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SCREENINGS                                                                                          Thursday 10 May 2018
                                                                                                                                   DAY 3


                                                               Thursday 10 May

                 TAZZEKA                        Section: Market                THE EYES OF ORSON WELLES       DEPARTURES
                 Première                       Director: Carlo Verdone, Ilenia Pastorelli  Première          Première
                 France, Morocco, 95’, Family.  Synopsis: Guglielmo (Carlo Verdone), owner of   USA, 115’, Documentary.  USA, 92’, Drama.
                 Palais B                       a shop selling religious items, is a middle class,   Palais C  Lerins 3 (Invite only)
                 Sales: Wide (Booth G2 & Next #14.A)  man who is always worried about the opinions   Sales: Dogwoof   Sales: Voltage Pictures (Booth L5)
                 Section: Market                of others. Suddenly, his wife leaves him for   (Doc Corner H8 / Marina Club H6)  Section: Market
                 Director: Jean-Philippe Gaud   another woman. One day, Luna, a lovely subur-  Section: Market (Cannes Classics)  Director: Peter Hutchings
                 Casting: Madi Belem, Ouidad Elma, Olivier   ban girl comes to his shop. Guglielmo hires her   Director: Mark Cousins  Next screening: 12 May, 09:30, Riviera 2
                 Sitruk                         on a trial basis and little by little Luna over-  Synopsis:  Granted exclusive access to hun-
                 Synopsis: Growing up in the Moroccan village   whelms him with her cheerfulness, filling his   dreds of private drawings and paintings by   KILLERMAN
                 Elias learned traditional Moroccan cuisine from   days with a new energy.   Orson Welles, Mark Cousins dives into the visu-  Première
                 his grandmother. In Paris, Elias faces unstable               al world of this legendary director and actor —   USA, Crime. Trailer
                 work and financial hardship as an immigrant.   RED COW (PARA ADUMA)  through his own eyes, sketched with his own   Olympia 5
                 But he also finds friendship with Souleymane,   Israel, 91’, Drama.  hand, painted with his own brush. Executive   Sales: The Solution Entertainment Group
                 who helps revive his passion for cooking.  Riviera 2          produced by Michael Moore.     Section: Market
                 Next screening: 17 May, 10:00, Lerins 2  Sales: Films Boutique   Next screening: 13 May, 09:45, Palais C  Director: Malik Bader
                                                (Booth G3) +04 92 99 32 20                                    Casting: Liam Hemsworth
                 THE RANGER                     Section: Market                10:00
                 Première                       Director: Tsivia Barkai                                       WILD BUNCH PROMO REELS
                 USA, 77’, Horror.              9:45                           THE ELEPHANT AND THE BUTTERFLY  Première
                 Palais F                                                      Belgium, 86’.                  France, 90’, Drama.
                 Sales: Octane Entertainment (Booth M6)  LUCIA'S GRACE (TROPPA GRAZIA)  Gray 3                Olympia 8 (Priority badges only)
                 Section: Market                Première                       Sales: Blue Fox Entertainment   Sales: Wild Bunch
                 Director: Jess Wexler          Italy, 120’, Drama.            (29 Rue Du Comm. André, 1st Floor)  (5 Square Mérimée) +33 4 93 68 73 53
                 Casting: Chloë Levine, Jeremy Holm, Larry   Arcades 2 (Priority Badges Only)  Section: Market  Section: Market
                 Fessenden                      Sales: The Match Factory       Synopsis: Antoine has just returned to his
                 Synopsis: Teen punks, on the run from the   (La Bagatelle/25 La Croisette) +33493398860  hometown, where he reunites with his former   CRAZY FIST
                 cops and hiding out in the woods, come up   Section: Market   lover and mother of their girl, Elsa, whom he   China, 97’, Action/Adventure.
                 against the local authority — an unhinged   Director: Gianni Zanasi  has never met. Unexpected events leave   Palais E
                 park ranger with an axe to grind.  Next screening: 13 May, 09:15, Olympia 9  Antoine suddenly alone to take care of Elsa.  Sales: All Rights Entertainment
                                                                                                              Section: Market
                 JELLYFISH                      AMERICAN ANIMALS               AN IMPOSSIBLY SMALL OBJECT     Director: Qing Guo
