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SCREENINGS                                                                                                 Sunday 19 May
                                                                                                                                   DAY 6


                                                                Sunday 19 May

                 Sales: Wild Bunch              Director: Johnny Ma            Inc. (19.08 (Palais Club)) +13108695370  Palais K
                 (5 Square Mérimée – 1st floor)  Synopsis: Zhao Li is the manager of a small   Section: Market  Sales: New Horizons Int’L Film Festival /
                 Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)  Sichuan Opera troupe, living and performing   Director: Nestor Abrogena  New Horizons Association
                 Director: Kantemir Balagov     together in a rundown theatre located in the   Casting: Nicco Manalo, Emmanuelle Vera,   Section: Market
                                                outskirts of Chengdu, China. When she receives the
                 Casting: Viktoria Miroshnichenko, Vasilisa   notice of demolition for the theatre, Zhao Li hides   Alex Medina, Anna Luna  Synopsis: New Horizons’ Polish Days Goes to
                 Perelygina, Andrey Bykov, Igor Shirokov,   the news from everyone else, fearing that this could   Synopsis: Five years after their break-up, ex-lovers   Cannes presents a selection of works-in-progress:
                 Konstantin Balakirev, Ksenia Kutepova,   spell the end of her opera troupe: besides   turned friends attempt to find romance but find   #Toomanykicks, Maciej Slezak & Maria Zbaska/
                 Olga Dragunova                 demolition, it’s the life of her “family” that is at   nothing except the pain of being in love with   Broad Peak by Leszek Dawid/I Never Cry by Piotr
                                                                               someone else whom they can never be with.
                 Synopsis: The sprawling city that just survived the   stake. As she struggles to search for a new theatre   Domalewski/The Antarctic Syndrome by Piotr
                                                                                                              Jaworski/Tony Halik. Born For Adventure by Marcin
                 war and the long siege looks like a terminally ill   for them to both sing and live in, the opera and its   DARKHOONGAH (Premiere)  Borchardt.
                 person.                        fantastic characters slowly begin to seep into her   Iran, 103’, Drama.
                                                real world.                                                   TRUE COLOURS PROMO (Premiere)
                 AASHA AND THE STREET DOGS      Next screening: 20 May, 11:30, Theatre   Lerins 1
                 (Premiere)                     Croisette                      Sales: Arthood Entertainment Gmbh (K6)  Italy, 110’, Comedy. Trailer
                 United Kingdom, 95’, Family.                                  Section: Market                Riviera 1
                 Palais B (Priority Badges Only)  THE CORDILLERA OF DREAMS (Premiere)  Director: Siyavosh Asadi  Sales: True Colours Glorious Films Srl
                                                                               Casting: Amin Hayee, Jaleh Sameti,
                 Sales: Cinestaan International  France, 85’.                  Mehraveh Sharifinia, Mahmoud Jaffari,   Section: Market
                 Section: Market                Riviera 2                      Mansour Shahbazi
                 Director: Frederik Du Chau     Sales: Pyramide International (J6)  Synopsis: During the beginning of the Iranian   11:00
                 Synopsis: The heart-warming tale of Aasha, a   Section: Market (Special screening)  Islamic revolution: Reza, tough and bold in his   MASTERCLASS ALAIN DELON (Premiere)
                 spirited and brave three-legged street dog who   Director: Patricio Guzmán  appearance, returns to his home in Tehran, after
                 dreams of a better life. The first live-action all-animal   Synopsis: Patricio Guzmán left Chile more than 40   eight years of sacrificing work in Japan. With the   120’.
                 feature to be shot in India, it stars an extraordinary   years ago when the military dictatorship took over   earnings he had sent over during all the years, he   Salle Buñuel
                 cast of dogs, pigs, camels, cows and a charismatic   the democratically-elected government, but he   proudly plans to buy land, start a new business, and   Sales: Festival De Cannes
                 young street kid.              never stopped thinking about a country, a culture,   live a well deserved decent life with his family -   Section: Market
                                                and a place on the map that he never forgot. After   meaning his parents, his sister and his grandmother.
