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                                                                   Thursday 10 Mayhursday 10 May

                                                Sales: The Little Film Company   Casting: Audrey Lamy, Florent Peyre, Max   Section: Market
                 Synopsis: With the help of her delivery-boy   (Relais De La Reine, Apt. C42) +447710305326  Boublil  Director: Emma Forrest
                 friend, Dilili, a young Kanak, investigates a   Section: Market  Next screening: 12 May, 15:30, Olympia 9  Casting: Jamie Dornan, Billy Crystal, Ben
                 spate of mysterious kidnappings of young girls   Director: Andy Morahan                      Mendelsohn, Jemima Kirke, Lola Kirke, Alice
                 that is plaguing Belle Epoque Paris. She   Casting: Ankush Khanna, Amy Jackson, Aston   MAPPLETHORPE  Eve, Scott Caan, Jennifer Grey
                 encounters a series of extraordinary characters,   Merrygold, Jerry-Lane Pears, Roshan Seth, Nick   Première
                 who provide her with clues.    Moran                          USA, 95’, Drama.               COBAIN
                                                Synopsis: A British-Indian teenager struggles   Gray 2        Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, 94’, Drama.
                 OUR STRUGGLES (NOS BATAILLES)  with his cultural heritage in modern-day   Sales: The Exchange  Olympia 3
                 Première                       London; falling for a 20-something actress/  Section: Market  Sales: Beta Cinema
                 Belgium, France, 98’, Second film.  model during a 1970s-themed exhibition and               (Goeland Entrance) +4917610312646
                 Olympia 8 (Invite only)        becoming obsessed with her, the fashion and   Director: Ondi Timoner  Section: Market
                 Sales: Be For Films (Booth A6)  music of the 1970s era.       Casting: Marianne Rendón, Matt Smith, John   Director: Nanouk Leopold
                 Section: Market (Critic's Week)                               Benjamin Hickey                Casting: Bas Keizer, Naomi Velissariou, Wim
                 Director: Guillaume Senez      15 MINUTES OF WAR              Synopsis: An intimate portrait of the life of   Opbrouck, Dana Marineci, Cosmina Stratan
                 Casting: Romain Duris, Laure Calamy, Lucie   Première         Robert Mapplethorpe, one of the most contro-  Synopsis: Cobain cares deeply for his mother
                 Debay, Laetitia Dosch, Léna Girard, Basile   France, 95’, Action/Adventure.  versial and influential photographers of the   Mia. Living on the streets, Mia just can’t get a
                 Grunberger                     Riviera 1                      20th century. Coming of age as an artist in dec-  grip on her life, even now that she is pregnant.
                 Synopsis: Olivier does the best he can to fight   Sales: Playtime (3 Sq Mérimée (3rd Fl.))  adent 1970s New York, Robert’s work ranged   Cobain finds shelter with Mia’s ex, Wickmayer,
                 injustice at work. But when his wife Laura   Section: Market  from elegant flowers and forms to graphic   a man who pimps out foreign women. Cobain
                 abandons the family home, he is left alone to   Director: Fred Grivois  S&M scenes.          feels he finally found something resembling a
                 juggle between the children’s needs, life’s daily   Casting: Alban Lenoir, Olga Kurylenko  I WILL NEVER FORGIVE  home. When Mia attempts contact, Wickmayer
                                                                                                              sends her away. But Cobain tries to help Mia to
                 challenges and his job.        Synopsis: 1976. Somalian rebels hijack a                      be a good mother for once.
                 Next screening: 13 May, 08:30, Bunuel  school bus with 21 French children and an   Première
                                                American teacher, and drive it to a no-man’s-  Japan, 124’, Social issues.  LITTLE WOODS
                 THE MIDAS TOUCH                land. French captain André Gerval is called to   Gray 4       Première
                 Première                       lead a five-man sniper attack to get the chil-  Sales: Crei   USA, 105’, Drama.
