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                                                                                                                      Tuesday 21 May 2019

 21  TO 24  May

                                                humiliation. Then a fight… and life takes an
                 France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands,   irrevocable turn. When the lives of these   Korea (South), 132’, Drama.  this strange malevolence. They’ve discovered
                 Guatemala, 77’, Drama.         diametrically opposite couples become   Grand Théâtre Lumière (Ticket Required)  something unspeakable, and it’s crawling slowly
                 Riviera 2                      intertwined, sacrifice becomes the price to pay   Sales: CJ Entertainment/CJ E&M Corporation   into the light.
                 Sales: Pyramide International (J6)  for love.                 (E19)                          Next screening: 23 May, 20:30, Olympia 8
                 Section: Market                                               Section: In competition
                 Director: César Diaz           THUNDERBIRD (Premiere)         Director: Joon-Ho Bong         9:00
                 Casting: Armando Espitia , Emma Dib  Canada, 95’, Science-fiction.  Casting: Kang-Ho Song, Sun-Kyun Lee, Yeo-
                 Synopsis: Guatemala, 2018. The whole country   Palais H (Priority Badges Only)  Jeong Cho, Woo-Shik Choi, So-Dam Park, Hyae-  LA BELLE EPOQUE (Premiere)
                 is immersed in the trial of the soldiers who   Sales: Ocean Twilight Films   Jin Chang       France, 113’, Black comedy.
                 sparked the civil war. Victim statements come   (19.08 (Palais Club))                        Salle Du 60e
                 one after another. Ernesto is a young   Section: Market       NINA WU (Premiere)             Sales: Pathé Films (Ibis Entrance, 4a/E)
                 anthropologist working for the Forensic   Director: Nicholas Treeshin                        Section: Day after screenings (Out of
                 Foundation; his job is to identify the missing.   Casting: Natalie Brown, Colten Wilke, Aaron   Taiwan, 103’, Drama.
                 One day, while hearing the account of an old   Douglas, Julian Black Antelope  Théâtre Claude Debussy (Press Screening)  Competition)
                 woman, he thinks he has found a lead that   Synopsis: On the coast of the Pacific Northwest,   Sales: Luxbox (23 Rue Bivouac Napoléon)  Director: Nicolas Bedos
                 might guide him to his father, a guerrillero who   William Brook lives a reclusive life on a halibut   Section: Un Certain Regard  Casting: Daniel Auteuil, Guillaume Canet,
                 went missing during the war. Against his   fishing boat. When informed of his troubled   Director: Midi Z  Doria Tillier, Fanny Ardant
                 mother’s wishes, he flings himself body and soul   sister Sarah’s disappearance, he’s overcome with   Synopsis: After eight years toiling in bit-parts,   Synopsis: Victor, a disillusioned sexagenarian,
                 into the case, looking for truth and resilience.  guilt. Feeling awful for neglecting her over the   aspiring actress Nina Wu finally gets her big   sees his life turned upside down on the day
                                                years, Will heads into town, but it’s a very
                 Next screening: 22 May, 08:30, Miramar  dangerous place for him. When Will’s parents   break with a leading role in a spy thriller set in   when Antoine, a brilliant entrepreneur, offers
                                                                                                              him a new kind of attraction: mixing theatrical
                                                                               the 1960s. The part is challenging, not least
                 16:00                          were found murdered 10 years ago, his false   because it calls for full nudity and explicit sex   artifices and historical reconstruction, this
                                                testimony sent a local Chief to prison. Ever since,
                                                                                                              company offers his clients a chance to dive back
                                                                               scenes, and the film’s director is often hard on
                                                the tension between him and the First-Nations
                 THE RODRIGUEZ AND THE FAR SIDE   community has escalated and every night he’s   her. But both the industry and the press are   into the era of their choice. Victor then chose to
                                                                                                              relive the most memorable week of his life: the
                                                                               confident that the results are sensationally good.
                                                haunted by the same reoccurring nightmare.