                 JOAN OF ARC (Premiere)         covering the North in Nostalgia for the Light and the         11:30
                 France, 133’, Historical.      South in The Pearl Button, his shots get up-close   But Reza’s energy clashes with his sister spending
                                                                               the day on the couch in total boredom, his father
                                                                                                              BENJAMIN THE ELEPHANT (Premiere)
                 Palais C (Priority Badges Only)  with what he calls “the vast revealing backbone of   not living at home, his grandmother aged to   Germany, 110’.
                 Sales: Luxbox (23 Rue Bivouac Napoléon)  Chile’s past and recent history.” La Cordillera de los   muteness, and his mother overacting in pretending   Arcades 3
                                                sueños is a visual poem, an historical inquiry, a
                 Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)  cinematographic essay, and magnificent personal   normality. Soon Reza loses his patience and   Sales: Studiocanal
                                                                               uncovers a huge mess. He responds with a stunning
                 Director: Bruno Dumont         exercise in soul-searching.    fight for justice to himself and the love he has given   Section: Market
                 Casting: Lise Leplat Prudhomme                                and invested.                  Director: Tim Trachte
                 Synopsis: In the 15th century, both France and   10:00        SOUTH
                 England stake a blood claim for the French throne.   THE WILD GOOSE LAKE (Premiere)          PRIMAL (Premiere)
                 Believing that God had chosen her, the young Joan   China, 113’, Thriller.  Portugal, 100’, TV Series.  USA, 90’, Action/Adventure.
                 leads the army of the King of France. When she is             Lerins 3 (Priority Badges Only)
                 captured, the Church sends her for trial on charges   Arcades 2  Sales: Latido Films (A5)    Gray 2 (Priority Badges Only)
                 of heresy. Refusing to accept the accusations, the   Sales: Memento Films International (MFI)   Sales: The Exchange (42 La Croisette,
                 graceful Joan of Arc will stay true to her mission.   (84 Rue D’Antibes, Fifth Floor)  Section: Market  Entrance A)
                 Bruno Dumont’s decision to work with a 10-year-old   Section: Market (In Competition)  Director: Ivo Ferreira  Section: Market
                 actress re-injects this heroine’s timeless cause and   Director: Diao Yinan  Synopsis: July 2013. The heat blankets Lisbon, thick   Director: Nick Powell
                 ideology with a modernity that highlights both the            and paralyzing. Humberto, a nihilistic and socially
                 tragic female condition and the incredible fervor,   Casting: Hu Ge, Kwai Lun Mei, Liao Fan,   awkward Inspector of the Criminal Investigation   Casting: Nicolas Cage, Famke Janssen,
                 strength and freedom women show when shackled   Wan Qian      Police, inquiries the appearance of a woman’s   Kevin Durand
                 by societies and archaic virile orders that belittle and   Synopsis: The story of a gangster on the run who   corpse at a dock on the River Tagus.  Synopsis: Frank Walsh (Cage), an expert big game
                 alienate them.                 eventually sacrifices himself to save his family and   PIRANHAS  trapper, has just boarded a Greek shipping freighter
                                                                                                              with a fresh haul of exotic and deadly animals from
                                                the woman he encounters along the way.
                 LEPAGE AU SOLEIL: AT THE ORIGINS   Next screening: 20 May, 15:30, Olympia 3  Italy, 110’, Drama.  the Amazon, including a rare jaguar.
                 OF KANATA (Premiere)                                          Olympia 2
                 Canada, 90’, Documentary.      DEPRAVED (Premiere)            Sales: Elle Driver (7 La Croisette)  MR. DESHEE (Premiere)
                 Palais F                       USA, 114’, Horror.             Section: Market                USA, 90’, Drama.
                 Sales: Filmoption International  Gray 1                       Director: Claudio Giovannesi   Gray 4
                 Section: Market                Sales: Yellow Veil Pictures    Synopsis: Naples. Nicola and his friends are fifteen   Sales: Adler & Associates Entertainment
                 Director: Hélène Choquette     (19.08 (Palais Club))          years old. They want to make money, buy designer   Inc. (K1)
                 Synopsis: Lepage at the Soleil explores the origins   Section: Market  clothes and brand new scooters.  Section: Market
                 of Kanata, a daring theatrical creation, swept away   Director: Fessenden Larry  Next screening: 21 May, 12:00, Olympia 2  BURNING GHOST (Premiere)
                 by a media scandal in the summer of 2018, before
                                                                               ALICE AND THE MAYOR (Premiere)
                 its premiere.                  U - 235 (Premiere)             France, 110’, Drama.           France, 104’, Fantasy.
