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SCREENINGS                                                                                                 Sunday 19 May
                                                                                                                                   DAY 6


                                                                Sunday 19 May

                 INDIANARA (Premiere)           Section: In competition        behind Senna and Amy, the film will be constructed   Gray 4
                 Brazil, 84’, First film.       Director: Céline Sciamma       from over 500 hours of never-before-seen footage   Sales: Epic Pictures Group (Flamant
                 Arcades 1                      Casting: Adèle Haenel, Noémie Merlant,   from Maradona’s personal archive and in the style   Entrance, 72)
                                                                               of Senna and Amy, will be a high-end and definitive
                 Sales: Acid                    Valeria Golino                 feature documentary made with the full support of   Section: Market
                 Section: ACID                  Synopsis: Brittany, France, 1760. Marianne, a   Maradona.     Director: Mike Ahern, Enda Loughman
                 Director: Aude Chevalier-Beaumel, Marcelo   painter, is commissioned to do the wedding portrait   Next screening: 20 May, 08:30, Salle Du 60e  Casting: Will Forte, Maeve Higgins, Claudia
                                                of Héloïse, a young lady who has just left the
                 Barbosa                        convent. .                                                    O’Doherty, Barry Ward
                 Synopsis: Bigger-than-life revolutionary, Indianara                                          Synopsis: A supernatural comedy in the tone of
                 and her group lead a fight for the survival of   Next screening: 20 May, 08:30, Lumiere      What We Do In The Shadows, the film tells the story
                 transgender people in Brazil. She gathers her forces   22:30    MARKET                       of a driving instructor who must use her other-
                 for one last battle against the attacks from her                                             wordly gifts to save a lonely man’s daughter from a
                 political party and the totalitarian threat to come.  ON A MAGICAL NIGHT (Premiere)          rock star looking to use her for Satanic purposes.
                                                                                                              THE BEST OF DORIEN B.
                 20:30                          France, 90’, Comedy.                                          Belgium, Netherlands, 106’, Comedy.
                                                Théâtre Claude Debussy (Press Screening) 9:00
                 THE LIGHTHOUSE (Premiere)      Sales: Charades                THE INVISIBLE LIFE OF EURÍDICE  Lerins 2
                 USA, Canada, 110’, Horror.     (3 Rond-Point Duboys D’Angers)  GUSMÃO (Premiere)             Sales: Be For Films (A6) +33 6 14 34 37 55
                 Theatre Croisette              Section: Un Certain Regard     Brazil, 135’, Drama.           Section: Market
                 Sales: A24 Films               Director: Christophe Honore    Arcades 3 (Priority Badges Only)  Director: Anke Blondé
                 Section: Directors’ Fortnight  Synopsis: After 20 years of marriage, Maria decides   Sales: The Match Factory (25 La Croisette)   Casting: Kim Snauwaert, Jelle De Beule,
                 Director: Robert Eggers        to leave. She moves to the room 212 of the hotel   +33 6 43 63 46 73  Katelijne Verbeke, Dirk Van Dijck
                 Casting: Robert Pattinson, Willem Dafoe  opposite her marital home. From there, Maria can    Synopsis: Dorien has everything to be happy: a
                 Synopsis: From Robert Eggers, the visionary   scrutinise her apartment, her husband, her wedding.   Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)  successful husband, two adorable children and a
                 filmmaker behind the modern horror masterpiece   She wonders if she has made the right decision.  Director: Aïnouz Karim  booming veterinary practice. One day, everything
                 The Witch, comes this hypnotic and hallucinatory   Next screening: 20 May, 12:00, Palais K  Casting: Carol Duarte, Julia Stockler,   falls apart. .
                 tale of two lighthouse keepers on a remote and                Fernanda Montenegro
                 mysterious New England island in the 1890s.  LAND OF ASHES (Premiere)   Synopsis: Rio de Janeiro, 1950. Euridice, 18 and   HEIMAT IS A SPACE IN TIME (Premiere)
                 Next screening: 20 May, 22:30, Arcades 1  Costa Rica, Argentina, Chile, France, 82’,   Guida, 20, are two inseparable sisters. They live at   Germany, Austria, 218’, Documentary.