                 (Premiere)                     While asking questions in town, Will is cornered   On the brink of triumph, though, Nina’s   one where, 40 years earlier, he met the great
                 Spain, 110’, Comedy.           and attacked, but he’s saved when the   psychological resolve begins to crack. She rushes   love .
                 Gray 3                         compassionate Chief George intervenes.   back to her family home to deal with two crises:
                 Sales: Cinepolis               Meanwhile, after a six-month suspension,   her father’s business has gone bankrupt and her   11:00
                                                Detective Ivy Seymour is reinstated only to
                 Section: Market                discover that her next case may be the one that   mother has suffered a heart attack. She dreams
                 Director: Paco Arango          breaks her. The number of missing women in the   of rekindling a close relationship with her   HOMEWARD/EN TERRE DE CRIMEE
                                                area is growing at an alarming rate and   childhood friend Kiki but is haunted by paranoid   (Premiere)
                 BROTHERS                       Seymour is sent to the latest tragedy. Deep in   fantasies that a mysterious woman is stalking   Ukraine, 92’, Drama.
                 Turkey, Germany, Bulgaria, 103’, Drama.  the forest, a body is found. An amputated leg, a   and attacking her. As Nina clings to memories of   Théâtre Claude Debussy (Press Screening)
                                                head entirely encased in red wax; no one’s seen
                                                                               happier times, it seems that there is one crucial
                 Gray 5                         anything like it. The body turns out to be Sarah’s   memory that she is repressing.  Sales: Wild Bunch
                 Sales: Arthood Entertainment Gmbh (K6)  old roommate, and Seymour’s investigation   Next screening: 23 May, 13:00, Salle Du 60e  (5 Square Mérimée – 1st floor)
                 Section: Market                points to the possibility of a serial killer in the           Section: Un Certain Regard
                                                area. After Ivy saves Will from a brutal beating,
                 Director: Ömür Atay            the two of them work together to find Sarah.  OUR MOTHERS (Premiere)   Director: Nariman Aliev
                 Casting: Yi it Ege Yazar, Caner  ahin, Gözde                  France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands,   Casting: Akhtem Seitablaev
                 Mutluer, Nihal Kolda , Erol Af in, Cankat Aydost,   RASHTRAPUTRA (Premiere)  Guatemala, 77’, Drama.  Synopsis: Having lost his oldest son in the war
                 Mürtüz Yolcu, Yi it Çakir, Onur Dikmen, Cem   India, 108’, Bollywood.                        between Russian and Ukraine, Mustafa resolves
                 Zeynel Kiliç                                                  Miramar                        to bring the boy’s body to the land of his birth:
                                                                                                              Crimea. Together, he and his younger son set out
                 Synopsis: Yusuf, who obeyed his family’s   Riviera 2 (Press Allowed)  Sales: Pyramide International (J6)  on a journey that will profoundly mark their
                 decision and set his sister up for an honour   Sales: The Bombay Talkies Studios  Section: Critics’ Week  relationship.
                 killing, and his brother, who committed the   Section: Market  Director: César Diaz
                 murder, meet again when Yusuf is released from   Director: Aazaad Dube  Casting: Armando Espitia, Emma Dib, Aurelia   Next screening: 23 May, 18:00, Salle Du 60e
                 prison. His regret starts to become a threat to   Casting: Aazaad Dube  Caal, Julio Echeverria, Victor Moreira
                 the family.                    Synopsis: Rashtraputra is the first film in history   Synopsis: Guatemala, 2018. The whole country   CINEFONDATION 2 (Premiere)
                                                of Indian cinema which gives insight about life   is immersed in the trial of the soldiers who   100’.
