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21 TO 24 May
same time.” A miserable Argentine troupe of France, 105’, Drama. Sales: Quinzaine Des Realisateurs / Directors’ Hollywood’s golden age.
actors, dancers, musicians, film-makers and a girl Salle Buñuel Fortnight
embark on a theatre tour to some country, Sales: Cannes Classics Section: Directors’ Fortnight (Special 19:00
probably in Latin America. If ever love and Section: Cannes Classics
money were irreconcilable, Por el dinero is the Screening, Masterclass Roberto Rodriguez) THE GOLDEN AGE (Premiere)
story of that tragedy. Director: Jean Grémillon Director: Robert Rodriguez France, 60’, Experimental.
Casting: Madeleine Renaud, Charles Vanel,
Next screening: 22 May, 11:30, Arcades 1 Jean Debucourt, Anne Vandene Casting: Alejandro Rose Garcia, Carlos Salle Buñuel
Gallardo, Eman Esfandi, Lauren Hatfield, Pierce
15:00 Synopsis: Presented by TF1 Studio. Restored Bailey, Rebel Rodriguez, Roby Attal Sales: Cannes Classics
version in 4K using two intermediate and a
Synopsis: Based on Robert Rodriguez’s
Section: Cannes Classics
duplicate done by TF1 studio, with the support experiences in a Medical Research Facility to Director: Luis Buñuel
TALENTS ADAMI CANNES 2019 of the CNC and Coin de Mire cinéma. Digital finance his first feature El Mariachi, but with a Casting: Lya Lys, Gaston Modot, Max Ernst,
Salle Du 60e and photochimical work done by L21 laboratory. sci-fi and horror twist. Red 11 is set in the dark, Pierre Prevert, Germaine Noizet
Section: Adami twisted world of the Legal Drug Research Synopsis: Presented by La Cinemathèque
LA MAMAN DES POISSONS 16:30 business. College kids turn Lab Rats to make française. A 4K restoration of The Golden Age
quick money, and our hero, Rob (who is
15’ assigned the colour and number Red 11) is here was done by la Cinemathèque française and le
Director: Zita Hanrot ONCE UPON A TIME... IN HOLLYWOOD to buy his way out of a huge debt to the tune of Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI/Experimental
Casting: Noémie Chicheportiche, Eulalie, (Premiere) $7,000. But things get surreal when he’s not cinema’s department, thanks to the sponsoring
Cypriane Gardin, Marc Riso USA, 161’, Comedy. sure if the hospital is really trying to kill him, or if of Pathé and the Maison de Champagne Piper-
Heidsieck. The works have been carried out at
Synopsis: On the day of their grandmother’s Théâtre Claude Debussy (Press Screening) it’s side effects from the experimental drugs. Hiventy Laboratory for the image and at L.E.
funeral, Sacha gathers her cousins to write a Sales: Sony Pictures Entertainment (France) Diapason’s studio for the sound, using the
tribute to her, but nothing will happen as Section: In competition 18:00 original nitrate negative, original sound and
planned. Director: Quentin Tarantino safety elements.
Casting: Leonardo Dicaprio , Brad Pitt, Margot ONCE UPON A TIME... IN HOLLYWOOD
RELAI Robbie (Premiere) 20:00
15’ Synopsis: Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a USA, 161’, Comedy.
Time... in Hollywood visits 1969 Los Angeles,
Director: Suzanne Clément where everything is changing, as TV star Rick Grand Théâtre Lumière (Ticket Required) YOUNG AHMED (Premiere)
Casting: Marilou Aussilloux, Martin Karmann, Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his longtime Sales: Sony Pictures Entertainment (France) France, Belgium, 84’, Drama.
Leslie Lipkins stunt double Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt) make their Section: In competition Olympia 1
Synopsis: As Mélanie tries to restore way around an industry they hardly recognise Director: Quentin Tarantino Sales: Wild Bunch
Benoit’s self-confidence, they cross paths anymore. The ninth film from the writer-director Casting: Leonardo Dicaprio , Brad Pitt, Margot (5 Square Mérimée – 1st floor)
with Mehdi and Jeanne, a duo going through features a large ensemble cast and multiple Robbie Section: In competition
a crisis. For a brief moment, their stories storylines in a tribute to the final moments of Synopsis: Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a
intertwine. Hollywood’s golden age. Time... in Hollywood visits 1969 Los Angeles, Director: Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne
Synopsis: In Belgium, today, the destiny of
LES CHIENS ABOIENT where everything is changing, as TV star Rick young Ahmed, 13, caught between his imam’s
16’ 17:15 Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his longtime ideals of purity and life’s temptations.
