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SCREENINGS                                                                                          Thursday 10 May 2018
                                                                                                                                   DAY 3


                                                               Thursday 10 May

                                                Sales: Maharashtra Film, Stage & Cultural   STOCKHOLM         Synopsis: Carrie accepts an invitation from
                                                Development Corporation (Booth 22.06)  Première               Vincent, a best-selling author, to spend a long
                 the family realise that she is no ordinary mon-  Section: Market  USA, 96’, Thriller.        weekend at his agent’s mountain resort. When
                 key, and it was no coincidence that she showed   Director: Deepak Gawade  Olympia 7          she realises something is terribly wrong, Carrie
                 up in their backyard. Where does she come   Casting: Sandeep Phatak, Usha Naik, Kishore   Sales: Sierra/Affinity (61 La Croisette)  tries to leave only to find herself trapped. In
                 from? A journey leads the family from Sweden   Kadam, Suhas Palshikar  Section: Market       fear for her life, she escapes from the house
                 to the jungles of Thailand.    Synopsis: Namya embarks on a journey to a   Director: Robert Budreau  into the surrounding forest. What she now dis-
                 Next screening: 12 May, 11:30, Gray 2  Ritual Fair to please Mother Goddess who   Casting: Ethan Hawke, Noomi Rapace, Mark   covers about Vincent turns everything on its
                 11:00                          appeared in his mother’s dreams to say she-  Strong           head and hurls her into a one-sided battle
                                                must sacrifice a goat, for Namya’s life to be
                                                                                                              against a psychopathic killer.
                                                                               Synopsis: Inspired by the absurd but true 1973
                 ARTE VR EXPERIENCES            better. The theatrics of the goat, the formidable   bank heist and hostage crisis in Stockholm that
                 Première                       tie between the two and the insightful journey   was documented in the New Yorker as the ori-  WRAITH
                 45’, VR.                       changes something within Namya.   gins of the psychological phenomenon, the   USA, 100’, Horror.
                 Next VR Cinema (Ticket required)  Next screening: 13 May, 15:30, Gray 4  ‘Stockholm Syndrome’. The story focuses on   Palais F
                 Sales: ARTE France                                            one of the female bank employees (Rapace)   Sales: Princ Films (Booth E1)
                 Section: Market                IN THE AISLES (IN DEN GÄNGEN)  who falls for her captor, an unhinged American   Section: Market
                 Synopsis: Planete 8 by Momoko Seto, pro-  Germany, 125’, Drama.  outlaw (Hawke) as she turns against the police   Director: Michael Sajbel
                 duced by ARTE France & Barberlusse Films. In a   Lerins 2     and aids in his escape attempt.  Casting: Lance Henriksen, Jackson Hurst,
                 world in ruins, only fungi and mold grow. But   Sales: Beta Cinema   Next screening: 12 May, 12:00, Arcades 2  Ali Hillis
                 when rain irrigates the arid planet, an ecosys-  (Goeland Entrance) +4917610312646
                 tem springs, populated by giant tadpoles;   Section: Market   ONE DAY                        INVISIBLE ESSENCE:
                 Expedition Antarctica by Luc Jacquet and   Director: Thomas Stuber  (EGY NAP)                THE LITTLE PRINCE
                 Jeanne Guillot, produced by ARTE France &   Casting: Franz Rogowski, Peter Kurth, Sandra   Première  Première
                 Wild-Touch Production & Paprika Films. Twelve   Hüller        Hungary, 99’, Drama.           Canada, 90’, Documentary.
                 days of sea voyage, 35 days in Antarctica. Some   Synopsis: After the shy Christian loses his job,   Olympia 9  Palais H
                 4,500 emperor penguins. Three explorers. Ten or   he works for a wholesale market. Bruno from   Sales: Films Boutique   Sales: The Orchard (Marina Club H6)
                 so people. A VR experience; Jours de Tournage   the beverage aisle takes him under his wing. In   (Booth G3) +04 92 99 32 20  Section: Market
                 – Isabelle Huppert by Louahem Fouzi, produced   the aisles he meets “Sweets”. He is instantly   Section: Market (Critic's Week)  Director: Officer Charles
                 by Arte GEIE & Les éditions du bout des doigts   smitten. The coffee machine becomes meeting   Director: Zsofia Szilagyi  Synopsis: Invisible Essence explores the global
                 The second episode of the virtual reality docu-  point. But Marion is married and Christian’s   Synopsis: Anna (40) has an average life: Three   legacy of The Little Prince 75 years after its pub-
                 mentary series follows Isabelle Huppert on the   feelings for her seem to remain unrequited.  healthy children, her work as an Italian teacher,   lication. The film introduces a seven-year-old
                 shooting of Serge Bozon's film Mrs Hyde.  Next screening: 12 May, 09:30, Lerins 4  a flat she owns and a mortgage that is not too   blind Pakistani-Canadian boy who absorbs The
