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P. 23

                                                                                                                      Monday 20 may 2019

 Monday 20 May

                 chronicles the last 24 hours of their marriage   A DOG CALLED MONEY  Section: Market         Until one night when a fire starts to devastate
                 months after their seven-year-old son was   United Kingdom, Ireland, 90’, Documentary.  Director: Denis Dercourt  the region.
                 accidentally shot and killed by another seven-  Palais D      Casting: Julia Franszke, Olivier Dovergne  Next screening: 21 May, 11:00, Debussy
                 year-old child. The two boys were playing with a   Sales: Autlook Filmsales (J5) +436769003771  Synopsis: In Berlin, a young migrant wants to
                 gun that had been mistakenly left in the house   Section: Market  learn how to discuss in German. The teacher he   IMPOSSIBLE CRIMES
                 unbeknownst to the parents (Note: the film has   Director: Seamus Murphey  gets in touch with uses a new and peculiar   Argentina, 94’, Horror.
                 one brief flashback to the day the boy was killed   Synopsis: A uniquely intimate journey through   method.   Olympia 4 (Press Allowed)
                 but he is never seen). This intimate look at a   the inspiration, writing and recording of a PJ   Sales: Blood Window
                 couple consumed by the “7 Stages Of Grief” is   Harvey record.  SPYING ON LETTERS (Premiere)  Section: Market
                 also very much a love-story, as the couple’s deep             Italy, 78’, Thriller.          Director: Hernan Findling
                 love for one another shines through the   FLAY (Premiere)     Gray 5                         Casting: Federico Bal, Sofia Del Tuffo
                 heartache - as humour and passion redeems   USA, 93’, Thriller.  Sales: Ahora ! Film         Synopsis: Lorenzo Brandoni, an experienced
                 them.                          Palais F                       Section: Market                detective, is investigating a series of crimes that
                                                Sales: Iuvit Media Sales (Stand 26.03)  Director: Pollini Marco  are impossible to solve. Nothing seems to make
                 THE LAST PRINCE OF ATLANTIS    Section: Market                                               logical sense; he will have to investigate and get
                 USA, 84’, Animation.           Director: Eric Pham            3000 (Premiere)                over his deepest fears to reach the crudest truth
                 Lerins 2                                                      73’.                           and solve the impossible crimes.
                 Sales: Cinema Libre International (Booth F3)  DREAMFOOLS      Lerins 1
                 Section: Market                Italy, 102’, Comedy.           Sales: Qk Pictures (24.09)     MARONA’S FANTASTIC TALE (Premiere)
                 Director: Barbe Vladlen        Palais H                       Section: Market                France, 110’, Animation.
                                                Sales: Intramovies (A10-C1)    Director: Queen Kim            Olympia 5
                 LYSIS                          Section: Market
                 Germany, 91’, Drama.           Director: Francesco Miccichè   FIRE WILL COME (Premiere)      Sales: Charades
                                                                                                              (3 Rond-Point Duboys D’Angers)
                 Lerins 4                       Casting: Sergio Castellitto, Sabrina Ferilli,   France, Luxembourg, Spain, 75’, Drama.  Section: Market
                 Sales: Arri Media International (M11)   Valeria Fabrizi, Matilde Gioli, Antonio Catania,   Lerins 3 (Priority Badges Only)
                 +33 4 92 99 32 04              Paolo Calabresi, Antonella Attili  Sales: Pyramide International (J6)  Director: Anca Damian
                                                                                                              Synopsis: Marona, at the end of her dog days,
                 Section: Market                Synopsis: Sergio, a carpenter, and Sabrina, an   Section: Market  reflects on those that she has loved
                 Director: Rick Ostermann       unsuccessful singer, have a long time affair, but   Director: Oliver Laxe  unconditionally throughout her life. From her
                 Casting: Oliver Masucci, Louis Hofmann  they are unable to leave their partners, living in   Casting: Amador Arias, Benedicta Sanchez,   puppy days, through to her last woof. Marona’s
                 Synopsis: Father and son are trapped in the   reduced circumstances.   Inazio Abrao          life is a lesson in love.
                 wilderness and try to find a way to survive and               Synopsis: Amador Coro has been condemned
                 to each other.                 THE PROJECTIONIST (Premiere)   for having provoked a fire. When he gets out of   LEAVING AFGHANISTAN (Premiere)
