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19 May 2022

BEHIND THE CAMERANGOING discussions BETA CINEMA has announced first presales
about diversity in the film for the English-language tragicomedy My
industry have not Neighbor Adolf.All rights for North
America have been sold to the Cohen
Oimproved the Media Group, while Signature
said. “With the plethora of talented black Entertainment has acquired all rights for
female voices sounding off at other global the UK and Ireland.
film festivals, awareness is no longer an Beta Cinema has also sold all rights for Italy
acceptable excuse for the gross under- (IWonder), South Korea (Lumix Media) and
representation of women representation of black women in Japan (Tohokushinsha Film).
at this, the world’s most high-profile film competition.” She added: “As they My Neighbor Adolf is set in Colombia in
festival. Just three women directors have celebrate their jubilee as the world’s most May 1960, a few days after Nazi criminal
films in competition this year, four years prestigious film festival and welcome Adolf Eichmann was caught by Mossad
after Cannes became the first international their first female president [Iris agents inArgentina. Polsky, a lonely and
festival to sign a gender-parity pledge. Knobloch], I believe change is grumpy Holocaust survivor, lives in the
Just four out of the 21 directors in inevitable.” remote Colombian countryside, spending
competition are women. The situation is Voices that aim to end the under- his days playing chess and looking after his
better in Un Certain Regard, with 10 of representation of black women — and garden.
the 21 directors represented across 19 women in general — will be heard A mysterious old German man moves in
films, being women. elsewhere in Cannes this year. Women In next door and Polsky is convinced that his
Women directors are scarce in Out of Motion, founded by luxury goods new neighbour isAdolf Hitler. Nobody
Competition and Special Screenings company Kering in 2015 with the aim of believes him, so he sets out on a mission to
selections, while representation across the “shining a light on women’s contributions uncover the evidence, bringing him closer
juries is stronger. to filmmaking” is a partner with the to his neighbour than he would like — so
So the pressure on organisers and the Cannes Film Festival and its programme close that they could easily become friends.
industry continues. Tuesday saw the this year kicks off today when actor Viola “Director Leon Prudovsky strikes the
launch of Dear Cannes, Do Better, a Davis offers her views on the subject to a perfect balance between dramatic and
digital social-media campaign that is Cannes audience. The programme Viola Davis airs her views on women © DR comedic elements, realism and absurdity,”
in the industry in Cannes today Beta’s executive vice-president,
acquisitions, sales and marketing, Thorsten
designed to encourage the Festival to continues during the Festival with Ritter, said.
“dismantle the patriarchy, embrace appearances from Riley Keough and Gina women directors and writers each stood Prudovsky (Five Hours from Paris), who
inclusion and select more black women Gammell, co-directors of War Pony, in at 17%. Women cinematographers were immigrated to Israel at the age of 13, has
in competition”. The campaign official selection this year; composer and even more scarce, with only six in 100 co-written and directed threeTV series, two
culminates in a Celebration of Black musician Clara Luciani; actors Mélanie positions filled by a woman. The only feature films, and many short and medium-
Women in Film on Wednesday, May 25, Laurent and Déborah Lukumuena; and figure to have risen was the number of length films. He has received awards in a
that includes the world premiere of The digital artist Emily Yang. female executive producers, while in all number of film events, including the
Invitation, a short film directed by The poor representation of women in other roles, female representation StudentAcademyAwards and a Best Short
Wendy Eley Jackson commemorating 75 Cannes reflects a wider, global situation. remained stagnant. FilmAward at theVenice Film Festival.
years of The Links, Incorporated, the A recent report by the World Economic Meanwhile research from the San Diego My Neighbor Adolf is produced by
largest organisation of Black women in Forum and data company Statista, found State University Celluloid Ceiling study 2-Team Productions (Israel) and Film
the US. that female producers and executive found the percentage of women working Produkcja (Poland), in co-production with
“In 75 years, the Cannes Film Festival has producers made up 36% and 26%, as directors, writers, editors, producers Vandalo (Colombia), United King Films
selected one black woman in respectively, of all producers globally last and cinematographers on the 250 highest (Israel) and Reisdor Films (Israel).
competition,” US event producer and year. And other key roles feature even grossing US movies is only rising slowly, Beta Cinema is hosting two buyers-only
publicist, and founder of pressure group fewer women. In the same year, 22% of with just 25% of those roles filled by screenings at the Marché du Film. ✦ J. N.
Diversity in Cannes, Yolonda Brinkley, all editors were female, while the share of women in 2021. ✦
Julian Newby


sales on multiple territories to
British playwright and

Hscreenwriter Rebecca
(France), The Searchers (Benelux), confined her to a wheelchair. While THE Polish/Italian co-production, which
Scanbox (Scandinavia), M2 (Eastern they are there, Sofia, trapped by her looks at modern Europe through the
Europe), A-One (Baltics), Front Row mother’s illness all her life, finally starts eyes of a donkey, has been acquired by
(Middle East) and Shaw (Singapore). to lose her inhibitions as she becomes French distributor ARP Selection.
HanWay Films is handling worldwide
Lenkiewicz’s directorial debut THE film is set in the Spanish seaside attracted to enigmatic traveller Ingrid sales.
IFC Films is a US distributor that makes
Hot Milk, from Bonnie productions and town of Almeria, which becomes a key (Krieps). independent films available to a
national audience by releasing them in
Film4, based on the bestselling novel by element of this “intimate exploration of SOFIA’S increased freedom becomes theatres as well as on VOD and digital
Deborah Levy and starring Jessie Buckley, sex, love and the bonds that tie us all too much for her controlling mother MUBI is a global streaming service,
production company and distributor.✦
Fiona Shaw and Vicky Krieps.  together”. and their relationship starts to break
Julian Newby
IFC Films has acquired US distribution ROSE (Shaw) and her daughter Sofia down.

rights and HanWay Films also closed a (Buckley) travel to the town in southeast HANWAY’S slate also includes Polish

multi-territory deal with Mubi for UK, Spain to consult with the shamanic Dr director Jerzy Skolimowski’s EO which is

Ireland, Italy, Latin America and Turkey. Gomez, a physician who may hold the showing In Competition in Cannes this

Other deals include Metropolitan Films cure to Rose’s mystery illness, which has year.

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