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                                                               Monday 20 May

                 Divina sees Paradise and hell, remembers his   Sales: Wt Movies Ltd  +33 6 43 63 46 73       THESSALONIKI GOES TO CANNES
                 past as a boy and his family shot during the   Section: Market  Section: Market              (Premiere)
                 October revolution in 1917, in his delirium he   Director: Deborah Hadfield  Director: Ivo Ferreira  110’.
                 also sees his wife he betrayed and who died   Casting: Cengiz Dervis, Silvia Busuioc, Nigel   Casting: Rhydian Vaughan, Margarida Vila   Palais K
                 alone. With the words of best Russian poets form   Lowe, Jake Levitt, Ryan Davies, Dave Wong,   Nova  Sales: Thessaloniki International Film Festival
                 the beginning of past century he speaks about   Luke Christian                               Section: Market
                 Russia and its sufferance. Danilov is shot with   Synopsis: All his life Rob Hardy’s hidden a   PREMARITAL EXAMINATION (Premiere)  Synopsis: Thessaloniki Goes to Cannes presents
                 some others, but his words still resonate with his   secret. The battle between his heart and head   China, 90’, Drama.  a selection of works-in-progress: Apples by
                 cellmates.                     forced him to the edge of sanity. Wrestling with   Gray 1 (Priority Badges Only)  Christos Nikou/Defunct by Zacharias Mavroeidis/
                                                memories of how his life changed as a child and   Sales: Zhejiang Dongyang Jiucai Film Company  Persephone by Costas Athousakis/The Man With
                 ALICE (Premiere)               a man he searches for peace. When his Dad   Section: Market   The Answers by Stelios Kammitsis/Winona by The
                 Australia, 103’, Drama.        returned from war with PTSD they’re forced to                 Boy (Alexandros Voulgaris).
                 Lerins 2                       build a new life together. Learning martial arts   KILLED MY WIFE (Premiere)
                 Sales: Visit Films (M4)        helps them calm their demons. Meeting Gabriela   Korea (South), 100’, Thriller.  CHAINED
                 Section: Market                he found Love and grace. Her faith and   Gray 3               Israel, 112’, Drama.
                 Director: Josephine Mackerras  acceptance of Rob filled him with hope. As a   Sales: Mirovision / Studio Bonanza (G8)  Riviera 1
                 Casting: Emilie Piponnier, Martin Swabey,   refugee she has suffered the horrors of war. But   Section: Market  Sales: Alpha Violet (E18)
                 Chloe Boreham, Christophe Favre, David   Rob’s father believes serving is the only way to   Director: Hara Kim  Section: Market
                 Coburn, Philippe De Monts, Rebecca Finet  honour his family. Now he must choose what   Casting: Si-Eon Lee, Ji-Hye Wang, Nae-Sang   Director: Yaron Shani
                 Synopsis: After discovering that her husband’s   kind of man he wants to be. Can he find the   Ahn  Casting: Eran Naim, Stav Almagor, Stav Patay
                 addiction to escorts has left their family   courage to face his secret, accept himself and   Synopsis: A night after a gambling addict,   Synopsis: A police officer is being accused of
                 penniless, Alice finds herself drawn into the   make the right choice?  Jeong-ho gets completely blacked out, his wife   sexually attacking two boys. His helplessness
                 world of high-end prostitution as a means of                  found dead. He does not remember a thing but   under the investigation, and his inability to have
                 caring for herself and her child.  UP UP & UP (Premiere)      every evidence points that he is the killer.  a child of his own, push him toward the edges of
                                                India, 82’.                                                   his existence, where anything can happen.
                 LIGHTS AND SHADOWS             Riviera 2                      COTE D’AZUR WEBFEST (Premiere)
                 France, 81’, Romance.          Sales: California Pictures (C5) +13104665106  USA, 109’, TV Series.  KONGO (Premiere)
                 Palais B (Press Allowed)       Section: Market                Gray 5                         France, 70’, Documentary.
