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                 FESTIVAL & MARKET

                                                              21  TO 24  May

                 MEKTOUB, MY LOVE : INTERMEZZO   Eric, Marie, Vincent, Isabelle, Antoine and the   Casting: Isabelle Huppert, Brendan Gleeson,   Until one night when a fire starts to devastate
                 (PREMIERE)                     kids hatch a plan to spring a surprise birthday   Jérémie Renier, Marisa Tomei, Vinette Robinson,   the region.
                 France, 240’, Drama.           party on him there, the day after he arrives. It’s   Ariyon Bakare, Pascal Greggory
                 Théâtre Claude Debussy (Press Screening)  an opportunity to catch up after drifting apart   Synopsis: Frankie, a famous French actress,   THE ROOM (Premiere)
                                                over time and life’s ups-and downs. When the
                 Sales: Pathé Films (Ibis Entrance, 4a/E)  children have grown, couples have parted, daily   learns that she only has a few months to live.   France, Belgium, Luxembourg, 100’, Horror.
                 Section: In competition        lives have diverged, and everybody keeps telling   For one final family vacation, she gathers   Riviera 1
                                                                               everyone together in Sintra, Portugal.
                 Director: Abdelatif Kechiche   their little white lies, what remains of friendship?          Sales: Elle Driver (7 La Croisette)
                 Synopsis: French-Tunisian director Abdellatif                                                Section: Market
                 Kechiche returns to Cannes with the Intermezzo                HOMEWARD (Premiere)            Director: Christian Volckman
                 of Mektoub, My Love, six years after his Palme   A HIDDEN LIFE (Premiere)  Ukraine, 92’, Drama.  Casting: Olga Kurylenko, Kevin Janssens
                 d’or with La Vie d’Adèle (Blue Is the Warmest   USA, Germany, 173’, Drama.  Palais J         Synopsis: Kate and Matt are a young New York
                 Color). The groundwork for this saga storytelling   Olympia 2  Sales: Wild Bunch             couple in their thirties. He’s a struggling comic
                 and extraordinary portrait of French youth in the   Sales: Mister Smith Entertainment   (5 Square Mérimée – 1st floor)  book artist, she’s tired of her job in a big law
                 90s was laid in his Canto Uno.  (Rond Point Dubois D’Angers)  Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)  firm.
                                                Section: Market (In competition)  Director: Nariman Aliev
                 TALENT ADAMI & PRIX DECOUVERTE   Director: Terrence Malick    Casting: Akhtem Seitablaev     LUX ÆTERNA (Premiere)
                 LEICA CINE DU COURT & PRIX CANAL   Casting: August Diehl, Valerie Pachner, Michael   Synopsis: Having lost his oldest son in the war   France, 50’, Drama.
                 (PREMIERE)                     Nyqvist, Jürgen Prochnow, Martin Wuttke,   between Russian and Ukraine, Mustafa resolves   Olympia 1
                 Miramar                        Maria Simon, Franz Rogowski,  Matthias   to bring the boy’s body to the land of his birth:   Sales: Wild Bunch
                 Sales: Semaine De La Critique  Schoenaerts                    Crimea. Together, he and his younger son set out   (5 Square Mérimée – 1st floor)
                 Section: Critics’ Week         Synopsis: Based on real events, A Hidden Life is   on a journey that will profoundly mark their   Section: Market (Midnight Screenings)
                                                the story of an unsung hero, Franz Jägerstätter,   relationship.
