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P. 27

                                                                                                                      Tuesday 21 May 2019

 21  TO 24  May

                 SKY                            spiral of fantasy, causing amnesia to her.  Theatre Croisette  Casting: Robert Pattinson, Willem Dafoe
                 Greece, France, 9’                                            Sales: Wild Bunch              Synopsis: From Robert Eggers, the visionary
                 Director: Vasilis Kekatos      LES SILENCES DE JOHNNY (Premiere)  (5 Square Mérimée – 1st floor)  filmmaker behind the modern horror
                 Casting: Nikolakis Zeginoglou, Ioko Ioannis   France, 55’, Documentary.  Section: Directors’ Fortnight  masterpiece The Witch, comes this hypnotic and
                 Kotidis                        Salle Buñuel                   Director: Kirill Mikhanovsky   hallucinatory tale of two lighthouse keepers on
                 Synopsis: Night, national road. Two   Sales: Cannes Classics  Casting: Chris Galust, Lauren ‘Lolo’ Spencer,   a remote and mysterious New England island in
                 strangers meet for the first time at an old   Section: Cannes Classics  Maksim Stoyanov      the 1890s.
                 gas station. One has stopped to gas up his   Director: Pierre-William Glenn  Synopsis: Vic, a hapless young Russian
                                                                               American, drives a handicapped transportation  20:00
                 bike, while the other is just stranded. Lacking   Synopsis: Presented by les films du Phœnix in
                 the €22.50 he needs to get home, he will try   coproduction with Ciné+. A personal and   vehicle in Milwaukee.
                 to sell him the distance that separates them   moving portrait of actor Johnny Hallyday by   THE TRAITOR (Premiere)
                 from the sky.                  great cinematographer, director and friend of   17:00         Italy, 145’, Drama.
                    ALL INCLUSIVE               Johnny’s Pierre-William Glenn.                                Olympia 1
                                                                                                              Sales: The Match Factory
                 Finland, 15’                                                  MEKTOUB, MY LOVE : INTERMEZZO   (25 La Croisette) +33 6 43 63 46 73
                 Director: Teemu Nikki          ONCE IN TRUBCHEVSK (Premiere)                                 Section: In competition
                 Casting: Lauri Maijala, Hannamaija Nikander  Russia, 81’, Drama.  France, 240’, Drama.
                 Synopsis: Kalervo has felt powerless all his   Salle Bazin    Salle Du 60e                   Director: Marco Bellocchio
                 life, unable to fight back, until Annukka a   Sales: Loco Films  Sales: Pathé Films (Ibis Entrance, 4a/E)  Casting: Pierfrancesco Favino, Fausto Russo
                 woman who loves him gives Kalervo a life   Section: Day after screenings (Un Certain   Section: Day after screenings (In Competition)  Alesi, Fernanda Candido, Nicola Cali, Luigi Lo
                 altering gift. Like with many of director   Regard)           Director: Abdelatif Kechiche   Cascio, Fabrizio Ferracane
                 Nikki’s works, All Inclusive can be interpreted   Director: Larissa Sadilova  Synopsis: French-Tunisian director Abdellatif   Synopsis: In the early 1980s, an all-out war
                 in many ways, but at the core it’s a film   Synopsis: In a small town, nothing stays a   Kechiche returns to Cannes with the Intermezzo   rages between Sicilian mafia bosses. Tommaso
                 about power, love and change.  secret. No matter how hard you try to hide   of Mektoub, My Love, six years after his Palme   Buscetta, a made man, flees to hide out in Brazil.
                                                                                                              Back home in Italy, scores are being settled, and
                    INGEN LYSSNAR               infidelities, the truth will come out sooner or   d’or with La Vie d’Adèle (Blue Is the Warmest   Buscetta’s allies are killed off one after another.