                                                                               home, and each has a dream: becoming a
                                                                                                              Lerins 4
                 21:30                          Miramar                        renowned pianist, or finding true love.   Sales: Pluto Film Distribution Network
                 THE DOORS                      Sales: Totem Films             Next screening: 20 May, 08:30, Debussy  Gmbh (H6 (Marina Club))
                 140’.                          (29 Rue Du Commandant André)   SUMMER OF CHANGSHA (Premiere)  Section: Market
                 Plage Macé                     Section: Critics’ Week (In Competition)  China, 120’, Thriller.  Director: Thomas Heise
                 Section: Cinéma de la plage    Director: Sofía Quirós Ubeda   Olympia 7 (Priority Badges Only)  Synopsis: Heimat Is A Space In Time picks up the
                 Director: Oliver Stone         Casting: Smachleen Gutiérrez, Humberto   Sales: Indie Sales (2 Rue Bivouac   biographical pieces of a family torn apart through
                                                                                                              the end of the 19th and into the 20th century. It is
                 Casting: Val Kilmer, Kathleen Quinlan,   Samuels, Kesha Brown, Hortensia Smith  Napoléon, 5th Fl.)  about people who by chance found each other, only
                 Kevin Dillon, Meg Ryan, Jennifer Tilly,   Synopsis: Selva (13) lives in a Caribbean coastal   then to lose each other. Now it is their descendants,
                 Synopsis: In 1965, Jim meets Ray Manzarek in a   town. After the sudden disappearance of her only   Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)  their children and grandchildren who are beginning
                 UCLA film class. Jim writes poems, Ray plays the   motherly figure, Selva is the only one left to take   Director: Zu Feng  to disappear. This is all about speaking and silence.
                 organ, they decide to try their luck and form a group   care of her grandfather, who doesn’t want to live   Casting: Zu Feng, Huang Lu  First love and happiness lost. Fathers and mothers,
                 called the Doors with guitarist Robby Krieger and   anymore. Between mysterious shadows and wild   Synopsis: China, nowadays, in the city of Changsha.   sons and brothers, the affairs, the hurt and the joy in
                 drummer John Desmore. The group draws crowds to   games, she debates whether helping her   A Bin is a police detective. During the investigation   landscapes of transition – each bearing the
                 their first shows in the small clubs on Sunset Strip.   grandfather achieve his desire, even though this   of a bizarre murder case, he meets Li Xue, a surgeon.   intertwining, hallmarks of their times. A collage of
                 The Doors music, lyrics and especially their lifestyle   might mean going through her last moments of   As they get to know each other, A Bin happens to be   images, sounds, letters, diaries, notes, voices,
                 speak to an entire generation. Jim is inspired by two   childhood alone.  more and more attracted to this mysterious woman,   fragments of time and space. A journey of reflection
                 women, Pamela and Patricia, and is open about his   Next screening: 20 May, 08:30, Miramar  while both are struggling with their own love stories   of time and the love held within using sounds,
                 attraction to drugs. On stage he seems to be in a             and sins. Could a love affair help them find   images and language. Yet some of it shall remain
                 state of grace. But his life is a path that inevitably   GIVE ME LIBERTY (Premiere)  redemption?  forever lost. The material used in this film is what
                 leads to a mysterious and premature death.   USA, 111’, Drama.  Next screening: 22 May, 16:15, Debussy  remains of my family. The remnants of those I knew,
                 21:45                          Arcades 1                      BRAVE FATHER ONLINE – OUR STORY   whose circumstances I had been part of or had
                                                                                                              otherwise experienced. Remnants that mirror
                                                Sales: Wild Bunch
                                                                               OF FINAL FANTASY XIV (Premiere)
                 THE WHISTLERS (Premiere)       (5 Square Mérimée – 1er Étage)  Japan, 114’, Family.          history. A history that is just as much my own.
                 Romania, France, Germany, 97’, Drama.  Section: Directors’ Fortnight  Palais D               (Thomas Heise)
                 Salle Du 60e                   Director: Kirill Mikhanovsky   Sales: Gaga Corporation (D13)  ANNECY GOES TO CANNES
                 Sales: MK2 Films (52 La Croisette)  Casting: Chris Galust, Lauren ‘Lolo’   Section: Market   (ANIMATION DAY) (Premiere)
                 Section: Day after screenings (In   Spencer, Maksim Stoyanov  Director: Teruo Noguchi, Kiyoshi   110’.