                 Next screening: 11 May, 11:00, Next VR Cinema  VIKING DESTINY  bad. When she finds out that her husband is   Little Prince for the first time – and captures
                                                                               cheating on her with her best friend, her well
                 11:30                          Ireland, 81’, Action/Adventure.  situated life is put on the line.  engaging conversations with a range of indi-
                                                                                                              viduals such as Mark Osborne (Director of the
                                                Lerins 4
                                                                               Next screening: 12 May, 12:00, Palais I
                 CELLULOID DREAMS PRIVATE       Sales: Film Mode Entertainment (Booth L12)                    animated film The Little Prince), Rupi Kaur
                                                                                                              (Poet, New York Times Bestselling Author), and
                 SCREENING 2                    Section: Market                2 HOURS FROM PARIS
                 Première                       Director: David Lg Hughes      (A 2 HEURES DE PARIS)          Olivier and Francois D'Agay, the great nephew
                                                                                                              and nephew of Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
                 113’.                          Casting: Terence Stamp, Ian Beattie, Paul   Première
                 Arcades 1                      Freeman, Martyn Ford, Will Mellor, Anna   France, 80’, Comedy.  EUFORIA
                 Sales: Celluloid Dreams/Celluloid Nightmares   Demetriou      Palais B                       Première
                 (16 Rue Des Belges, App. 304)                                 Sales: Wide (Booth G2 & Next #14.A)  Italy, 120’, Drama.
                 Section: Market                CATS (CATS & PEACHTOPIA)       Section: Market                Riviera 1 (Priority badges only)
                 Next screening: 11 May, 11:30, Arcades 1  China, 105’, Animation.  Director: Virginie Verrier
                                                Olympia 3                      Casting: Erika Sainte, Frédéric Pierrot, Fanny   Sales: True Colours Glorious Films
                 ANIMAL                         Sales: All Rights Entertainment  Cottençon, Thierry Frémont, Valérie Mairesse  (Booth C1)
                 Première                       Section: Market                Synopsis: Sidonie, a young air hostess, raises   Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)
                 Argentina, 95’, Thriller.      Director: Gary Wang            her 15-year-old daughter Lolo alone. In an   Director: Valeria Golino
                 Gray 2                         Synopsis: Cape, a highly-intelligent little yel-  effort to satisfy Lolo's growing curiosity as to   Casting: Valerio Mastandrea, Riccardo
                 Sales: Film Factory Entertainment (Booth A5)  low cat, leaves his owner’s home and his father   her origins, Sidonie takes her to her native   Scamarcio
                 Section: Market                in search of a fabled Peach Blossom Land   region. There are five possible fathers: a melan-  Synopsis: The film revolves around two distant
                 Director: Armando Bo           where all cats may leave a wonderful life. In his   cholic mechanic, an artist, a former football   brothers, forced together by events. Matteo is a
                 Casting: Guillermo Francella, Carla Peterson,   search, he uses his own inventions, like a rocket   champion, a nightclub owner, a womanising   young successful entrepreneur who is open-
                 Gloria Carrá                   or a diving bell, and is helped by Wanderer, a   country doctor Five men, five memories, five   minded and dynamic. His brother Ettore still
                 Synopsis: Antonio has the perfect life: a loving   mysterious stray cat.  confrontations with the past, five encounters...  lives in the small provincial town where they
                 family, a good job and a nice house. The bubble   Next screening: 11 May, 09:30, Olympia 9   were born, teaching at the local school. They
                 bursts when he finds out he’s in urgent need of               BAD BLOOD                      are given the opportunity to get to know each
                 a kidney transplant. When all legal means fall   LUMINESCENCE ANIMATION   Australia, 92’, Thriller.  other, and discover that they have a close bond.
                 through, he turns to the black market.  PROMO REEL            Palais D                       Next screening: 12 May, 12:00, Lerins 3
                                                Première                       Sales: The Little Film Company
                 IDAK - THE GOAT (THE GOAT)     Russia, 90’, Animation.        (Apt. C42 Relais De La Reine) +447710305326
                 Première                       Olympia 6                      Section: Market
                 India, 106’, Drama.            Sales: Luminescence (Albatros Entrance)  Director: David Pulbrook
                 Gray 4                         Section: Market                Casting: Xavier Samuel, Morgan Griffin

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