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Monday 20 may 2019
Monday 20 May
18:00 USA, 105’, Drama. 20:00 and unorthodox coaching methods, and the
Judges’ sexual longings, Galaxy 360 will make
THE CONDUCTOR Lerins 3 GALAXY 360 (Premiere) you laugh, cringe, and adopt a new mantra, “you
Netherlands, 137’, Romance. Sales: Visit Films (M4) USA, 97’, Comedy. can look and you can touch!”
Gray 1 Section: Market Palais H Next screening: 21 May, 15:30, Palais H
Sales: Incredible Film (K4) Director: Zachary Cotler, Magdalena Zyzak Sales: Anteriya Films 20:30
Section: Market Casting: Jackson Rathbone, Esai Morales, Section: Market
Director: Maria Peters Mariel Hemingway, Xander Berkeley, Moises Director: Anna Fishbeyn STRAIGHT 8 2019 (Premiere)
Casting: Benjamin Wainwright, Christanne De Arias, Carmela Zumbado, Marisol Sacramento, Casting: Anna Fishbeyn, Lauren Logiudice, United Kingdom, 80’, Art - Culture.
Bruijn, Scott Turner Schofield, Richard Sammel Alex Meneses Squeaky Moore, Lawrence Sturdivant, Brennan Olympia 2
Synopsis: United States 1926: The Dutch, Synopsis: A young handyman begins working Lowery, Jesse Sneddon, Ryan Bobila Sales: Straight 8 +447952542425
24-year-old Antonia Brico was a child when she for a decadently wealthy Mexican-American Synopsis: Galaxy 360 is a comedy about the Section: Market
and her parents immigrated to the United States. family and is drawn into a bitter feud when the most watched reality show of the future, Victor’s Synopsis: The best 8 films of straight 8 2019, as
She dreams of becoming a conductor, but family decides to build a wall to stop white locals Angels Mr. World Beauty Pageant. We are now in chosen by our BAFTA and Academy award
nobody takes her ambition seriously. Her piano from stealing their highly precious well water. the year 2195: women rule the world, men winning jury. Each film was made on a single
teacher advices her against taking the entrance dream of getting married, and the word cartridge of super 8 film, with no editing and no
exam for the conservatory. Because she has little BELLISSIME (Premiere) “Whore” is a compliment. The pageant features post production - this is filmmaking at it’s rawest
to lose, she returns to her motherland, where she Italy, 82’, Documentary. the giant media personality, Illumina, who whips and purest and the results are astoundingly good.
begs the famous conductor Mengelberg to teach Olympia 4 (Invite only) the men into shape as they dream of winning The first time that anyone, including the
her conducting lessons. Mengelberg is not Sales: Fandango (A10-C1) +393479431358 The Golden Fallickorn Crown, a prize that will filmmakers will see the films is at this screening in
comfortable with the idea and sends her to Section: Market raise the men’s social and economic status. Cannes. The atmosphere in the cinema is always
Berlin where she, against all expectations, has a Director: Elisa Amoruso Using reality-television style tactics to explore electric, you will laugh, you may cry and you will
better chance as a woman to make it. After a Synopsis: Three baby models and one Miss men’s behind-the-scenes drama, tears, and leave feel inspired. straight 8 was founded in
two-year study at the State Academy of Music Over: when beauty is a family business. insecurities, Illumina’s insatiable sexual appetite 1999 and is celebrating its 20th anniversary!
she becomes the first woman to conduct the
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. Emotional strain SICK, SICK, SICK (Premiere)
threatens to overwhelm her, when the love of Brazil, France, Netherlands, 100’, First film.
