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SCREENINGS                                                                                          Thursday 10 May 2018
                                                                                                                                   DAY 3


                                                               Thursday 10 May

                                                CAPTAIN MORTEN                 Section: Market                insomnia for the preparation of a stageplay.
                                                AND THE SPIDER QUEEN           Director: Gustavo Steinberg, Gabriel Bitar,   When Bianca joins the cast she must survive
                                                Première                       André Catoto                   not only the intensity of the work and her cast,
                                                Estonia, Ireland, United Kingdom, Belgium, 75’,   Synopsis: Tito is a shy 10-year-old boy who   but an unknown force.
                 WELCOME HOME
                 Première                       Family.                        lives with his mother. Suddenly, an epidemic   Next screening: 13 May, 12:00, Palais C
                                                Lerins 1 (Press Allowed)
                 USA, 96’, Thriller.            Sales: Sola Media              starts to spread, making people sick when they   COHEN MEDIA PROMO SCREENING
                 Riviera 2 (Invite only)        (Booth F5)                     get scared. Tito discovers that the cure is some-  Première
                                                                               how related to his missing father’s research on
                 Sales: Voltage Pictures (Booth L5)  Section: Market           birds. Tito's search for the antidote becomes a   Unknown, 15’. Trailer
                 Section: Market                Director: Kaspar Jancis, Henry Nicholson, Riho   quest for his missing father and for his own   Palais I (Priority badges only)
                 Director: George Ratliff       Unt                            identity.                      Sales: Cohen Media Group (Marina Club H6)
                 Casting: Emily Ratajkowski, Aaron Paul,   Casting: Michael McElhatton, Ciarán Hinds,   Next screening: 12 May, 13:45, Olympia 9  Section: Market
                 Riccardo Scamarcio             Brendan Gleeson                                               Next screening: 13 May, 16:00, Lerins 1
                 Synopsis: This is the story of two childhood   Synopsis: A young boy learns to take control   RAOUL TABURIN
                 friends – Lucas (a 16-year-old high-schooler)   over his life when he is shrunk to the size of an   Première  13:30
                 and Bert (a mechanic’s apprentice) — who flee   insect and has to sail his own toy boat through   France, Family.
                 the suffocating fish bowl that their killjoy fami-  a flooded café. Morten has to be shrunk down   Olympia 8 (Priority badges only)  SISTERHOOD (DEMI-SOEURS)
                 lies’ lives have become. But very quickly, bore-  before he can grow up.  Sales: Wild Bunch   Première
                 dom resurfaces and the freewheeling sense of   Next screening: 12 May, 14:00, Lerins 1  (5 Square Mérimée) +33 4 93 68 73 53  France, 106’, Comedy.
                 being on an adventure evades them. Should                     Section: Market                Arcades 1
                 they return to the fold, or keep moving on?  DONBASS          Director: Pierre Godeau        Sales: SND - Groupe M6 (42 Rue Des Serbes)
                                                Première                       Casting: Benoît Poelvoorde     Section: Market
                 12:00                          Germany, France, Ukraine, Netherlands,   Synopsis: If anyone knows anything about   Director: Saphia Azzeddine, François-Régis
                                                Romania, 110’, Drama.          bikes, it’s Raoul Taburin, official bicycle dealer of   Jeanne
                 MUG                            Lerins 3                       Saint Céron, a lovely village in the South of   Casting: Sabrina Ouazani, Alice David,
                 Poland, 91’, Drama.            Sales: Pyramide International (Booth J6)  France. But Raoul has a terrible secret: he has   Charlotte Gabris
                 Arcades 2                      Section: Market (Un certain regard)  never been able to keep his balance on a bike   Synopsis: 25-something Salma (Ouazani),
                 Sales: Memento Films International   Director: Sergei Loznitsa  without using stabilisers.   Olivia (Gabris) and Lauren (David) have never
                 (84 Rue D'Antibes, 5th Floor)  Casting: Boris Kamorzin, Valeriu Andriuta  Next screening: 11 May, 18:00, Olympia 2  met. Until they inherit a luxurious flat in Paris,
                 Section: Market                Synopsis: In the Donbass, Eastern Ukraine, a                  from their estranged biological father! The
                 Director: Małgorzata Szumowska  hybrid war takes place, involving an open   COPS             three sisters have nothing in common and
                 Casting: Mateusz Kosciukiewicz, Agnieszka   armed conflict alongside robberies on a mass   Première  cohabitation is rocky. Salma teaches in a diffi-