                                                Dominican Republic, 98’, Drama.  prison, nobody is waiting for him. He returns to   Russia, 110’, Action/Adventure.
                 THE WILD GOOSE LAKE (Premiere)  Riviera 2                     his home town, a small village hidden in the   Olympia 8
                 China, 113’, Thriller.         Sales: Media Luna New Films Ug (F12)   mountains of rural Galicia, to live with his   Sales: Loco Films
                 Olympia 3                      +491709667900                  mother, Benedicta, and their three cows. Life   Section: Market
                 Sales: Memento Films International (MFI) (84   Section: Market  goes by slowly, following the rhythm of nature.   Director: Pavel Lungin
                 Rue D’Antibes, Fifth Floor)    Director: José Maria Cabral
                 Section: Market (In Competition)  Casting: Felix Germán, Cindy Galán
                 Director: Diao Yinan           Synopsis: A projectionist confined to live his
                 Casting: Hu Ge, Kwai Lun Mei, Liao Fan, Wan   existence passionately in love with a woman he
                 Qian                           knows only through projected film reels. One
                 Synopsis: The story of a gangster on the run   night the reels get burned and he embarks on a
                 who eventually sacrifices himself to save his   trip searching for the real identity of his
                 family and the woman he encounters along the   mysterious beloved.      
                 way.                           16:00
                 Next screening: 22 May, 10:00, Riviera 2
                                                THE PRADO MUSEUM. A COLLECTION
                 MY OUT-LAWS (Premiere)         OF WONDERS (Premiere)
                 France, 90’.                   Italy, 92’, Documentary.
                 Olympia 6                      Arcades 2 (Press Allowed)
                 Sales: Orange Studio (35 La Croisette)  Sales: Nexo Digital S.r.l. (H6 (Marina Club))
                 Section: Market                +393474457929
                 L’AMOUR FLOU (Premiere)        Section: Market
                 France, 97’, Family.           Director: Valeria Parisi
                 Olympia 7 (Press Allowed)      Casting: Jeremy Irons
                                                Synopsis: Magnificent masterpieces tell the
                 Sales: Other Angle Pictures    story of Spain and of an entire continent. We are
                 (Albatros Entrance, 2nd Floor)  in one of the temples of world art, a site of
                 Section: Market                memory and a mirror to the present with 1,700
                 Director: Romane Bohringer, Philippe Rebbot  works exhibited and a further 7,000 art treasures
                 Casting: Romane Bohringer, Philippe Rebbot,   preserved there. Its collection tells the story of
                 Rose Rebbot-Bohringer, Raoul Rebbot-  kings, queens, dynasties, wars, defeats and
                 Bohringer                      victories, as well as the story of the feelings and
                 LES SALOPES OR THE NATURALLY   emotions of the men and women of yesteryear
                                                and of today, whose lives are intertwined with
                 WANTON PLEASURE OF SKIN        the museum’s: rulers, painters, artists, architects,
                 Canada, 97’, Drama.            collectors, curators, intellectuals, visitors. In 2019,
                 Palais B                       the year of its 200th Anniversary celebrations,
                 Sales: Filmoption International  telling the story of the Prado in Madrid from
                 Section: Market                1819, its art masterpieces and the great artists   THE
                 Director: Renée Beaulieu       who made them, the crowned heads who
                 Casting: Brigitte Poupart, Vincent Leclerc,   collected them, but also the European and   BEST OF  News, reviews,
                 Nathalie Cavezzali, Romane Denis, Charlotte   libertarian inspiration behind a museum and its     interviews and
                 Aubin, Pierre Kwenders, Normand D’Amour,   winning actor Jeremy Irons guides spectators on  EUROPEAN
                                                wealth of art treasures and stories. Oscar®
                 Paul Ahmarani, Louise Portal                                                                     festival reports
                 Synopsis: Marie-Claire, professor of   a discovery of a heritage of beauty and art.
                 dermatology, is undertaking a new scientific                   CINEMA
                 research project on skin cells and how they are   THE TEACHER (Premiere)
                 affected by sexuality when a chain of events   Germany, 76’, Drama.
                 disrupts her career, family and above all, her   Gray 3
                 intimate life.                 Sales: Reel Suspects (E3) +33 6 14 45 62 78

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