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                 FESTIVAL & MARKET

                                                              21  TO 24  May

                 Synopsis: Jerem decides to settle at his   Director: Martin Gonda  her. But both the industry and the press are   Aragon, Sebastian Aguirre Boëda, Coralia
                 grandma’s place to compose his first album.   Casting: Martin Pisko, Adam Voloch, Jozef   confident that the results are sensationally good.   Manterola, Sara Rosa Aguilar
                 There, he meets So, a mysterious investigator   Pantlikas, Lukas Hamaric, Tomas Balaz  On the brink of triumph, though, Nina’s   Synopsis: Every day Tiago goes into his
                 working on behalf of the startup Digital Cool.   Synopsis: Financial crisis enters the   psychological resolve begins to crack. She rushes   garden, to feed the crocodile that killed his
                 Next screening: 24 May, 11:00, Theatre   households of a provincial town and people   back to her family home to deal with two crises:   brother.
                 Croisette                      start to lose their jobs. Two adolescent   her father’s business has gone bankrupt and her   14:30
                                                                               mother has suffered a heart attack. She dreams
                                                brothers rebel against their father, a factory
                 11:00                          foreman, who becomes a scapegoat for the   of rekindling a close relationship with her   MATTHIAS & MAXIME (Premiere)
                                                                               childhood friend Kiki but is haunted by paranoid
                                                frustrated community.
                 ICE ON FIRE (Premiere)                                        fantasies that a mysterious woman is stalking   Canada, 119’, Drama.
                                                                               and attacking her. As Nina clings to memories of
                 91’, Documentary.              TALENT ADAMI & PRIX DE LA      happier times, it seems that there is one crucial   Grand Théâtre Lumière (Ticket Required)
                 Salle Du 60e (Press Screening)  REVELATION FONDATION LOUIS    memory that she is repressing.  Sales: Seville International
                 Sales: Festival De Cannes      ROEDERER (PREMIERE)                                           (Albatros Entrance, 5th Floor)
                 Section: Out of Competition (Special   Miramar                14:00                          Section: In competition
                 Screening)                     Sales: Semaine De La Critique                                 Director: Xavier Dolan
                                                                                                              Casting: Gabriel D’Almeida Freitas, Xavier
                 Director: Leila Conners        Section: Critics’ Week         SUMMER OF CHANGSHA (Premiere)
                 Synopsis: In 2007, Leila Conners screened The                 China, 120’, Thriller.         Dolan, Pier-Luc Funk, Samuel Gauthier, Antoine
                 11th Hour at Cannes, a hard-hitting   11:30                   Théâtre Claude Debussy (Press Screening)  Pilon, Adib Alkhalidey, Catherine Brunet,
                 documentary about climate change produced by                  Sales: Indie Sales             Micheline Bernard, Anne Dorval
                 Leonardo DiCaprio. The Festival screens conflict   OH MERCY (Premiere)  (2 Rue Bivouac Napoléon, 5th Fl.)  Synopsis: Two childhood best friends are asked
                 documentaries as part of a strong and proud   France, 119’, Drama.  Section: Un Certain Regard  to share a kiss for the purposes of a student
                 tradition, like it also did with An Inconvenient   Grand Théâtre Lumière (Ticket Required)  Director: Zu Feng  short film. Soon, a lingering doubt sets in,
                 Truth by Davis Guggenheim, which won an   Sales: Wild Bunch   Casting: Zu Feng, Huang Lu     confronting both men with their preferences,
                 Oscar and earned Al Gore a Nobel Peace Prize.   (5 Square Mérimée – 1st floor)  Synopsis: China, nowadays, in the city of   threatening the brotherhood of their social circle,
                 Twelve years later as the alarm bells are still   Section: In competition  Changsha. A Bin is a police detective. During the   and, eventually, changing their lives.