                 Podsiadlik, Małgorzata Gorol, Roman   scale. War is called love, propaganda is uttered   Austria, 93’, Drama.  cult suburb, Lauren is a Parisian fashionista, and
                 Gancarczyk, Dariusz Chojnacki, Anna   as truth, hatred is declared to be love. It’s not   Palais C  Olivia is obsessed by finding the perfect hus-
                 Tomaszewska, Martyna Krzysztofik, Robert   about one region, country or political system,   Sales: Eastwest Filmdistribution   band. They have to learn to become sisters to
                 Talarczyk                      it’s about humanity and civilization in general.   (Booth K2)  keep the flat the legitimate family wants back.
                                                Next screening: 12 May, 13:30, Riviera 2  Section: Market
                 THE HIDDEN CITY                BEST OF VIRTUALITY             Director: Stefan A. Lukacs     PRINCESS EMMY - THE MOVIE
                 (LA CIUDAD OCULTA)                                                                           Première
                                                EUROPEAN CINEMA
                 Première                       Première                       DINO KING:                     Germany, France, Belgium, 76’, Animation.
                 Spain, France, Netherlands, 80’, Documentary.  37’, VR.       JOURNEY TO FIRE MOUNTAIN       Gray 2
                 Gray 1                         Next VR Cinema (Ticket required)  Australia, 92’, Animation.  Sales: Studio 100 Film
                 Sales: Shellac (Marina Club H6)  Sales: Virtuality            Palais E                       (20 Bis Rue Des Serbes Entrance E)
                 Section: Market                Section: Market                Sales: Odin'S Eye Entertainment (Booth M2)  Section: Market
                 Director: Victor Moreno        Synopsis: A VR Market Screening at NEXT   Section: Market     Director: Piet De Rycker
                 Next screening: 14 May, 13:30, Palais B  including the following VR films: I SAW THE   Director: Han Sang Ho
                                                FUTURE - DESSINE MOI UN FUTUR - OUT OF   Casting: Hee Soon Park  HIGH FLASH
                 CHARMING                       THE BLUE - THE REAL THING      Synopsis: Speckles, a ferocious Tarbosaurus   Première
                 Canada, USA, 85’, 3D.                                         and his young son Junior roam the lands. Junior   Taiwan, 102’, Drama.
                 Gray 3 (Invite only)           FAMILY IS FAMILY               is growing up healthy and strong, but Junior is   Gray 4
                 Sales: Sc Films International  (LA CH’TITE FAMILLE)           kidnapped. Speckles embarks on an adventure   Sales: Activator Marketing
                 Section: Market                France, 107’, Comedy.          to the ends of earth to find Junior. Encountering   (Booth 25.01)
                 Director: Ross Venokur         Olympia 4                      friend and foe, ally and enemy.  Section: Market
                 Casting: Wilmer Valderrama, Demi Lovato,   Sales: Pathe International (France)               Director: Chuang Ching Shen
                 Ashley Tisdale, Avril Lavigne, John Cleese, Nia   (Ibis Entrance, App. 4a/E) +33 4 93 68 08 06  YOU SHALL NOT SLEEP  Casting: Kang-Jen Wu, Yi-Ti Yao, Shin Yin
                 Vardalos                       Section: Market                (NO DORMIRAS)                  Synopsis: Fisherman Ah-Hai is found dead of
                 Synopsis: From the moment he can speak   Director: Dany Boon  Argentina, Spain, Uruguay, 105’, Horror.  self-immolation during a large scale protest
                 Prince Philip Charming, the victim of Blessing   Synopsis: When the world of northern country   Palais G  against TL Petrochemical. Ah-Hai is praised as a
                 Fairy 117's enchantments, compulsively pro-  bumpkins collides with the world of Paris high   Sales: FilmSharks International (Booth D12)  martyr and TL Petrochemical is ordered by the
                                                design and luxury, it's bound to be explosive!
                 poses to every woman. King Charming finally                   Section: Market                authority to suspend all operation pending fur-
                 sends his son out with an ultimatum, find a   TITO AND THE BIRDS  Director: Gustavo Hernández  ther investigation. Medical examiner Chou is
                 true-true love before his 21st birthday or lose   (TITO E OS PÁSSAROS)  Casting: Belén Rueda, Eva De Dominici,   assigned to work on the case with Public pros-
                 all claim to the throne.Charming stumbles upon   Première     Eugenia Tobal, German Palacios, Natalia De   ecutor Kim who happens to be Chou’s former
                 Lenore, a professional outlaw. Disguised as a   Brazil, 73’, Family.  Molina, Juan Manuel Guilera  fiancé.
                 man, Lenore leads Charming to confront the   Olympia 5        Synopsis: In an abandoned psychiatric hospi-  Next screening: 12 May, 13:30, Gray 4
                 women he has tricked.          Sales: Indie Sales             tal, a theatre company experiments with

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