                                                                               Color). The groundwork for this saga storytelling
                 Sweden, 14’                    later. A decision then arises: to start a new life   and extraordinary portrait of French youth in the
                 Director: Elin Övergaard       together or to confess and hope for forgiveness.   90s was laid in his Canto Uno.  20:30
                 Casting: Cecilia Milocco, Kristoffer Appelquist  This is the choice the protagonists are faced
                 Synopsis: The new refugee home for   with.                    18:15                          CÉRÉMONIE DE CLÔTURE
                 children is being discussed at a public council                                              Théâtre Claude Debussy (Press Screening)
                 meeting. Two people standing on opposite   ZOMBI CHILD (Premiere)  SIBYL (Premiere)          Section: Un Certain Regard
                 sides try to get heard. “Who Talks” raises   France, 103’, Drama.  France, 100’, Comedy.
                 questions about whose opinions actually   Theatre Croisette
                 matter and what creates polarisation.  Sales: Playtime (3 Square Mérimée)  Théâtre Claude Debussy (Press Screening)  PROJECTION DU FILM PRIMÉ
                                                                               Sales: MK2 Films (52 La Croisette)
                    L’HEURE DE L’OURS           Section: Directors’ Fortnight  Section: In competition        Théâtre Claude Debussy (Press Screening)
                                                                                                              Section: Un Certain Regard
                 France , 14’                   Director: Bertrand Bonello     Director: Justine Triet
                 Director: Agnès Patron         Casting: Louise Labèque, Wislanda Louimat,   Casting: Virginie Efira, Adèle Exarchopoulos,
                 Synopsis: That very night, houses will burn.   Katiana Milfort, Mackenson Bijou  Gaspard Ulliel, Sandra Huller, Nils Schneider  SICK, SICK, SICK (Premiere)
                 Men and women will tremble. Hordes of   Synopsis: Haiti, 1962: A man is brought back   Synopsis: Sibyl, a jaded psychotherapist, returns   Brazil, France, Netherlands, 104’, First film.
                 children will come together and howl as they   from the dead only to be sent to the living hell   to her first passion: writing. But her newest   Olympia 8
                 dance alone on the ashes like wild bears. It   of the sugarcane fields. In Paris, 55 years later, at   patient Margot, a troubled up-and-coming   Sales: Alpha Violet (E18)
                 only takes one cry to awaken them all from   the prestigious Légion d’honneur boarding   actress, proves to be a source of inspiration that   Section: Directors’ Fortnight
                 their slumber!                 school, a Haitian girl confesses an old family   is far too tempting.  Director: Alice Furtado
                                                secret to a group of new friends - never
                    BUTTERFLIES                 imagining that this strange tale will convince a   19:30      Casting: Luiza Kosovski, Juan Paiva, Nahuel
                                                                                                              Pérez Biscayart,
                 Israel, France, 8’             heartbroken classmate to do the unthinkable.                  Synopsis: Silvia and Artur’s teenage-romance
                 Director: Yona Rozenkier                                                                     starts abruptly, and ends up all of sudden when
                 Casting: Yoel Rozenkier, Avraham Selektar,   16:15            SIBYL (Premiere)               Artur dies. Silvia gets sick and her days turn into
                 Varda Ben Hur                                                 France, 100’, Comedy.          dark. Her mourning becomes an obsessive quest
                 Synopsis: Another Sunday in April. A Kibbutz   IT MUST BE HEAVEN (Premiere)  Grand Théâtre Lumière (Ticket Required)  to bring him back to life.
                 in the north of Israel. A natural phenomenon.   France, Canada, Turkey, 97’, Black comedy.  Sales: MK2 Films (52 La Croisette)
                 A family on an impromptu ride, maybe the   Salle Bazin (Press Screening)  Section: In competition  21:30
                 last one.                      Sales: Wild Bunch              Director: Justine Triet
                    MONSTRE DIEU/MONSTER GOD    (5 Square Mérimée – 1st floor)  Casting: Virginie Efira, Adèle Exarchopoulos,   LES PATRIOTES
                 Argentina, 10’                 Section: In competition        Gaspard Ulliel, Sandra Huller, Nils Schneider  138’.
