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                                                                                                                     Thursday 10 May 2018

         Thursday 10 Mayhursday 10 May

                 CRUCIBLE OF THE VAMPIRE        Section: Market                Sales: Mosfilm Cinema Concern (Booth M9)  #FEMALE PLEASURE
                 United Kingdom, 97’, Horror.   Director: Florian Ross         Section: Market                Première
                 Palais F                       Casting: Matthias Schweighöfer, Jella Haase  Director: Aleksandr Aravin  Switzerland, 93’, Documentary.
                 Sales: Screenbound International Pictures   Synopsis: In her early 20s, Marleen (Jella   Casting: Igor Petrenko, Aleksey Vertkov, Dmitry   Palais C
                 (Booth E4)                     Haase) still lives at home and prefers working   Parastaev, Ayub Tsingiev  Sales: Cat & Docs (Doc Corner H8)
                 Section: Market                in the little movie theatre around the corner   Synopsis: The ruthless extremist Bazgaev   Section: Market
                 Director: Iain Ross-Mcnamee                                   responsible for terrorist attacks which lead to
                 Casting: Neil Morrissey, Katie Goldfinch,   rather than making big plans for the future.  deaths of hundreds of civilians, is planning new   Director: Barbara Miller
                 Charles O'Neill                18:00                          actions. A group of security officers is to track   Synopsis: A journey to discover the remaining
                 Synopsis: Isabelle (Katie Goldfinch) is a naive,              and destroy him. Based on a true story.  obstacles that stand in the way of female sexu-
                 university researcher who is sent to a gothic   TEAM SPIRIT                                  ality in the 21st century. In the context of the
                 manor to appraise an ancient crucible, once   Première        OUR HAPPY HOLIDAY              five world religions, courageous women break
                 belonging to a Sorcerer from the 17th century.   France, 98’, True Story.  (PREMIÈRES VACANCES)  their silence regarding one of the greatest mys-
                 It soon becomes apparent that the house holds                 Première                       teries and taboos of our time: female pleasure.
                 more than one dark secret…     Arcades 2                      France, 100’, Comedy.          Next screening: 14 May, 18:00, Palais C
                 Next screening: 14 May, 15:30, Palais F  Sales: SND - Groupe M6 (42 Rue Des Serbes)  Lerins 3 (Press allowed)
                                                Section: Market                                               CENTRAL PARK
                 HARD-CORE                      Director: Vianney Lebasque     Sales: Le Pacte (Booth M21)    Première
                 Première                       Casting: Ahmed Sylla, Olivier Barthelemy, Jean-  Section: Market  USA, 88’, Horror.
                 Japan, 124’, Drama.            Pierre Darroussin              Director: Patrick Cassir
                 Palais H                       Synopsis: Pipo and Stan, best friends, share a   Casting: Camille Chamoux, Jonathan Cohen,   Palais E
                 Sales: Kadokawa Corporation    common love for basketball. They come accross   Camille Cottin  Sales: Jinga Films (Booth G7)
                 (Booth C6) +04 92 99 33 26     a once in a lifetime opportunity: joining the   Synopsis: Marion and Ben are both in their   Section: Market
                 Section: Market                                               thirties and living in Paris. That and the Tinder   Director: Justin Reinsilber
                 Director: Nobuhiro Yamashita   French Paralympics basketball team, acting as   app on their phones is pretty much all they   Casting: Justiin A. Davis, Grace Van Patten,
                 Casting: Takayuki Yamada, Takeru Satoh,   mentally challenged. Pipo and Stan fly to   have in common. But opposite attract, and two   Ruby Modine, Malika Samuel , Guillermo
                 Yoshiyoshi Arakawa             Sydney for the Olympic games. Getting to know   weeks after the first date, they are leaving   Arribas, Deema Airken, Charles Borland, Marina
                 Synopsis: Ukon Gondo is a stubborn loner   the disabled and the Paralympics community   together for their summer holidays. Next   Squerciati, Michael Lombardoi, David Valcin
                                                                                                              Synopsis: Six high-school juniors stick together
                 who dwells at the bottom of the social ladder   they get carried away by the competition.  screening: 11 May, 16:00, Lerins 3  when one of their fathers is implicated in a
                 in present-day Japan. He has a weird job, dig-  Next screening: 12 May, 11:30, Olympia 3     Bernie Madoff-esque Ponzi scheme.
                 ging tunnels looking for the Shogun's gold for a              YOMEDDINE
