
                 Synopsis: A story of friendship, forgiveness and the   Sales: Memento Films International (MFI)
                 power of truth.                (84 Rue D’Antibes, Fifth Floor)  Sales: Wide (G2/Palais -1 16.04 (Cannes   Sales: Arri Media International (M11)
                                                                                                              +33 4 92 99 32 04
                 SOME TIME LATER                Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)  XR)                      Section: Market
                                                                               Section: Market
                 Spain, 95’, Black comedy.      Director: Michael Angelo Covino  Director: Pupi Avati         Director: Damian John Harper
                 Palais F                       Casting: Kyle Marvin, Michael Angelo   Synopsis: Italy, 1950s. A 14-year-old boy, Carlo,   Casting: Eric Hunter, Max Thayer, Nikki
                 Sales: Filmsharks/The Remake Co. (D12)  Covino, Gayle Rankin, Judith Godrèche,   killed Emilio, a disabled guy hosted by the local   Lowe
                 Section: Market                George Wendt, Talia Balsam     priest. The Italian Ministry of Interior wants to clarify   Synopsis: A young man is confronted with the
                 Director: Jose Luis Cuerda     Synopsis: Kyle and Mike are best friends who share   what happened. The relation between the political   most savage decision of his life. Can he murder his
                 Casting: Roberto Álamo, Blanca Suárez,   a close bond — until Mike sleeps with Kyle’s   institutions and the Church is tense. The ruling   abusive grandfather in order to save his family?
                 Miguel Rellán, Arturo Valls, Carlos Areces,   fiancée. .      Christian party needs to protect the Church to keep   13:30
                 Gabino Diego, Secun De La Rosa  Next screening: 20 May, 14:00, Olympia 8  its power. Carlo, the young murderer, talks about the
                 Synopsis: In the year 9177 or so, a thousand years   SHE’S MISSING  Devil and accuses a nun of instigating him to kill his   SORRY WE MISSED YOU (Premiere)
                 here or there the whole world -and according to   Ireland, 103’, Drama.  victim, Emilio. Carlo believes that Emilio caused the   United Kingdom, 102’, Drama.
                 some authors, the universe too - has been reduced   Gray 1    death of Paolino, Carlo’s best friend, two years   Arcades 1 (Priority Badges Only)
                 to just one Representative Building and the filthy
                 outskirts around it inhabited by all of the   Sales: Carnaby International Sales And   earlier. Carlo wants to bring Paolino back from the   Sales: Wild Bunch
                 unemployed and starving people in the cosmos.  Distribution (23 Rue Mace, 2nd Floor)   land of the dead. By trying to do so, Carlo kills   (5 Square Mérimée – 1st floor)
                 BODY AT BRIGHTON ROCK          +447493127126                  Emilio thinking he is an incarnation of the devil.  Section: Market (In Competition)
                 USA, 90’, Thriller.            Section: Market                REMEMBER ME (Premiere)         Director: Ken Loach
                 Palais J                       Director: Alexandra Mcguinness  Spain, USA, France, 100’, Comedy.  Casting: Kris Hitchen, Debbie Honeywood
                                                Synopsis: A desert thriller in which an aspiring
                 Sales: Magnolia Pictures & Magnet   rodeo queen goes missing.  Palais G                      Synopsis: Ricky and his family have been fighting
                                                                                                              an uphill struggle against debt since the 2008
                 Releasing (Albatros Entrance, 4th Fl. #44)                    Sales: Bac Films (24 La Croisette)  financial crash. An opportunity to wrestle back some
                 Section: Market                SAWAH (Premiere)               Section: Market                independence appears with a shiny new van and
                 Director: Roxanne Benjamin     Luxembourg, Belgium, Egypt, 86’, Comedy.  Director: Martin Rosete  the chance to run a franchise as a self-employed
                 Casting: Karina Fontes, Casey Adams, Emily   Gray 3 (Press Allowed)  Casting: Bruce Dern, Caroline Silhol, Brian   delivery driver.

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