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                                                                                                                     Thursday 10 May 2018

     Thursday 10 May

       © DR           Petra

                 path of gay love in this macho world is not an   LOUISE LECAVALIER - IN MOTION  (Marina Club H6)  about going to university, draws graffiti and
                 easy one. Mario is unwilling or unable to   (LOUISE LECAVALIER - SUR SON CHEVAL  Section: Market  likes girls. Carmen quickly develops a complicity
                 acknowledge the implications of what is hap-  DE FEU)         Director: Tomás Alzamora       with Lola and discovers a world that, inevitably,
                 pening. But pretend girlfriends don’t fool every-  Première   Casting: Rodrigo Salinas, Ernesto Meléndez,   leads them to be rejected by their families.
                 one. And gossip, along with the threat of black-  Canada, 102’, Documentary.  Daniel Antovilo  Next screening: 13 May, 14:00, Lerins 1
                 mail, unbalances the team’s morale.  Gray 3                   Synopsis: Edgardo is a journalist who tries to
                 Next screening: 13 May, 09:45, Gray 1  Sales: Filmoption International (  keep his job in the newspaper of a small town   GO! INSIDE VR SHOWCASE
                                                Pav 122) +15149980974                                         Première
                 16:00                          Section: Market                where there almost seems to be no news. With   Croatia, Australia, Russia, Austria, 29’, VR.
                                                Director: Raymond St-Jean      colleague Vladimir they invent a story which   Next VR Cinema (Ticket required)
                 SOBIBOR (LEGENDA O POBEGE)     Casting: Louise Lecavalier, Robert Abubo,   becomes the first of many that give new impe-  Sales: Go! Pictures Kg (Pav 119)
                 Première                       Patrick Lamothe, Frédéric Tavernini, Marc   tus to the newspaper. He must decide whether   Section: Market
                 Russia, Germany, Lithuania, 110’, Drama.  Béland, Pierre-Mary Toussaint, Kier Knight ,   to confess the truth.  Synopsis: A VR Market Screening at NEXT
                 Gray 1 (Press allowed)         Angelo Barsetti                                               including the following VR films: HEROES OF
                 Sales: All Media Company (Booth M9)  Synopsis: The film tells the inspiring story of an   CARMEN & LOLA (CARMEN Y LOLA)  NIGHT AND TRAGIC - VIRTUAL TARKINE
                 Section: Market                irrepressible artist who, working with choreog-  Première     RIVERS - OUR NORTH POLE - REMAIN AT
                 Director: Konstantin Khabenskiy  rapher Édouard Lock, revolutionised contempo-  Spain, 103’, Drama.  HOME
                 Casting: Konstantin Khabenskiy, Christopher   rary dance in the 1980s. Today, at 58, Lecavalier   Lerins 1 (Priority badges only)
                 Lambert, Maria Kozhevnikova    enjoys a successful solo career on the interna-  Sales: Latido Films (Booth A5)  DILILI IN PARIS (DILILI À PARIS)
                 Synopsis: Based on the true story, Sobibor tells   tional stage.   Section: Market (Directors Fortnight)  Première
                 the story of the heroism of Soviet officer   Next screening: 13 May, 09:30, Palais D  Director: Arantxa Echevarría  France, Children's.
                 Alexander Pechersky. Sobibor was one of four                  Casting: Zaira Romero, Rosy Rodriguez,   Olympia 2 (Priority badges only)
                 concentration camps in Poland. He managed to   LA MENTIRITA BLANCA  Moreno Borja, Rafela León, Carolina Yuste  Sales: Wild Bunch
                 do the impossible —  he organised a revolt,   (LITTLE WHITE LIE)  Synopsis: Carmen lives in a gypsy community   (5 Square Mérimée) +33 4 93 68 73 53
                 which aided the mass escape of prisoners.   Chile, 80’, Black comedy.  in the suburbs of Madrid. She is destined to get   Section: Market
                 Some of the escapees were caught, but the rest   Gray 5       married and raise children. But one day she   Director: Michel Ocelot
                 followed Pechersky and joined the resistance.  Sales: Summerside International   meets Lola, an uncommon gypsy who dreams

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