her life puts her in a difficult position. What Olympia 8
choice will Antonia make? Sales: Alpha Violet (E18) SHORT FILM
Section: Market (Directors’ Fortnight)
REN (Premiere) Director: Alice Furtado
Poland, 80’, Drama. Casting: Luiza Kosovski, Juan Paiva, Nahuel CORNER
Gray 3 (Invite Only) Pérez Biscayart,
Sales: Reel Suspects (E3) +33 6 14 45 62 78 Synopsis: Silvia and Artur’s teenage-romance
Section: Market starts abruptly, and ends up all of sudden when MONDAY 20 MAY
Director: Piotr Ryczko Artur dies. Silvia gets sick and her days turn into 10:00
Casting: Marta Król, Marcina Sztabinski, Olafa dark. Her mourning becomes an obsessive quest 10:00 Focus CoPro: Pitch Session
Marchwickiego, Janusza Chabiora to bring him back to life. (Conference Room)
Synopsis: Renata, her husband Jan and their Next screening: 23 May, 11:45, Theatre Panel – Building An Audience: How
son Kamil live together out of town. One day, Jan Croisette To Make People Care About Your 11:30
finds his wife bruised and their kid in a state of Film? (Conference Room)
shock. As none of the two can explain what 10:30 Market Screening – LOS Studios,
happened, Jan suggests they go to family CASA CARACOL (Premiere) Communication University of China
(Palais F, Level 3)
therapy. Afraid at first, Renata eventually accepts. Mexico, 88’, Thriller. Workshop: Pitch Training Session
During the session with the psychologist, Renata Palais C with Ido Abram (Workshop Corner) 12:00
informs him that her name is Ren and that she is Sales: Airnzoom Films (Stand Media)
a prototype of artificial intelligence, an error-free, +33 6 42 36 29 58 11:30 Workshop: Pith Training Session with
emotive android. Section: Market Thembisa Cochrane (Rendez-Vous
Director: Jean-Marc Rousseau Ruiz Market Screening – Autour de Area)
THE JOURNEYMAN (Premiere) Casting: Rosalba Garcia, Ianis Guerrero, José Minuit – Acides Animés (Palais F, 13:30
USA, 90’, Action/Adventure. Carriedo, Leonora Muller, Alejandro Luna, Level 3)
Gray 5 Gerardo Taracena, Harold Torres 14 :30 Market Screening – Campus Movie
Sales: Sumless Treasuries Releasing Synopsis: Sofia leaves the city for a provincial Fest Shorts (Palais F, Level 3)
Section: Market town. There she meets Nico and the inhabitants Masterclass – Claire Denis 13:30
Director: Peter Babakitis of Casa Caracol (Snail House), an alternative moderated by Jean-Michel Frodon
Synopsis: Lawrence, a hacker and corporate spy, hostel in the middle of the jungle. Immersed in (Conference Room) Market Screening – 48 Hour Film
and Ariana, an underground activist join forces nights of revelry and camaraderie, Sofia falls in 14:45 Project: Best of the World (Palais J,
to expose massive banking fraud in the love with Nico and throws herself into magical Level 3)
Eurozone, and the corrupt manipulation of the Screening – Semaine de la Critique
economy of Greece. A cryptic entry in a financial village life. One night, three unknown men – Special Short Films Screening 2 14:15
account leads Lawrence to Zurich and Athens, murder Nico. (Miramar) Screening – Semaine de la Critique –
where he meets the beautiful young Activist HOMELESS ASHES (Premiere) 16 :30 Program 2 (Miramar)
Ariana who has been investigating banking United Kingdom, 130’, Drama.
crimes in her country. After infiltrating a secret Long Story Short By Distributors: 14 :30
meeting, they uncover the existence of an Palais E (Invite Only) programmers, buyers and
international conspiracy to manipulate the Sales: At The Helm Productions (121) distributors meet up (Israel Film Screening – The Cinéfondation
Selection Program 1 (Salle Bunuel,
economy of the Eurozone. As they get closer to Section: Market Pavilion) Level 5)
the heart of the evidence they are trying to Director: Marc Zammit 17:00
expose, assassins sent by their enemies pursue Casting: Jason Flemyng, Angela Dixon, Andrew 15:00
them relentlessly, culminating in the chilling Lee Potts Happy Hour. Bahcesehir University X
confrontation between himself and the enemy Synopsis: Frankie, a young boy who stands up Kisakes Short Film Festival (Meeting Screening – Talents Adami Cannes
he fights to expose. to his fear and runs from home ending up Area) (Salle du 60e)
homeless with no choice but trying to survive life 16:00
LADY DRIVER (Premiere) on the streets.
USA, 100’, Drama. TUESDAY 21 MAY Panel – Distribution Q&A
Lerins 1 FOR THOSE WHO DON’T READ ME (Conference Room)
Sales: Arclight Films Usa (L1) +13235133655 (Premiere) 9:00 17:00
Section: Market Canada, 107’, Drama.
Director: Shaun Paul Piccinino Palais G Short Film Corner Breakfast Happy Hour – Let’s Toast to Mexican
Casting: Grace Van Dien, Sean Patrick Flanery, Sales: Filmoption International (Terrasse du Festival) Cinema with GIFF! (Meeting Area)
Christina Moore Section: Market