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P. 13
Tuesday 21 May 2019
21 TO 24 May
Casting: Lauri Maijala, Hannamaija Nikander LILLIAN (Premiere) 14:00 Sales: New Europe Film Sales
Synopsis: Kalervo has felt powerless all his Austria, 128’, True Story. LUCÍA EN EL LIMBO
life, unable to fight back, until Annukka a Arcades 1 YOUNG AHMED (Premiere)
woman who loves him gives Kalervo a life Sales: Cercamon (D6) France, Belgium, 84’, Drama. Belgium/France/Costa Rica, 20’
altering gift. Like with many of director Section: Directors’ Fortnight Director: Valentina Maurel
Nikki’s works, All Inclusive can be interpreted Director: Andreas Horvath Grand Théâtre Lumière (Ticket Required) Casting: Ana Camila Arenas, Reynaldo Amien,
in many ways, but at the core it’s a film Sales: Wild Bunch José Alberto Romero, Mayté Ortega Floris,
about power, love and change. Casting: Patrycja Planik (5 Square Mérimée – 1st stage) Rosibel De La Trinidad Carvajal, Javier Gómez
Synopsis: Lillian, an emigrant stranded in New
Section: In competition
INGEN LYSSNAR York City, decides to walk back to her native Director: Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne Synopsis: Sixteen-year-old Lucia wants to
get rid of two things more than anything: her
Sweden, 14’ Russia. She resolutely starts out on the long Synopsis: In Belgium, today, the destiny of lice and her virginity.
Director: Elin Övergaard journey. A road movie straight across the USA young Ahmed, 13, caught between his imam’s
Casting: Cecilia Milocco, Kristoffer Appelquist into the freezing temperatures of Alaska. The ideals of purity and life’s temptations. 14:30
Synopsis: The new refugee home for chronicle of a slow disappearance.
children is being discussed at a public council FIRE WILL COME (Premiere) PROGRAMME 1 (76)
meeting. Two people standing on opposite 11:45 France, Luxembourg, Spain, 85’, Drama.
sides try to get heard. “Who Talks” raises Salle Buñuel (Press Screening)
questions about whose opinions actually OUR MOTHERS (Premiere) Théâtre Claude Debussy (Press Screening) Section: Cinéfondation
matter and what creates polarisation. France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sales: Pyramide International (J6) AMBIENCE (Premiere)
Section: Un Certain Regard
L’HEURE DE L’OURS Guatemala, 77’, Drama. Director: Oliver Laxe Palestine , 15’
France , 14’, Animation Miramar Casting: Amador Arias, Benedicta Sanchez, Director: Wisam Al Jafari
Director: Agnès Patron Sales: Pyramide International (J6) Inazio Abrao Casting: Salah Abu Nima, Mohammad Al
Synopsis: That very night, houses will burn. Section: Critics’ Week (In Competition) Synopsis: Amador Coro has been condemned Khmour, Jameel Hilmi, Nilly Salman, Mutaz
Men and women will tremble. Hordes of Director: César Diaz for having provoked a fire. When he gets out of Shafout
children will come together and howl as they Casting: Armando Espitia , Emma Dib prison, nobody is waiting for him. He returns to Synopsis: Two young Palestinians try to
dance alone on the ashes like wild bears. It Synopsis: Guatemala, 2018. The whole country his home town, a small village hidden in the record a demo for a Music Competition
only takes one cry to awaken them all from is immersed in the trial of the soldiers who mountains of rural Galicia, to live with his inside a noisy crowded refugee camp, while
their slumber! sparked the civil war. Victim statements come mother, Benedicta, and their three cows. Life failing recording because of the chaos of the
BUTTERFLIES one after another. Ernesto is a young goes by slowly, following the rhythm of nature. place, they discover an authentic way allow
anthropologist working for the Forensic
them to meet the deadline creatively.
Until one night when a fire starts to devastate
Israel, France, 8’ Foundation; his job is to identify the missing. the region. Sales: Cinefondation
Director: Yona Rozenkier One day, while hearing the account of an old Next screening: 22 May, 21:00, Bazin
Casting: Yoel Rozenkier, Avraham Selektar, woman, he thinks he has found a lead that AS UP TO NOW
Varda Ben Hur might guide him to his father, a guerrillero who 14:15 Hungary, 24’
Synopsis: Another Sunday in April. A Kibbutz went missing during the war. Against his Director: Katalin Moldovai
in the north of Israel. A natural phenomenon. mother’s wishes, he flings himself body and soul Casting: Vera Venczel, Ildikó Tóth, Rozi Lovas,
A family on an impromptu ride, maybe the into the case, looking for truth and resilience. COURTS MÉTRAGES 2 (105) Andrea Söptei, Péter Fehérvári
last one. Next screening: 22 May, 08:30, Miramar Miramar Synopsis: Hope is what brings us forward.
MONSTRE DIEU/MONSTER GOD Section: Critics’ Week All the characters in the film – including
Margit and her daughter – become part of a
Argentina, 10’ TLAMESS (Premiere) IKKI ILLA MEINT (SANS MAUVAISE lie giving hope, what can change their lives
Director: Agustina San Martín Tunisia, France, 120’, Drama. INTENTION) and bring a new beginning in their
Casting: Camila Dobrusky, Emilio Vodanovich, Theatre Croisette Denmark/Faroe Islands, 21’ relationship as well.