                 22:15                          who refused to fight for the Nazis in World War               Director: Gaspar Noe
                                                                                                              Synopsis: Two actresses, Béatrice Dalle and
                                                II. When the Austrian peasant farmer is faced
                                                with the threat of execution for treason, it is his  11:15
                 MEKTOUB, MY LOVE : INTERMEZZO   unwavering faith and his love for his wife, Fani,            Charlotte Gainsbourg, are on a film set telling
                                                                                                              stories about witches – but that’s not all. Lux
                 (Premiere)                     and children that keeps his spirit alive.  PARASITE (Premiere)  Æterna is also an essay on cinema, the love of
                 France, 240’, Drama.                                          Korea (South), 132’, Drama.    film, and on-set hysterics. It’s a brilliant fast-
                 Salle Bazin (Press screening)  ICE ON FIRE (Premiere)         Palais K                       paced medium-length film for Gaspar Noé’s
                 Sales: Pathé Films (Ibis Entrance, 4a/E)  91’, Documentary.   Sales: CJ Entertainment/CJ E&M Corporation   return – an unexpected one until recently – to
                 Section: In competition        Palais K                       (E19)                          the Official Selection, for a film that the Selection
                                                                                                              Committee watched at the last minute and
                 Director: Abdelatif Kechiche   Sales: Festival De Cannes      Section: Market (In Competition)  which will be shown in a Midnight Screening as
                 Synopsis: French-Tunisian director Abdellatif   Section: Market (Special Screening)  Director: Joon-Ho Bong  hyped as it is mysterious.
                 Kechiche returns to Cannes with the Intermezzo   Director: Leila Conners  Casting: Kang-Ho Song, Sun-Kyun Lee, Yeo-
                 of Mektoub, My Love, six years after his Palme                Jeong Cho, Woo-Shik Choi, So-Dam Park, Hyae-
                 d’or with La Vie d’Adèle (Blue Is the Warmest   Synopsis: In 2007, Leila Conners screened The   Jin Chang  QUE SEA LEY (Premiere)
                 Color). The groundwork for this saga storytelling   11th Hour at Cannes, a hard-hitting      Argentina, 85’, Documentary.
                 and extraordinary portrait of French youth in the   documentary about climate change produced by   12:00  Palais J
                 90s was laid in his Canto Uno.  Leonardo DiCaprio. The Festival screens conflict             Sales: Wild Bunch
                                                documentaries as part of a strong and proud                   (5 Square Mérimée – 1st floor)
                                                tradition, like it also did with An Inconvenient
                                                                               ALL ABOUT YVES (Premiere)
                   MARKET                       Truth by Davis Guggenheim, which won an   France, 107’, Comedy.  Section: Market (Special Screening)
                                                                                                              Director: Juan Solanas
                                                Oscar and earned Al Gore a Nobel Peace Prize.
                                                Twelve years later as the alarm bells are still   Lerins 1    Synopsis: In Argentina, a woman dies every
                                                multiplying all around the world (and more!),   Sales: Le Pacte (M21)  week as the result of illegal abortions. In 2018,
                 23/05/2019                     Leila Conners and Leonardo DiCaprio teamed up   Section: Market (Directors’ Fortnight)  for the seventh time, a motion supporting legal,
                                                                               Director: Benoît Forgeard
                                                                                                              secure and free abortion was presented to the
                                                again on the same topic to make a film with an
                 9:30                           eloquent title: Ice on Fire.   Casting: William Lebghil, Doria Tillier  National Congress of Argentina. The project
                                                                               Synopsis: Jerem decides to settle at his
                                                                                                              provoked a fierce debate, revealing a society
                                                                               There, he meets So, a mysterious investigator
                 BEANPOLE (Premiere)            10:00                          grandma’s place to compose his first album.   divided more than ever between the pro-life and
                                                                                                              freedom to choose positions. Through an
                 Russia, 134’, Drama.           OUR DEFEATS                    working on behalf of the startup Digital Cool.   assemblage of passionate testimonies, Let It Be
                 Palais I                       France, 94’, Documentary.      Next screening: 24 May, 11:00, Theatre   Law documents the determination of women
                 Sales: Wild Bunch              Lerins 1                       Croisette                      fighting bravely to secure the right to physical
                 (5 Square Mérimée – 1st floor)  Sales: Doc & Film International (L12)                        self-determination, and bears witness to their
                                                                                                              massive mobilisation in the streets of Buenos
                 Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)  Section: Market          JUST RETIRED (Premiere)        Aires. Let It Be Law marks Juan Solanas’ return
                 Director: Kantemir Balagov     Director: Jean-Gabriel Périot  France, Comedy.                to Cannes Official Selection– a powerful,
                 Casting: Viktoria Miroshnichenko, Vasilisa   Synopsis: Nowadays in France, a group of   Lerins 2  militant and necessary documentary revealing
                 Perelygina, Andrey Bykov, Igor Shirokov,   teenagers re-enact iconic films from the 1968   Sales: SND - Groupe M6 (42 Rue Des Serbes)  the urgent and vital struggle for the recognition
                 Konstantin Balakirev, Ksenia Kutepova, Olga   era.            Section: Market                of women’s rights.