                 Première                       USA, 117’, Thriller.           Taiwan, Netherlands, Croatia, 100’, Drama.  Casting: Qing Guo, Wei Wang, Xiaoming
                 United Kingdom, 101’, Drama.   Olympia 4                      Gray 5                         Huang, Wei Zhao
                 Palais H                       Sales: Sierra/Affinity (61 La Croisette)  Sales: Flash Forward Entertainment   Synopsis: Shanghai, a former mixed martial
                 Sales: Bankside Films (Ibis Entrance, 5th Floor)  Section: Market  (Booth 25.01)             arts champion and inheritor of a multi-billion
                 Section: Market                Director: Bart Layton          Section: Market                corporation, swore never to fight after acciden-
                 Director: James Gardner                                       Director: David Verbeek        tally killing his opponent. But when his brother
                                                Casting: Evan Peters, Barry Keoghan, Blake   Casting: David Verbeek , Chen-Hung Chung,   is killed in an boxing tournament, he teams up
                 DRIVER                         Jenner, Jared Abrahamson, Ann Dowd  Lisa Lu, Klara Mucci, Lucia Xie  with a police informer, to investigate his death.
                 (LIFNEY HAZIKARON)             Synopsis: The mostly true story of four young   Synopsis: A photographer takes a photo of a
                 Israel, France, 92’, Drama.    men who mistook their lives for a movie and   little girl on the streets of Taipei. After this the   A MODERN SHEPHERDESS
                 Palais J                       attempted one of the most audacious heists in   memory of his own childhood starts to come   (JEUNE BERGÈRE)
                 Sales: Beta Cinema             US history. American Animals blurs the line   back to him and becomes intertwined with the   Première
                 (Goeland Entrance) +4917610312646  between truth and fiction in a wild story of   identity of the girl. A meditative narrative in   France, 87’, Documentary.
                 Section: Market                money, movies and the search for meaning.  three parts; Taipei, on board an intercontinental   Palais I
                 Director: Yehonatan Indursky   Next screening: 12 May, 09:45, Palais I  flight and in Amsterdam.  Sales: Upside Distribution
                 Casting: Moshe Folkenflik, Manuel Elkaslassy                                                 (Doc Corner H8) +33 6 37 95 36 04
                 Vardi                          THE EYES OF ORSON WELLES       UNDER THE EIFFEL TOWER         Section: Market
                 Synopsis: Nahman Ruzumni lives on the fring-  Première        Première                       Director: Delphine Detrie
                 es of the ultra-orthodox community in Israel.   USA, 115’, Documentary.  USA, 86’, Romance.
                 He takes beggars to wealthy homes and coach-  Palais C        Lerins 1                       MONKY
                 es them to inspire philanthropy. When his wife   Sales: Dogwoof   Sales: The Orchard (Marina Club H6)  Sweden, 90’, Comedy.
                 leaves, he is faced with the responsibility of his   (Doc Corner H8 / Marina Club H6)  Section: Market  Palais K
                 nine-year-old daughter alone. Now, he has to   Section: Market (Cannes Classics)  Director: Archie Borders  Sales: Picture Tree International
                 take her with him on his nightly journeys.  Director: Mark Cousins  Casting: Matt Walsh, Judith Godrèche, David   (Booth G1) +04 92 99 32 06
                                                Synopsis: Granted exclusive access to hun-  Wain, Reid Scott, Gary Cole, Ary Abittan,   Section: Market
                 BLESSED MADNESS                dreds of private drawings and paintings by   Michaela Watkins  Director: Maria Blom
                 (BENEDETTA FOLLIA)             Orson Welles, Mark Cousins dives into the visu-  Synopsis: A heart-crushing break-up in Paris   Casting: Frida Hallgren, Johan Petersson, Julius
                 Première                       al world of this legendary director and actor —   sets a life crisis in motion for a middle-aged   Jimenez Hugoson, Bianca Kronlöf
                 Italy, 109’, Comedy.           through his own eyes, sketched with his own   bourbon salesman. He journeys across the   Synopsis: One day, Frank (11) finds a real live
                 Riviera 1                      hand, painted with his own brush. Executive   French countryside where a possible romance   monkey. However, it does not take long before
                 Sales: True Colours Glorious Films   produced by Michael Moore.  blooms with a local wine saleswoman.
                 (Booth C1)                     Next screening: 13 May, 09:45, Palais C  Next screening: 14 May, 16:00, Lerins 1

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