                                                                               Synopsis: Sibyl, a jaded psychotherapist, returns
                 Director: Agustina San Martín  Director: Elia Suleiman        to her first passion: writing. But her newest   Plage Macé
                 Casting: Camila Dobrusky, Emilio Vodanovich,   Casting: Elia Suleiman  patient Margot, a troubled up-and-coming   Section: Cinéma de la plage
                 Mariali Rubio, Isabella Rapazzo  Synopsis: Elia Suleiman, the central character   actress, proves to be a source of inspiration that   Director: Eric Rochant
                 Synopsis: God is now a Power Plant. On a   and narrator, escapes from Palestine seeking an   is far too tempting.  Casting: Yvan Attal, Richard Masu, Yossi Banai,
                 misty night cows escape, a child is chosen,   alternative homeland, only to realise that     Nancy Allen, Bernard Le Coq, Allen Garfield,
                 and a girl tries to find freedom.  Palestine is always there, just behind him.   SIBYL (Premiere)  Sandrine Kiberlain, Maurice Bénichou,
                    WHITE ECHO                  16:30                          France, 100’, Comedy.          Emmanuelle Devos, Hippolyte Girardot,
                 USA, 15’                                                      Salle Bazin (Press Screening)  Christine Pascal, Jean-François Stévenin, André
                 Director: Chloë Sevigny        IT MUST BE HEAVEN (Premiere)   Sales: MK2 Films (52 La Croisette)  Engel, Élizabeth Macocco, Dan Toren, Ezra Kafri,
                 Casting: Kate Lyn Sheil, Eleonore Hendricks,   France, Canada, Turkey, 97’, Black comedy.  Section: In competition  Rami Danon, Roger Mirmont, Myriem Roussel,
                 Sheila Vand, Alison Sudol, Hailey Benton Gates,   Grand Théâtre Lumière (Press Screening)  Director: Justine Triet  Makram Khoury, Éva Darlan, Beata Nilska, John
                 Safi Kamau Goodman, Nicole Quinn  Sales: Wild Bunch           Casting: Virginie Efira, Adèle Exarchopoulos,   P. Ryan
                 Synopsis: A story of a young woman, Carla,   (5 Square Mérimée – 1sr floor)  Gaspard Ulliel, Sandra Huller, Nils Schneider
                 and her relationship with her inner power.   Section: In competition  Synopsis: Sibyl, a jaded psychotherapist, returns   THE GANGSTER, THE COP, THE DEVIL
                 Carla’s mystical beliefs are a metaphor for                   to her first passion: writing. But her newest   Korea (South), 109’, Crime.
                 the talents and powers we think we possess,   Director: Elia Suleiman  patient Margot, a troubled up-and-coming   Salle Du 60e
                 how we garner them, what we do with   Casting: Elia Suleiman  actress, proves to be a source of inspiration that   Sales: K-Movie Entertainment (G17)
                 them, how we share them and how we use   Synopsis: Elia Suleiman, the central character   is far too tempting.  Section: Day after screenings (Midnight
                 them to influence others.      and narrator, escapes from Palestine seeking an
                                                alternative homeland, only to realise that                    Screenings)
                    THE NAP                     Palestine is always there, just behind him.   THE LIGHTHOUSE (Premiere)  Director: Won-Tae Lee
                 Argentina, 15’                                                USA, Canada, 110’, Horror.     Casting: Don Lee, Moo-Yeol Kim, Seong-Gyu
                 Director: Federico Luis Tachella  16:45                       Theatre Croisette              Kim
                 Casting: Graciela Ninio, Rita Pauls, Yonathan                 Sales: A24 Films               Synopsis: In Cheonan, a serial murder case
                 Toledo, Jacqueline Golbert     GIVE ME LIBERTY (Premiere)     Section: Directors’ Fortnight  takes place, but the case becomes more and
                 Synopsis: A girl wraps her grandmother in a   USA, 111’, Drama.  Director: Robert Eggers     more of a mystery. Only Tae-suk, a cop,

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