                 Sales: Axxon Films                                            Sales: Montebubbles Enterprises  Palais C
                 Section: Market                QUE SEA LEY (Premiere)         Section: Market                Sales: Kidam
                 Director: Olivier Nolin        Argentina, 85’, Documentary.                                  Section: Market (ACID)
                 Casting: Diane Prost, Yann Verbugh, Marie   Arcades 3 (Priority Badges Only)  THE SHED (Premiere)  Director: Hadrien La Vapeur, Corto Vaclav
                 Crepeau, Fanny Colin           Sales: Wild Bunch              USA, Horror.                   Synopsis: In Brazzaville, an invisible world
                 Synopsis: In its dreamlike approach to everyday   (5 Square Mérimée – st floor)  Lerins 3    governs the visible world. The apostle Medard
                 life, With his echoes, his correspondences, his   Section: Market (Special Screening)  Sales: CMG - Cinema Management Group Llc   struggles to heal the sick victims of bad spells.
                 symmetries multiplied with pleasure which   Director: Juan Solanas  (M17) +18189141323       But his life changes when he is publicly accused
                 evoke four passionate love story where the   Synopsis: In Argentina, a woman dies every   Section: Market  of practicing black magic.
                 shade underlines the lights of the souls.  week as the result of illegal abortions. In 2018,   Director: Frank Sabatella  Next screening: 23 May, 20:00, Olympia 2
                                                for the seventh time, a motion supporting legal,   Casting: Frank Whaley, Timothy Bottoms,
                 A MOTHER (Premiere)                                           Siobhan Fallon, Jay Jay Warren, Cody Kostro,   15:30
                 Finland, 91’, Drama.           secure and free abortion was presented to the   Sofia Happonen
                                                National Congress of Argentina. The project
                 Palais D                                                                                     OH LES FILLES (Premiere)
                 Sales: Black Lion Pictures Oy  provoked a fierce debate, revealing a society   Synopsis: As an orphan, living with his abusive   France, 79’, Documentary.
                                                divided more than ever between the pro-life and
                                                                               Grandfather, life sucks for Stan. But he’s got it
                 Section: Market                freedom to choose positions. Through an                       Gray 2
                 Director: Samppa Batal         assemblage of passionate testimonies, Let It Be   better than his best friend Dommer who he   Sales: Les Films Du Losange (G1)
                                                                               regularly has to defend against the school
                 Casting: Jaana Saarinen, Matti Pajulahti,   Law documents the determination of women   bullies. .  Section: Market
                 Jonathan Hutchings, Matti Onnismaa  fighting bravely to secure the right to physical         Director: François Armanet
                 Synopsis: After her release from prison Eeva   self-determination, and bears witness to their   THE CLIMB (Premiere)   Casting: Françoise Hardy, Christine And The
                 goes back to her home town to search her   massive mobilisation in the streets of Buenos   USA, 95’, Comedy.  Queens, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Vanessa Paradis,
                 grown-up daughter. Soon she finds out that she   Aires. Let It Be Law marks Juan Solanas’ return   Olympia 8  Camélia Jordana, Jeanne Added, Brigitte
                 is not welcomed back to the town. Life gets   to Cannes Official Selection– a powerful, militant   Sales: Memento Films International (MFI)   Fontaine, Catherine Ringer, Lou Doillon, Jehnny
                 really hard and searching gets desperate until   and necessary documentary revealing the urgent   (84 Rue D’Antibes, Fifth Floor)  Beth
                 something unexpected happens. A Mother by   and vital struggle for the recognition of women’s   Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)  Synopsis: What if French Rock were born with
                 Samppa Batal is a heartwarming and touching   rights.                                        Edith Piaf? From sweet sixties pop to today’s
                 story about loneliness, humanity and hope. But                Director: Michael Angelo Covino  gender-indifferent anthems, from feminist rebels
                                                                               Casting: Kyle Marvin, Michael Angelo Covino,