                 Unknown, 109’.                 dren and their teacher out safely. A true story.  (Booth 23.01) +81 90 6316 6041  Olympia 7
                 Palais C                       Next screening: 15 May, 09:45, Arcades 2  Section: Market     Sales: Independent
                 Sales: F.T.B.-Productions (Booth 23.06b)                      Director: Hideki Wada          (Numa Blanc, 23 Rue Mace)
                 Section: Market                17:00                          Synopsis: 15-year-old junior high school girl,   Section: Market
                 Next screening: 14 May, 20:30, Riviera 1                      Yoko, gets raped and she changes from the   Director: Nia Dacosta
                                                DIVERSION SPECIAL SHOWCASE -   serious good student. She meets the middle-
                 NEW EUROPE FILM SALES          PROGRAM 1                      aged man who gives her money for sex. She   NAPLES IN VEILS (NAPOLI VELATA)
                 SECRET SCREENING               Première                       moves to Tokyo with money she got from the   Italy, 109’, Thriller.
                 Première                       90’, VR.                       man and starts working at sex shops because   Palais B
                 Unknown, 100’.                 Next VR Cinema (Ticket required)  she has given up her dreams. However, after   Sales: True Colours Glorious Films
                 Palais E                       Sales: Diversion Cinema (Next 14.H)  getting the nursing license, she spends the day   (Booth C1)
                                                                                                              Section: Market
                 Sales: New Europe Film Sales   Section: Market                as a nurse and night as an S&M worker.  Director: Ferzan Ozpetek
                 (Scandinavian Terrace) +48698900936  Synopsis: A VR Market Screening at NEXT                 Casting: Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Alessandro
                 Section: Market                including the following VR films: THE REAL   MINUSCULE - THE MANDIBLES   Borghi
                 Next screening: 14 May, 14:00, Palais C  THING - THE WILD IMMERSION: ASIA OCEANIA  FROM FAR AWAY (MINUSCULE -  Synopsis: In a Naples suspended between
                                                                               LES MANDIBULES DU BOUT DU MONDE)  magic and superstition, madness and rationali-
                 A TRANSLATOR (UN TRADUCTOR)    17:30                          Première                       ty, a mystery envelops the existence of Adriana,
                 Première                                                      France, 90’, Animation. Trailer   overwhelmed by a sudden love and violent
                 Canada, Cuba, 107’, Drama.     MURDER ME, MONSTER             Lerins 2 (Press Allowed)       crime.
                 Palais G                       (¡MUERE, MONSTRUO, MUERE!)     Sales: Futurikon (Booth L10)
                 Sales: Intramovies (Booth C1)  Première                       Section: Market                MY FRIEND “A” (YUZAI)
                 Section: Market                Argentina, France, Chile, 103’, Drama.  Director: Thomas Szabo, Hélène Giraud  Première
                 Director: Rodrigo Barriuso, Sebastián Barriuso  Arcades 1     Synopsis: In the conditioning unit of a small   Japan, 129’, Drama.
                 Casting: Rodrigo Santoro, Maricel Álvarez,   Sales: The Match Factory   chestnut can factory, a young ladybug gets   Palais D
                 Milda Gecaite                  (La Bagatelle/25 La Croisette) +33493398860  trapped in a cardboard box shipped to the   Sales: Gaga Corporation (Booth D13)
                 Synopsis: In the wake of the Chernobyl nuclear   Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)  Caribbean. His parent sets off to find his little   Section: Market
                                                                                                              Director: Takahisa Zeze
                 disaster, Malin, a Russian professor in Havana,   Director: Fadel Alejandro  kid. Once he makes it there, our hero finds a   Casting: Toma Ikuta
                 is sent to translate between Cuban doctors and   Next screening: 12 May, 13:30, Arcades 1  double mission: find his offspring and save his   Synopsis: An ex-journalist Masuda whose arti-
                 children sent from the USSR for medical treat-                new Caribbean ladybug friends’ home threat-  cle caused a scandalous fatality now works at a
                 ment. As he adapts to his new job, the Berlin   MAD MOM (MA REUM)  ened by a human construction site.   small factory. He learns that his colleague
                 Wall falls and Cuba enters economic crisis.  Première                                        Suzuki is a former convict who killed some chil-
                 Next screening: 14 May, 12:00, Palais E  France, 82’, Comedy.  UNTOGETHER                    dren back in middle school. Masuda secretly
                                                Arcades 3                      Première                       starts to write a piece on Suzuki while befriend-
                 BOOGIE MAN                     Sales: Gaumont                 USA, Romance.                  ing him. The more he learns, however, the more
                 United Kingdom, 100’, Comedy.  Section: Market                Olympia 1                      Masuda remembers his younger self, a boy
                 Palais I                       Director: Frédéric Quiring     Sales: Ambassador Film Group   who triggered his classmate’s suicide.

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