                 GREENER GRASS (Premiere)       Belgium, 110’, Action/Adventure.  Palais G                    Lerins 2 (Press Allowed)
                 USA, 93’, Drama.               Gray 3 (Invite only)           Sales: Bac Films (24 La Croisette)  Sales: Les Films Du Losange (G1)
                 Palais H                       Sales: Atlas International Film  Section: Market (Directors’ Fortnight)  Section: Market (ACID)
                 Sales: Kinology (20bis Rue Des Serbes)  Section: Market       Director: Nicolas Pariser      Director: Stephane Batut
                 Section: Market                Director: Sven Huybrechts      Casting: Fabrice Luchini, Anaïs Demoustier  Casting: Thimotée Robard, Judith Chemla
                 Director: Jocelyn Deboer, Dawn Luebbe  Casting: Koen De Bouw, Ella- June Henrard,   Synopsis: The mayor of Lyon, Paul Théraneau, is in   Synopsis: Juste wanders the streets of Paris looking
                                                                                                              for people only he can see. He collects their last
                 Synopsis: Jill and Lisa live in their perfect homes in   Thure Riefenstein, Foren Seldeslachts, Bert   a bad way. He has run out of ideas. After thirty years   memory before helping them into the afterlife.
                 their idyllic suburban community with their happy   Haelvoet, Martin Semmelrogge, Stefan   in politics, he feels empty.
                 families.                      Perceval, Gilles De Schryver, Sven De   Next screening: 22 May, 17:30, Riviera 1  Next screening: 22 May, 14:00, Palais C
                 Next screening: 22 May, 12:00, Riviera 2  Ridder, Roberth Vanden Thoren                      ANIMATION DAY PANEL DISCUSSION
                 SHOOTING THE MAFIA             Synopsis: Based on historical facts: 1939, Long   FLAWLESS (Premiere)  (Premiere)
                                                Island, USA - Albert Einstein is working on a
                 Iceland, 94’, Documentary.     personal letter to president Roosevelt. The letter   Israel, Germany, 97’, Drama.  110’.
                                                                               Palais I
                 Palais J                       points out the devastating consequences of uranium            Olympia 1
                 Sales: Charades                and the fact that the Germans are experimenting   Sales: Beta Cinema (Goeland Entrance)   Sales: Festival International Du Film
                 (3 Rond-Point Duboys D’Angers)  with it. He sees the potential of these materials:   Section: Market  D’Animation D’Annecy (Citia)
                 Section: Market                upon fusion, a bomb with unseen power could be   Director: Sharon Maymon, Tal Granit  Section: Market
                                                produced... Roosevelt takes the letter seriously, and
                 Director: Kim Longinotto       starts a research committee: the Manhattan project,   Casting: Stav Straschko, Netsanet Zenaneh   Synopsis: On the whole animation films are usually
                 Synopsis: Sicilian photographer Letizia Battaglia   to develop the first atomic bomb in the world. They   Mekonnen, Noam Lugasy, Micha Selektar,   targeted at a younger age group, yet a number of
                 spends her career documenting the life and crimes   succeed and win the ‘race to discovery’ between   feature-length animations are specifically aimed at
                 of the Mafia.                  Nazi-Germany and the USA, which ends, as we all   Arad Triffon Reshef, Niv Sultan, Asi Levy  older audiences. From scriptwriting to the film’s
                                                                               Synopsis: Three 17-year-old girls navigate the daily
                 TO LIVE TO SING (Premiere)     know, the 6th of August 1945.  indignities of high school using razor-sharp wit to   release, what are the best choices to make? Is a
                 China, 100’, Drama.            US AT THE END OF THE YEAR (Premiere)  shield their vulnerabilities.   good distributer one that is specialised? What smart
                                                                                                              marketing practices help support a film’s successful
                 Olympia 3 (Priority Badges Only)  Philippines, 101’, Romance.  NEW HORIZONS’ POLISH DAYS GOES   release in cinema theatres? Producers, international
                 Sales: Films Boutique (G3) +04 92 993220  Gray 5 (Press Allowed)  TO CANNES (Premiere)       sellers, distributors and operators answer these
                 Section: Market (Directors’ Fortnight)  Sales: Tba Studios/Tuko Film Productions   110’.     questions.
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