                 TALENT ADAMI CANNES 2019 (Premiere)  and times of the greatest revolutionary   sparked the civil war. Victim statements come   Bunuel
                 75’.                           Chandrashekhar Azad. Azad was the   one after another. Ernesto is a young   Sales: Cinefondation
                                                commander – in – chief of Hindustan Socialist
                                                                               anthropologist working for the Forensic
                 Salle Du 60e                   Republican Army (HSRA) and an unmatched   Foundation; his job is to identify the missing.   Section: Cinéfondation
                 Sales: Adami                   mentor, friend – philosopher – guide of over   One day, while hearing the account of an old   Synopsis: Favoriten (Favourites) by Martin
                 Section: Market                2,000 revolutionaries of HSRA. Azad was the   woman, he thinks he has found a lead that   Monk/Reonghee (Alien) by Yeon Jegwang/
                                                supreme force of the bloodstained revolutionary   might guide him to his father, a guerrillero who   Jeremiah by Kenya Gillespie/Sto Dvacet Osm
                 17:30                          freedom movement of India. In this film   went missing during the war. Against his   Tisíc (One Hundred and Twenty-Eight Thousand)
                                                Rashtraputra we have shown that Azad is a   mother’s wishes, he flings himself body and soul   by Ondrej Erban/Mano A Mano by Louise
                 THE SWALLOWS OF KABUL (Premiere)  timeless cinematic creation. He was, He is and   into the case, looking for truth and resilience.
                 France, 80’, Animation.        he will be the relevant hero of all time. He would            PROGRAMME 2 (82)
                                                be the same motivational force for today’s youth
                 Arcades 3                      as he was in his lifetime.     8:45                           Salle Buñuel (Press Screening)
                 Sales: Celluloid Dreams
                 Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)  18:00                    WOUNDS
                 Director: Zabou Breitman, Eléa Gobbé-                         USA, United Kingdom, 96’.      Section: Cinéfondation
                 Mévellec                       ANTARDHWANI (INNER VOICE)      Theatre Croisette                 FAVORITEN
                 Casting: Zita Hanrot, Swann Arlaud, Simon   (Premiere)        Sales: Annapurna Pictures      Austria, 18’
                 Abkarian                       India, 108’, Bollywood.        Section: Directors’ Fortnight  Director: Martin Monk
                 Synopsis: Kabul under Taliban rule. Two   Gray 3              Director: Babak Anvari         Casting: Lia Wilfing, Christian Dolezal, Renate
                 neighbourhoods and two couples. One                           Casting: Armie Hammer Dakota Johnson, Zazie   Baier, Günther Lainer
                 conservative – Atiq and Mussarat have been   Sales: King Music & Entertainment  Beetz        Synopsis: After falling out with her mother,
                 married for 20 years and are deeply engrained in   Section: Market  Synopsis: Will is a bartender in New Orleans.   juvenile Sofia hitchhikes southwards in
                 the traditions of Afghan life. Atiq works as the              He has a great job, great friends, and a girlfriend,   search of the father she never had. When she
                 chief guard at the women’s prison. Mussarat is                Carrie, who loves him. He skates across life’s   meets grumpy engineer Michael, who
                 very ill and fights to remain a strong woman till   FESTIVAL  surface, ignoring complications and   reluctantly agrees to give her a lift, the two
                 the very end. One modern – young and in love,                 concentrating on enjoying the moment. One   strangers develop an unlikely friendship on
                 Zunaira and Mohsen are against all the same                   night at the bar, a violent brawl breaks out,   their shared journey through the Austrian
                 traditions. Under the Talibans, they’ve both lost             which injures one of his regular customers and   south.
                 their jobs as lawyer anduniversity teacher and  22/05/2019    causes some college kids to leave behind a cell
                 have difficulties to make ends meet. They have                phone in their haste. Will begins receiving      REONGHEE
                 to sell their few possessions to buy food. Yet   8:30         disturbing texts and calls from the stranger’s   Korea (South), 15’
                 they’re determined to maintain their modern                   phone. While Will hopes to not get involved,   Director: Yeon Jegwang
                 values. One day, a stoning. Then an act of   PARASITE (Premiere)  Carrie gets lost down a rabbit hole investigating   Casting: Han Jiwon, Lee Kyunghwa, Hyun
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