                 suspicious ultra-left nationalist. The only person   VAN GOGH - OF WHEAT FILEDS  Première    DEATH HOUSE
                 he can relate to is his gentlehearted colleague,   AND CLOUDED SKIES  Austria, Egypt, 97’, Drama.  Première
                 Ushiyama. Ukon and Ushiyama find a rusty old   (VAN GOGH - TRA IL GRANO E IL CIELO)  Olympia 2  USA, 90’, Horror.
                                                Première                       Sales: Wild Bunch
                 robot at an abandoned plant.                                                                 Palais G
                                                Italy, 90’, Documentary.       (5 Square Mérimée) +33 4 93 68 73 53  Sales: TriCoast Worldwide (Booth D3)
                 GOLD SEEKERS (LOS BUSCADORES)  Gray 1                         Section: Market (In competition)  Section: Market
                 Paraguay, 102’, Action/Adventure.  Sales: Nexo Digital        Director: A.B. Shawky          Director: B. Harrison Smith
                 Riviera 2                      Section: Market                Synopsis: Beshay, an Egyptian leper, lives in an   Synopsis: Two FBI agents are stationed in a
                 Sales: FilmSharks International (Booth D12)  Director: Giovanni Piscaglia  aging leper colony in the middle of nowhere.   futuristic maximum security prison, where the
                 Section: Market                Casting: Valeria Bruni Tedeschi  After the death of wife, he decides to leave the   prisoners are not trapped within a physical
                 Director: Juan Carlos Maneglia, Tana   Synopsis: A new look at Van Gogh, through   colony for the first time, alongside his appren-  place but rather their own minds. When an out-
                 Schembori                      the legacy of the largest private collector of art-  tice, a Nubian orphan nicknamed Obama, and   side force shuts down the prison, the agents
                                                                                                              are trapped.
                 Casting: Tomás Arredondo       works by the Dutch painter: Helene Kröller-  his donkey, they travel through the labyrinth of
                 Synopsis: Manu is looking through an ancient   Müller (1869-1939), who, in the early 20th cen-  Egypt for the first time in their lives.  BELIEVER
                 book his grandfather gave him when he discov-  tury, ended up buying nearly 300 of his works,   Next screening: 12 May, 12:00, Olympia 8  Première
                 ers an old map and photos. Knowing his grand-  paintings and drawings. The story unfolds of a   KINOLOGY PRIVATE SCREENING 1 Première  Korea (South), 125’, Crime.
                 father was a treasure hunter who was always   woman who, in Van Gogh's spiritual torment   Unknown, 127’.  Palais I (Invite only)
                 looking for the gold and jewels, he thinks this   could recognise her own.  Olympia 5        Sales: Contents Panda/Next Entertainment
                 map may be a clue. Quickly enlisting a friend,   Next screening: 15 May, 11:30, Olympia 3  Sales: Kinology (1 Rue Dr Gérard Monod)  World (Booth G6)
                 he soon discovers that the location in the map                Section: Market                Section: Market
                 is now an embassy and decides to begin an   GATAO 2: RISE OF THE KING                        Director: Hae-Young Lee
                 adventure of his own.          Première                       JONATHAN                       Casting: Jin-Woong Cho, Jun-Yeol Ryu, Sung-
                 Next screening: 13 May, 14:00, Palais G  Taiwan, 127’, Action/Adventure.  Première           Ryoung Kim, Hae-Jun Park
                                                Gray 5                         United Kingdom, 90’.           Synopsis: Detective Won-ho is determined to
                 17:45                          Sales: Swallow Wings Films (Booth 25.01)  Olympia 8           catch the infamous leader of Asia’s largest drug
                                                Section: Market                Sales: Great Point Media (App. 2d)   market, who is known only by the name, Mr.
                 A JAR FULL OF LIFE             Director: Yen Cheng-Kuo        +447568215011                  Lee. Won-ho apprehends and conspires with
                 (VIELMACHGLAS)                                                                               Rak, a lowly member of the drug cartel who
                 Première                       DECISION: LIQUIDATION          Section: Market                seeks revenge.
                 Germany, 85’, Road movie.      (RESHENIE O LIKVIDATSII)       Director: Bill Oliver          Next screening: 12 May, 15:30, Palais J
                 Lerins 4                       Première                       Casting: Ansel Elgort, Suki Waterhouse, Patricia
                 Sales: Picture Tree International   Russia, 96’, Action/Adventure.  Clarkson, Matt Bomer
                 (Booth G1) +04 92 99 32 06     Lerins 1                       Next screening: 12 May, 13:30, Olympia 7

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