                 multiplying all around the world (and more!),                 investigation of a bizarre murder case, he meets
                 Leila Conners and Leonardo DiCaprio teamed up   Director: Arnaud Desplechin  Li Xue, a surgeon. As they get to know each   14:45
                 again on the same topic to make a film with an   Casting: Léa Seydoux, Sara Forestier, Roschdy   other, A Bin happens to be more and more
                 eloquent title: Ice on Fire.   Zem, Antoine Reinartz          attracted to this mysterious woman, while both   COURTS PROGRAMME 2 (84)
                                                Synopsis: Christmas night in Roubaix. Police                  Théâtre Croisette
                                                chief Daoud roams the city. Burn out cars, violent   are struggling with their own love stories and
                 ONCE IN TRUBCHEVSK (Premiere)  altercations… In the face of poverty, deception   sins. Could a love affair help them find   Section: Directors’ Fortnight
                 Russia, 81’, Drama.            and distress, Daoud knows who is lying and   redemption?         GRAND BOUQUET (Premiere)
                 Théâtre Claude Debussy (Press Screening)  who is telling the truth.   Next screening: 24 May, 11:30, Salle Du 60e  15’
                 Sales: Loco Films                                                                            Director: Nao Yoshigai
                 Section: Un Certain Regard     PARTICLES (Premiere)           14:15                          Casting: Hanna Chan
                 Director: Larissa Sadilova     France, Switzerland, 98’, Drama.                              Synopsis: A helpless woman confronts a
                 Synopsis: In a small town, nothing stays a   Olympia 8        COURTS MÉTRAGES FESTIVAL       “black object” with a power greater than
                 secret. No matter how hard you try to hide                    INTERNATIONAL DE MORELIA (80)   hers. The “black object” shoots her
                 infidelities, the truth will come out sooner or   Sales: Les Films Du Losange (G1)  Miramar  questions. The woman has answers to these
                 later. A decision then arises: to start a new life   Section: Directors’ Fortnight           questions, but can’t say them aloud. She
                 together or to confess and hope for forgiveness.   Director: Blaise Harrison  Section: Critics’ Week  feels up against the wall, and begins to
                 This is the choice the protagonists are faced   Casting: Thomas Daloz, Néa Lueders, Salvatore      EL AIRE DELGADO (THE THIN AIR)   throw up beautiful colorful flowers instead
                 with.                          Ferro, Emma Josserand, Léo Couilfort, Nicolas   Mexico, 30’   of speaking.
                 Next screening: 24 May, 14:00, Bazin  Marcant                 Director: Pablo Giles
                                                Synopsis: At the foot of the Jura Mountains, Pa,   Casting: Sonia-Cassandra Ciangherotti,      QUELLO CHE VERRÀ È SOLO UNA
                                                aged 17, and his gang of friends are in their last            PROMESSA (Premiere)
                 PROGRAMME 4 (79)               year at high school.           Mateo-Fernando Álvarez Rebeil
                 Salle Buñuel (Press screening)                                Synopsis: Sonia and Mateo embark on a   20’
                                                                                                              Director: Flatform
                                                11:45                          road trip with the excuse of mending the   Casting: Tuvaluans
                                                                               cracks in their relationship. Crossing the
                 Section: Cinéfondation                                        highway and in an emotional roller coaster   Synopsis: In the course of a long, slow take
                    ADAM                        SICK, SICK, SICK (Premiere)    they will find out if there is more friction and   over Funafuti, both drought and floods
                 Singapore, 19’                 Brazil, France, Netherlands, 104’, First film.  aggression in the world surrounding them or   appear in a constant uninterrupted rhythm.
                 Director: Shoki Lin            Theatre Croisette              deep within them both. There’s always a final   The state of flux between both type of events
                                                                                                              is reflected in the places and actions of the
                 Casting: Ayden Liow, Wan Sharmila Wan   Sales: Alpha Violet (E18)  straw.                    inhabitants making the island’s extremes
                 Mohamed, Elvis Chin, Serina Sng  Section: Directors’ Fortnight     THE GIRL WITH TWO HEADS   seem familiar: the air is riven with waiting
                 Synopsis: Tired of his turbulent family life,   Director: Alice Furtado  United Kingdom, 12’
                 Adam seeks out an alternative arrangement   Casting: Luiza Kosovski, Juan Paiva, Nahuel   Director: Betzabé García  and suspension. The island of Funafuti, in the
                 in hopes of finding his place.   Pérez Biscayart,             Casting: Emily Allen, Michèle Belgrand,   archipelago of Tuvalu, for some years now
                                                Synopsis: Silvia and Artur’s teenage-romance                  has become the stage for a unique
                    NETEK                       starts abruptly, and ends up all of sudden when   Monique Etienne  phenomenon. Due to the unnatural warming
                 Israel, 21’                    Artur dies. Silvia gets sick and her days turn into   Synopsis: 18-year-old Anne explores body   of the sea, saltwater seeps into the subsoil
                 Director: Yarden Lipshitz Louz  dark. Her mourning becomes an obsessive quest   image, self perception and her understanding   bubbling up through the porous terrain
                 Casting: Bar Meron, Gali Reshef  to bring him back to life.   being a woman today in two different   provoking floods which put the future of life
                 Synopsis: The power cut in 15-year-old   Next screening: 24 May, 20:30, Olympia 8  worlds: that of her traditionally “feminine”   on this island at risk.
                 Lidor’s home forces her to set out on a                       mother, