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                 FESTIVAL & MARKET

                                                              21  TO 24  May

                 psychological resolve begins to crack. She rushes   runs to the Middle East in search for a better life,   capitalist circumstances. Once upon a time they   Synopsis: A transgender love story set in New
                 back to her family home to deal with two crises:   escaping from the economic crisis in The   played in the same band and loved the same   York’s underground ballroom culture.
                 her father’s business has gone bankrupt and her   Dominican Republic. In spite of the language   woman. Had it not been for their father and an
                 mother has suffered a heart attack. She dreams   and cultural barriers she encounters, she meets   unusual heritage, they might have remained   15:30
                 of rekindling a close relationship with her   Bashir, the love of her life. They marry and Sintia   brothers; but this way they have got entangled
                 childhood friend Kiki but is haunted by paranoid   gives birth to their son Ghassan. Her family   in a very typically Slovenian story.  HERITAGE (Premiere)
                 fantasies that a mysterious woman is stalking   survives one of the deadliest wars in history in   Portugal, 164’, Drama.
                 and attacking her. As Nina clings to memories of   Syria, but the price they pay is separation. The   PANQUIACO (Premiere)
                 happier times, it seems that there is one crucial   family separates and Sintia has to return to her   Panama, Portugal, 75’, Experimental.  Arcades 1 (Invite Only)
                 memory that she is repressing.  country after 30 years of absence. Sintia   Palais H         Sales: Alfama Films (F1)
                 Next screening: 22 May, 08:30, Debussy  struggles to get her family’s paperwork in           Section: Market
                                                Domincan Republic. Separated by an ocean, the   Sales: International Film Festival Panama
                 11:00                          family won’t stop fighting until they are together   Section: Market  Turkey, Germany, 108’, Drama.
                                                                                                              A TALE OF THREE SISTERS
                                                                               Director: Ana Elena Tejera
                                                once again.
                                                                               Casting: Cebaldo De Leon, Fernando
                 PETITS HEROS (Premiere)        KONGO (Premiere)               Fernandez                      Arcades 3
                 Riviera 2                      France, 89’, Documentary.      Synopsis: Cebaldo, an indigenous dule from   Sales: The Match Factory
                 Sales: Autour De Minuit        Lerins 2                       Panama is a fishermen’s assistant in a town of   (25 La Croisette) +33 6 43 63 46 73
                                                                                                              Section: Market
                 Section: Market                Sales: Pyramide International (J6)  northern Portugal, who suffers from nostalgia. In   Director: Emin Alper
                                                                               his loneliness, memories take him away from his
                 11:30                          Section: Market (ACID)         daily routine, and immerse him in a journey back   Synopsis: Three sisters are reunited in the
                                                                                                              remote mountain village where they grew up
                                                                               to his village in Guna Yala, where a botanical
                                                Director: Hadrien La Vapeur, Corto Vaclav
                 FLATLAND                       Synopsis: In Brazzaville, an invisible world   doctor confronts him with the impossibility of   with their father. Tensions run high as the girls
                                                                                                              strive to return to city life.
                 South Africa, Luxembourg, Germany, 117’,   governs the visible world. The apostle Medard   returning to the past.
                                                struggles to heal the sick victims of bad spells.
                 Drama.                         But his life changes when he is publicly accused   14:00      THE LOST ONE (Premiere)
                 Gray 2                         of practicing black magic.                                    Russia, 92’, Musical.
                 Sales: The Match Factory                                      BEAUFORD DELANEY: SO SPLENDID   Gray 2 (Invite Only)
                 (25 La Croisette) +33 6 43 63 46 73  12:00                    A JOURNEY / UNSUNG HERO:       Sales: Marifilmas (Sept Elephants) (D7)
                 Section: Market                                               THE THEO MITCHELL STOR (Premiere)  Section: Market
                 Director: Jenna Bass           PIRANHAS                       USA, 64’, Documentary.         Director: Alexey Rybnikov
                 Synopsis: A journey of self-discovery for three   Italy, 110’, Drama.
                 different but equally desperate women, painting   Olympia 2   Gray 5                         Casting: Mikhail Markov
                 a vivid and unique portrait of femininity against             Sales: 2 Bulls On The Hill Productions  Synopsis: The main hero of The Lost one is a
                 a hostile frontier land.       Sales: Elle Driver (7 La Croisette)  Section: Market          movie director who filmed a dozen popular
                                                Section: Market                                               feature pictures. He is successful and wealthy,
                                                Director: Claudio Giovannesi                                  always in demand. But his dream is to make
                 VERA (Premiere)                Synopsis: Naples. Nicola and his friends are   SOLO (Premiere)  something special, a film with the synthesis of
                 France, 87’, Drama.            fifteen years old. They want to make money, buy   Czech Republic, France, Argentina, Austria, 85’,   ballet and action, where music plays an eminent
                 Palais B (Press Allowed)       designer clothes and brand new scooters.  Documentary.        role... About love, life, deep inner feelings. To get
                 Sales: Altermédia Productions  Next screening: 22 May, 15:30, Lerins 2  Palais C             the money for it gets should sacrifice his ideas....
                 Section: Market                                               Sales: Slingshot Films         Betrayed by his friends, colleagues, his woman
                 Director: Caroline Chomienne   13:30                          Section: Market (ACID)         he decides to leave all them behind .
                 Casting: Agathe Bonitzer, Dimitri Storoge, Yuri               Director: Artemio Benki
                 Romagnoli, Airy Routier, Lucie Boujenah  ABOU LEILA (Premiere)   Synopsis: Martin is a young Argentinian piano   DOC DAY - AFTERNOON SESSION
                 Synopsis: Vera, a young dancer, battles within   Algeria, France, 140’, Drama.  virtuoso and composer, who is, since his   (Premiere)
                 herself after quitting the prestigious Paris Opera   Olympia 3  breakdown three years ago, a patient of El   90’.
                 to integrate into the multi-enthnic contemporary              Borda, the largest, most notable but   Olympia 1
                 dance scene. The metamorphosis of the   Sales: Films Boutique (G3) +04 92 993220  controversial psychiatric hospital in Latin
                 courageous artist turns out in a way that she   Section: Market (Critic’s Week, In Competition)  America. A child prodigy and the most promising   Sales: Doc Corner
                 could never have expected.     Director: Amin Sidi-Boumédiène  talent of his generation is now trying to find his   Section: Market
                                                Casting: Slimane Benouari, Lyes Salem, Azouz   own way how to come back to life outside the   Synopsis: A full-day event to put the spotlight
                                                                                                              on the documentary genre, celebrate all the docs
                 ISADORA’S CHILDREN (Premiere)  Abdelkader, Fouad Megiraga, Meryem   walls of asylym and on stage.  in selection and bring together the entire doc
                 France, 80’, Drama.            Medjkane, Hocine Mokhtar, Samir El Hakim                      community in Cannes.
                 Palais D (Invite Only)         Synopsis: Algeria, 1994. With Civil War raging   COLOURS (Premiere)
                                                for years in the north of the country, each day
                 Sales: Shellac                 continues to bring its share of death and horror.   Dominican Republic, 95’, Drama.  GALAXY 360 (Premiere)
                 Section: Market                Police officers S. and Lotfi, two childhood friends,   Palais G (Press Allowed)  USA, 97’, Comedy.
                 Director: Damien Manivel       travel through the desert looking for Abou Leila,   Sales: Dominican Republic Film Commission   Palais H
                 Casting: Agathe Bonitzer , Manon Carpentier,   a dangerous terrorist on the run. In the   (112)  Sales: Anteriya Films
                 Marika Rizzy, Elsa Wolliaston  immensity of the Sahara, their quest seems   Section: Market  Section: Market
                 Synopsis: Following the death of her two   absurd, but Lofti has only one priority: to keep S.   Director: Luis Cepeda  Director: Anna Fishbeyn
                 children in April 1913, the legendary dancer,   as far from the capital as possible, knowing his   Casting: Stephany Liriano, Christian Alvarez,   Casting: Anna Fishbeyn, Lauren Logiudice,
                 Isadora Duncan, created a solo entitled Mother   friend is too fragile to face more bloodshed. But   Francis Cruz
                 in which, in a moment of extreme tenderness, a   the deeper they get into the desert, the more   Synopsis: A young visual artist from a remote   Squeaky Moore, Lawrence Sturdivant, Brennan
                 mother cradles her child one last time before   they are confronted with their own trauma and   town, who succeeds in her work called The   Lowery, Jesse Sneddon, Ryan Bobila
                 letting him go. In contemporary France, four   violence.      Nameless Faces, which she never signs because,   Synopsis: Galaxy 360 is a comedy about the
                 women encounter the dance piece Mother a                      according to her, she feels in her heart that none   most watched reality show of the future, Victor’s
                 dancer who tries to interpret the solo is deeply   I AM FRANK (Premiere)  of her paintings are finished yet. The bitter and   Angels Mr. World Beauty Pageant. We are now
                 touched; a choreographer prepares an   Slovenia, 98’, Drama.  harsh behaviour of her father, who inexplicably   in the year 2195: women rule the world, men
                 adaptation of the piece to be danced by a                     does not want her to paint and the limitation of   dream of getting married, and the word
                 down-syndrome teenager; an old lady attends a   Palais B (Priority Badges Only)  poverty, create the obstacles that Laura must   “Whore” is a compliment. The pageant features
                 performance of the solo alone and is moved to   Sales: Slovenian Film Centre (133)  face in order to understand that uncontrollable   the giant media personality, Illumina, who whips
                 tears.                         Section: Market                inner force that compels her to create her   the men into shape as they dream of winning
                                                Director: Metod Pevec          incredible work.               The Golden Fallickorn Crown, a prize that will
                 THAT’S WHY I COME TO THE RIVER   Casting: Janez Skof, Valter Dragan, Katarina                raise the men’s social and economic status.
                                                                                                              Using reality-television style tactics to explore
                 (Premiere)                     Cas, Mojca Partljic, Silva Cušin  PORT AUTHORITY (Premiere)   men’s behind-the-scenes drama, tears, and
                 Dominican Republic, 79’, Romance.  Synopsis: The film tells the story of two   USA, 94’, Drama.  insecurities, Illumina’s insatiable sexual appetite
                                                brothers who are as dissimilar as if each of them
                 Palais H (Press Allowed)       came from his own corner of the divided   Palais I (Priority Badges Only)  and unorthodox coaching methods, and the
                 Sales: F&B Films               Slovenian society. Frank is a barstool apostle,   Sales: MK2 Films (52 La Croisette)  Judges’ sexual longings, Galaxy 360 will make
                 Section: Market                subscribing to atavistic remainders of   Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)  you laugh, cringe, and adopt a new mantra,
                 Director: Fernando Blanco      communist ideas and socialist values. Brane, on   Director: Danielle Lessovitz  “you can look and you can touch!”
                 Casting: Sintia Then, Bashir Al Sankary  the other hand, is focused on personal success   Casting: Fionn Whitehead, Leyna Bloom,
                 Synopsis: It’s the summer of 1982 and Sintia   and adapted very successfully to the liberal   Mccaul Lombardi  OUR MOTHERS (Premiere)

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