Mariali Rubio, Isabella Rapazzo Sales: Be For Films (A6) +33 6 14 34 37 55 Director: Andrias Høgenni
Synopsis: God is now a Power Plant. On a Section: Directors’ Fortnight Casting: Mariann Hansen, Sissal Drews
misty night cows escape, a child is chosen, Director: Ala Eddine Slim Hjaltalin, Niels Dampe SOLAR PLEXUS
and a girl tries to find freedom. Casting: Abdullah Miniawy, Souhir Ben Amara, Synopsis: Elinborg accidentally runs into her 9’, Animation
WHITE ECHO Khaled Ben Aissa friend Marita at the supermarket. Marita Director: David Mcshane
Casting: Paida Mutonono
USA, 15’ Synopsis: S is a young soldier in the southern decides to corner her friend and asks if she Synopsis: Noah has not accepted the death
Director: Chloë Sevigny desert of Tunisia. When S learns about his has blocked her on Facebook. of his mother, an astronaut. In order to move
mother’s death, he obtains a week’s leave and
Casting: Kate Lyn Sheil, Eleonore Hendricks, goes back home. He will never return to the DIA DE FESTA (PARTY DAY) (Premiere) on, he must break the umbilical cord that
Sheila Vand, Alison Sudol, Hailey Benton Gates, camp. In his popular neighbourhood starts a 17’ still connects them.
Safi Kamau Goodman, Nicole Quinn man hunt after which S eventually escapes Director: Sofia Bost
Synopsis: A story of a young woman, Carla, through the mountain. Few years later, F, a Casting: Rita Martins, Melissa Matos, Teresa ROSSO: LA VERA STORIA FALSA DEL
and her relationship with her inner power. young woman married to a rich business man Madruga, Sandra Celas, Mariana Silva, Sara PESCATORE CLEMENTE
Carla’s mystical beliefs are a metaphor for who has just settled in a luxurious villa, learns of Gon.alves, Fernanda Neves France, 28’
the talents and powers we think we possess, her pregnancy. One morning, she goes out alone Synopsis: Mena lives on her own with her Director: Antonio Messana
how we garner them, what we do with for a walk in the forest. She will never come daughter Clara. Despite her limited means, Casting: Clemente Ventrone, Harry Estherson
them, how we share them and how we use back. she still manages to organise her birthday Ogifo, Fabrizio Ferracane, Angelo Ernandes,
them to influence others. party. A phone call from her mother turns her Amadei Wogler, Marco Ernandes
THE NAP 13:00 world upside down. Synopsis: Clemente is an old Sicilian
Argentina, 15’ Sales: Agencia - Portuguese/Short Film Agency fisherman who goes on working in spite of
Director: Federico Luis Tachella CHICUAROTES (Premiere) MARDI DE 8 À 18 (TUESDAY FROM 8 TO his late age. His life is disrupted the day he
finds a young refugee’s dead body stuck in
Casting: Graciela Ninio, Rita Pauls, Yonathan Mexico, 95’, Drama. 6) (Premiere) the fishing nets.
Toledo, Jacqueline Golbert Salle Du 60e (Press screening) France, 27’
Synopsis: A girl wraps her grandmother in a Sales: Cinepolis Director: Cecilia De Arce 15:00
spiral of fantasy, causing amnesia to her. Section: Out of Competition (Special Casting: Rime Nahmani, Hicham Talib, Tobias
screening) Nuytten, Big John De Paname, Rebecca Finet,
FOR THE MONEY (Premiere)
ATLANTICS (Premiere) Director: Gael García Bernal Chainez Dehchar, Florian Lemaire Argentina, 80’.
France, Senegal, Belgium, 105’, Drama. Casting: Dolores Heredia, Daniel Giménez Synopsis: N.vine, a secondary school Theatre Croisette
Palais J (Priority Badges Only) Cacho, Benny Emmanuel monitor, is fully committed to her day job. Sales: Quinzaine Des Realisateurs / Directors’
Sales: MK2 Films (52 La Croisette) Synopsis: A full-fledged member of Mexico’s Logan, one of the pupils, insists on getting a Fortnight
Section: Day after screenings (In Competition) exceptionally talented generation, a first-rate cap back from lost and found. Section: Directors’ Fortnight
actor in films by Iñárritu and Cuarón, Gael
Director: Mati Diop García Bernal, along with Diego Luna, is a Sales: L’Agence Du Court Métrage Director: Alejo Moguillansky
Casting: Mama Sané, Amadou Am, Ibrahima devotee of Cannes, where he was on the Jury in SHE RUNS Synopsis: “We were workers of luxury. And
Traoré 2014. Chicuarotes is the actor’s second feature China/France, 20’ nobody was rich enough to pay us. We had to be
Synopsis: Along the Atlantic coast, a soon-to- film where he takes a deep dive into Mexican Director: Qiu Yang at the same time the actor and the
be-inaugurated futuristic tower looms over a society with a story about teenagers that is an Casting: Xue Jiayi documentarist. We had to be at the same time
suburb of Dakar. Ada, 17, is in love with affectionate portrayal, continuing in Mexican Synopsis: In an ordinary Chinese winter, a the painter and their muse. The poet and the
Souleiman, a young construction worker. cinema’s tradition to pay homage to its eternal small city junior high student, Yu, tries to quit landscape. The rifle and its prey. The rider and
Next screening: 23 May, 12:00, Riviera 2 country, film after film. her school aerobic dancing team. the horse. Don Quixote and Cervantes at the