                 Dragunova                                                     Director: Fabrice Bracq
                 Synopsis: The sprawling city that just survived   PARTICLES (Premiere)  Casting: Michèle Laroque, Tierry Lhermitte  ATLANTICS (Premiere)
                 the war and the long siege looks like a   France, Switzerland, 98’, Drama.  Synopsis: Marilou and Philippe are finally
                 terminally ill person.         Lerins 2                       retired! They cannot wait to move to Portugal.   France, Senegal, Belgium, 105’, Drama.
                                                                                                              Riviera 2
                                                Sales: Les Films Du Losange (G1)  At least, they will have time for themselves.   Sales: MK2 Films (52 La Croisette)
                 LITTLE WHITE LIES 2 (Premiere)  Section: Market (Directors’ Fortnight)
                 France, 135’, Drama.           Director: Blaise Harrison      FIRE WILL COME (Premiere)      Section: Market (In Competition)
                 Riviera 1                      Casting: Thomas Daloz, Néa Lueders, Salvatore   France, Luxembourg, Spain, 75’, Drama.  Director: Mati Diop
                 Sales: Europacorp              Ferro, Emma Josserand, Léo Couilfort, Nicolas   Palais I      Casting: Mama Sané, Amadou Am, Ibrahima
                 Section: Market                Marcant                        Sales: Pyramide International (J6)  Traoré
                                                                                                              Synopsis: Along the Atlantic coast, a soon-to-
                 Director: Guillaume Canet      Synopsis: At the foot of the Jura Mountains, Pa,   Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)  be-inaugurated futuristic tower looms over a
                 Casting: Marion Cotillard, François Cluzet,   aged 17, and his gang of friends are in their last   Director: Oliver Laxe  suburb of Dakar. Ada, 17, is in love with
                 Gilles Lellouche, Laurent Lafitte, Benoit   year at high school.  Casting: Amador Arias, Benedicta Sanchez,   Souleiman, a young construction worker.
                 Magimel, Pascale Arbillot, Esther Clementine                  Inazio Abrao
                 Baert, Valérie Bonneton, José Garcia  FRANKIE (Premiere)      Synopsis: Amador Coro has been condemned  13:00
                 Synopsis: Academy Award-winner Marion   France, Portugal, 98’, Drama.
                 Cotillard leads a fabulous cast in Guillaume                  for having provoked a fire. When he gets out of   LITTLE JOE (Premiere)
                 Canet’s sparkling follow-up to his powerful   Olympia 1       prison, nobody is waiting for him. He returns to
                 generational comedy Little White Lies.   Sales: Sbs International   his home town, a small village hidden in the   Austria, Germany, United Kingdom, 105’,
                 Preoccupied and on the verge of depression,   (Building Comoran 2, 1st Floor)  mountains of rural Galicia, to live with his   Drama.
                 Max takes off for a long weekend alone in his   Section: Market (In Competition)  mother, Benedicta, and their three cows. Life   Olympia 2
                 house at Cap Ferret, on France’s Atlantic coast.   Director: Ira Sachs  goes by slowly, following the rhythm of nature.   Sales: Coproduction Office (Paris)
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