Page 6 - CMN03
P. 6
19 May 2022

Phoenix handles sales CANNES
to Lech Majewski film CONFIDENTIAL
Brigitte Bardot Forever
ON the eve of Cannes, Karel Och Karel Och © DR
Phoenix Worldwide has & Krystof
picked up world sales, and is hiding to avoid persecution. Mucha
excluding Poland and Packages and postcards arrive from him,
Italy, to award winning but Adam, who has never seen his father,
director Lech Majewski’s film Brigitte suspects someone else is sending them. At
Bardot Forever which Phoenix will school he keeps dreaming that his father
introduce to international buyers and will one day land in the sports field at his
programmers in Cannes. school in his Spitfire, raising dust from
The film is produced by Lech Majewski which he will emerge. One day, as the Your job title?
with co-producer Mike Downey boy is watching Jean-Luc Godard’s
(Ireland). The executive producers are Contempt at the cinema, he is transported K. O.: Artistic director, Karlovy Vary Krystof Mucha © DR
Malgorzata Domin and Dominika International Film Festival 
Mandla. Production companies are to the young Brigitte Bardot’s dressing K. M.: Executive director, Karlovy welcome you at KVIFF
Angelus Silesius and Domino Film with room and her world of film and music Vary International Film Festival
financing by Polski Instytut Sztuki stars. This year is Jérôme
Filmowej (PISF) and Urzad Miasta “We are delighted to be working with Astrological sign? Paillard’s last edition
Katowice Lech Majewski and Mike Downey on the of Marché du Film. What
Majewski is a multi-award winning film,” said Michael Cowan of Phoenix KO : Taurus would you like to say
filmmaker, and the subject of a Worldwide. “Lech’s reputation as a visual KM: Aquarius to him?
retrospective at MOMA in New York. artist precedes him, and we have already
Majewski’s feature-film series The Garden had brisk interest from the international You were born on… KO: We look forward to our plan,
of Earthly Delights (2006), The Mill and marketplace.” ✦ dear Jérôme
the Cross (2011) and Field of Dogs (2014) Liza Foreman KO: In May, 1974 KM: See you soon! 
brings to the big screen the works of KM: In February, 1975
Bosch, Brueghel and Dante, respectively, Currently in production in Are online markets and
creating immersive encounters with great Louisiana, 57 Seconds is an action Your three favourite films festivals here to stay?
works from each. science-fiction thriller directed by Rusty of the last 12 months?
Majewski’s latest film is based on his Cundieff, starring Academy-Award KO: Maybe markets to some extent,
novel Pilgrimage to the Tomb of Brigitte winner Morgan Freeman and Josh KO: Compartment no. 6 by Juho but I would never say that for
Bardot the Wonderful, in which he settles Hutcherson. Produced by Griff Furst, Kuosmanen, A Chiara by Jonas festivals
accounts with his youth, childhood, and Lori McCreary, Gary Lucchesi and Thomas Carpignano, Captain Volkonogov KM: I agree 
all that Poland meant to him. The film is P. Vitale, the film follows Tech blogger Escaped by Natasha Merkulova and
set in mid-20th century communist Franklin Fausti (Hutcherson) who lands Aleksey Chupov Outside of Cannes what
Poland. a career-defining interview with the KM: Zátopek by David Ondricek, is your favourite film
In the film, Adam lives with his mother, visionary technology guru Anton Burrell The Worst Person in the World by festival and why?
who is persecuted by the state security (Freeman). After thwarting an attack Joachim Trier and Compartment no.
service. Adam’s father fought in World against the celebrated technophile, 6 by Juho Kuosmanen KO: Lumiere Festival in Lyon. An
War II as a pilot, defending Britain, and Franklin picks up a mysterious ring that event which is the perfect definition
has not been heard from since. It’s not Burrell has dropped and soon discovers What can we expect from of the love for cinema
clear if he stayed in England or returned the ring allows its possessor to travel your organisation KM: Sundance — the only festival
57 seconds into the past. at Cannes this year? where I manage to watch four films
• International sales agent is Highland a day
KO: The usual — the entire
Film Group. programming team is watching as Movie theatres are…
• North American Distribution is by many films as possible, bringing to
the KVIFF’s sidebar programme KO: …in danger. We need to help
CAA Media Finance. some 25 titles from Cannes them survive
KM: A strong presence of our team KM: …and always will be a magical
© 2022 ELIOT BRASSEAUX place worth spending time in
Your weirdest Cannes
moment? What are your immediate
post-Marché du Film plans?
KO: Weird has a negative
connotation in my ears. I do not KO: To announce the official
recall any weird moment in Cannes, selection of the 56th KVIFF
whoever can go and watch movies KM: Get back to the KVIFF office as
there should talk about it as a quickly as possible
KM: Being here for the first time H   ow many stamps on
almost two decades ago was a your passport?
strong and “weird” experience
— both in a good and a bad way KO: Not too many during last two
How bad has COVID-19 KM: Not as many as there used to
harmed the industry? be, but it’s starting to get full
KO: COVID messed up the industry
big time. But it always recovers  How long did it take you
KM: It has influenced people’s to answer these questions?
behaviour — the fear to travel and
meet each other still persists in KO: 15 minutes
some way KM: 47 years, because the answers
are based on my life experiences! 
If you could meet
Vincent Lindon, what
would you say to him?

KO: I would tell him I share his love
for Julien Duvivier
KM: We would be honoured to

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