Director: Grégory Montel stunt double Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt) make their
Casting: Massimo Riggi, Samir Senhadji, OUR MOTHERS (Premiere) way around an industry they hardly recognise THE BEARS’ FAMOUS INVASION
Julianna Vogt France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, anymore. The ninth film from the writer-director (Premiere)
Synopsis: Hicham has been madly in love Guatemala, 77’, Drama. features a large ensemble cast and multiple France, Italy, 82’, Animation.
with Juliana for some time now. But Miramar storylines in a tribute to the final moments of Théâtre Claude Debussy (Press Screening)
everything is against their love. He, a child of Sales: Pyramide International (J6) Hollywood’s golden age. Sales: Pathé Films (Ibis Entrance, 4a/E)
immigration, is stuck in a ghetto. She lives in Section: Critics’ Week (In Competition) Next screening: 22 May, 12:00, Lumiere
the gypsy camp right next to him. Despite Director: César Diaz Section: Un Certain Regard
Juliana’s attempts to dissuade Hicham, the THE INVISIBLE LIFE OF EURÍDICE Director: Lorenzo Mattotti
young man is determined to overcome Casting: Armando Espitia , Emma Dib GUSMÃO (Premiere) Synopsis: To find his long lost son and food to
prejudice, and goes to the camp to formalise Synopsis: Guatemala, 2018. The whole country Brazil, 135’, Drama. survive the winter, the great bear king leads his
their relationship, particularly to meet Willy, is immersed in the trial of the soldiers who Salle Du 60e clan down from the mountains and into the
sparked the civil war. Victim statements come
Juliana’s over-protective brother. one after another. Ernesto is a young Sales: The Match Factory (25 La Croisette) world of men. After escaping terrible monsters
and defeating an evil duke, the bears and men
anthropologist working for the Forensic +33 6 43 63 46 73 live together in peace – for a time.
MON ROYAUME Foundation; his job is to identify the missing. Section: Day after screenings (Un Certain Next screening: 22 May, 14:00, Bazin
18’ One day, while hearing the account of an old Regard)
Director: Guillaume Gouix woman, he thinks he has found a lead that Director: Aïnouz Karim COURTS MÉTRAGES 2 (105)
Casting: Pierre Cévaër, Yamée Couture, might guide him to his father, a guerrillero who Casting: Carol Duarte, Julia Stockler, Fernanda
Jonathan Turnbull went missing during the war. Against his Montenegro Miramar
Synopsis: None of this will matter to the mother’s wishes, he flings himself body and soul Synopsis: Rio de Janeiro, 1950. Euridice, 18 and Section: Critics’ Week
people who come here after us. To them, into the case, looking for truth and resilience. Guida, 20, are two inseparable sisters. They live IKKI ILLA MEINT (SANS MAUVAISE
these will only be simple walls, they’ll turn it Next screening: 22 May, 08:30, Miramar at home, and each has a dream: becoming a INTENTION)
into a walk-in closet or a parental suite. renowned pianist, or finding true love. .
17:30 21’
Director: Andrias Høgenni
AVANTI 18:15 Casting: Mariann Hansen, Sissal Drews
12’ THE WHISTLERS (Premiere) Hjaltalin, Niels Dampe
Director: Mélanie Doutey Romania, France, Germany, 97’, Drama. ONCE UPON A TIME... IN HOLLYWOOD Synopsis: Elinborg accidentally runs into her
Casting: Lucie Digout, Jeremy Lewin, Emma Palais J (Priority Badges Only) (Premiere) friend Marita at the supermarket. Marita
Liégeois Sales: MK2 Films (52 La Croisette) USA, 161’, Comedy. decides to corner her friend and asks if she
Synopsis: Louise and Manu have very Section: Day after screenings (In Competition) Salle Bazin (Press Screening) has blocked her on Facebook.
different ways of dealing with grief. While Director: Corneliu Porumboiu Sales: Sony Pictures Entertainment (France) DIA DE FESTA (PARTY DAY) (Premiere)
Manu chooses to move forwards, Louise is Casting: Vlad Ivanov, Catrinel Marlon Section: In competition
disoriented, literally: she can only move Synopsis: Not everything is as it seems for Director: Quentin Tarantino 17’
forward backwards. One day, she meets Cristi, a police inspector in Bucharest who plays Director: Sofia Bost
Camille who reassures her about her both sides of the law. Embarked by the beautiful Casting: Leonardo Dicaprio , Brad Pitt, Margot Casting: Rita Martins, Melissa Matos, Teresa
condition and reveals to her the existence of Gilda on a high-stakes heist, both will have to Robbie Madruga, Sandra Celas, Mariana Silva, Sara
a discreet community, “those who live better navigate the twists and turns of treachery and Synopsis: Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Gon.alves, Fernanda Neves
from behind”. With them, Louise learns to deception. Time... in Hollywood visits 1969 Los Angeles, Synopsis: Mena lives on her own with her
move forward by going backwards where everything is changing, as TV star Rick daughter Clara. Despite her limited means,
17:45 Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his longtime she still manages to organise her birthday
stunt double Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt) make their
party. A phone call from her mother turns her
16:00 RED 11 way around an industry they hardly recognise world upside down.
anymore. The ninth film from the writer-director
67’. features a large ensemble cast and multiple MARDI DE 8 À 18 (TUESDAY FROM 8 TO
LE CIEL EST A VOUS (Premiere) Théâtre Croisette storylines in a tribute to the final moments of 6) (Premiere)