                                                                                                              Olympia 1
                                                Synopsis: Vic, a hapless young Russian American,
                 Competition)                   drives a handicapped transportation vehicle in   Yamamoto
                 Director: Corneliu Porumboiu   Milwaukee.                     Casting: Kentaro Sakaguchi, Kotaro   Sales: Festival International Du Film
                 Casting: Vlad Ivanov, Catrinel Marlon  Next screening: 20 May, 10:00, Olympia 8  Yoshida     D’Animation D’Annecy (Citia)
                 Synopsis: Not everything is as it seems for Cristi, a         Synopsis: Akio wishes he had a better relationship   Section: Market
                 police inspector in Bucharest who plays both sides   23:00    with his reserved father Akira. One day Akira   Synopsis: Annecy Goes to Cannes a selection of
                 of the law. Embarked by the beautiful Gilda on a              suddenly quits his job and retires without giving out   films work-in-progress: Dragonkeeper by Ignacio
                 high-stakes heist, both will have to navigate the   DIEGO MARADONA (Premiere)  any explanation to the family. .  Ferreras/Archipelago by Félix Dufour-Laperrière/Bob
                 twists and turns of treachery and deception.  United Kingdom, 125’, Documentary.  9:30       Spit - We Do Not Like People by Cesar Cabral/Yakari
                 Next screening: 21 May, 17:30, Palais J  Grand Théâtre Lumière (Ticket Required)  QUEENS OF THE FIELD (Premiere)  by Xavier Giacometti.
                                                                                                              THE WEASELS’ TALE (Premiere)
                 22:00                          Sales: Altitude Film Sales / Altitude Film   France, 94’, Comedy.  Argentina, Spain, 129’, Comedy.
                                                Entertainment (9 Rue Des États-Unis, 2nd
                 THE WHISTLERS (Premiere)       Floor) +33 4 89 68 50 15       Arcades 1                      Olympia 4 (Priority Badges Only)
                 Romania, France, Germany, 97’, Drama.  Section: Out of Competition  Sales: Gaumont (2 Rue Bivouac Napoleon)   Sales: Latido Films (A5)
                 Olympia 1                      Director: Asif Kapadia         +33 4 93 68 90 20              Section: Market
                 Sales: MK2 Films (52 La Croisette)  Synopsis: Having never won a major tournament,   Section: Market  Director: Juan José Campanella
                 Section: In competition        ailing football giant SSC Napoli had criminally   Director: Mohamed Hamidi  Casting: Graciela Borgés, Oscar Martínez,
                 Director: Corneliu Porumboiu   underachieved. Their fanatical support was   Casting: Kad Merad, Alban Ivanov, Céline   Luis Brandoni, Marcos Mundstock, Clara
                                                unequalled in both passion and size. None was
                 Casting: Vlad Ivanov, Catrinel Marlon  more feared. But how they ached for success… On   Sallette, Sabrina Ouazani  Lago, Nicolas Francella
                 Synopsis: Not everything is as it seems for Cristi, a   5th July 1984, Diego Maradona arrived in Naples for   Synopsis: After its football team is disqualified for   Synopsis: A beautiful star from the cinema Golden
                                                                               insulting a referee during a major game, a small
                 police inspector in Bucharest who plays both sides   a world-record fee and for seven years all hell broke   country town risks losing its funding along with its   Age, an actor in the twilight of his life, a witty
                 of the law. Embarked by the beautiful Gilda on a   loose. The world’s most celebrated football genius   field. To avoid this disaster, there is only one   scriptwriter and a cunning director live together in a
                 high-stakes heist, both will have to navigate the   and the most dysfunctional city in Europe were a   solution: creating a new team made up exclusively   mansion where they have created an unusual
                 twists and turns of treachery and deception.  perfect match for each other. Maradona was blessed   of women to defend the city’s colors! But in a   environment. The arrival of a young couple seeking
                 22:15                          on the field but cursed off it; the charismatic   community where football has always been an   to persuade the actress to sell the house, forces the
                                                                                                              other inhabitants to come together and conspire to
                                                Argentine, quickly led Naples to their first-ever title.
                                                                               activity reserved for men, these women’s new status
                 PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE (Premiere)  It was the stuff of dreams. But there was a price…   will be sure to shake up the daily lives of the town’s   prevent it.
                 France, 120’, Drama.           Diego could do as he pleased whilst performing   residents.   BEANPOLE (Premiere)
                                                miracles on the pitch, but when the magic faded he
                 Salle Bazin (Press Screening)  became almost a prisoner of the city. The third film   EXTRA ORDINARY. (Premiere)  Russia, 134’, Drama.
                 Sales: MK2 Films (52 La Croisette)  from the Academy Award and BAFTA-winning team   Ireland, Belgium, 94’, Comedy.  Olympia 8 (Priority Badges Only)
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