                 above all it is a movie about a woman who acts   13:45                                       of the seventies to fashion icons of the social
                 like a mother.                                                Gayle Rankin, Judith Godrèche, George Wendt,   media age, from Françoise Hardy to Christine &
                                                MS. STERN (Premiere)           Talia Balsam                   The Queens, via Vanessa Paradis, Catherine
                 ECO-TERRORIST: BATTLE FOR OUR   Germany, 999’, Drama.         Synopsis: Kyle and Mike are best friends who   Ringer, Charlotte Gainsbourg and many more,
                 PLANET (Premiere)              Lerins 4                       share a close bond — until Mike sleeps with   Oh Les Filles! tells the untold story of French
                 USA, 80’, Documentary.         Sales: Pluto Film Distribution Network Gmbh   Kyle’s fiancée. .  female rock stars. Narrated by Clémence Poésy,
                 Palais F (Press Allowed)       (H6 (Marina Club))             CHINESE PORTRAIT               this groundbreaking documentary combines
                 Sales: Breaking Glass Pictures   Section: Market              China, Hong Kong (China), 80’, Documentary.  interviews and iconic footage to radically reverse
                 (H6 (Marina Club)) +12673553286  Director: Anatol Schuster                                   perspectives and give the patriarchy a kick!
                 Section: Market                Synopsis: Ms Stern wants her life to expire   Palais G (Press Allowed)  Welcome to France, the land where women rock!
                 Director: Peter Jay Brown      already. With every attempt to leave this world,   Sales: Asian Shadows - Chinese Shadows
                 Synopsis: Follow vigilante conservationist and   life brings her surprises. The absurd life   Section: Market  RED DRESS SOLILOQUY (Premiere)
                 Whale Wars veteran Peter Jay Brown as he   circumstances and random encounters with   Director: Xiaoshuai Wang  USA, Germany, 77’, Romance.
                 battles to save the planet and our oceans from   strangers continuously conflict with the   Synopsis: What if you were a passer-by in   Gray 4
                 the enemy: Humankind.          soberness of her desire to die. Set in modern   Beijing streets, a peasant hopping for the rain to   Sales: Moon Shadow Films, Inc.
                                                Berlin, Ms Stern is a dramedy about 90-year-old   fall, a steelworker in disappearing factories, a   Section: Market
                 HARPOON (Premiere)             holocaust survivor, who is unable to choose her   tourist on a packed beach, praying in Ningxia or   Director: Aleta Chappelle
                 Canada, 82’, Thriller.         own fate. However, while trying her best to find a   Qinhai, a construction worker after an   Casting: Sylta Fee Wegmann, Severino Negri
                 Palais H                       way out of this life, she spends her time joyously   earthquake, a fisherman repairing its fishnet, or a   Synopsis: This newly completed USA/German
                 Sales: Yellow Veil Pictures (19.08 (Palais Club))  with her spirited grand-daugther, Elli, and her   dancer waiting to get on stage? A personal   co-production is a tragic love-story based on true
                 Section: Market                eclectic group of friends, living it up to the fullest.  contemporary portrait of a country, a population   event. It is also the first feature film to examine
                 Director: Rob Grant                                           and a society by Wang Xiaoshuai.  the disastrous aftermath the proliferation of
                 Casting: Munro Chambers, Emily Tyra,   14:00                                                 guns in the United States has on an innocent
                 Christopher Gray                                              CUCK (Premiere)                family, long after the story of yet another child
                                                EMPIRE HOTEL (Premiere)        USA, 110’, Drama.              killed in a gun accident has been dropped from
                 WE TOO (Premiere)              Portugal, 82’, Drama.          Palais I                       the news headlines. After moving to the USA
                 United Kingdom, 110’, Drama.   Arcades 2                      Sales: Rimrock Pictures +3107177845  from Europe to further both their careers - he a
                 Palais J                       Sales: The Match Factory (25 La Croisette)   Section: Market  concert pianist and she a singer - the film

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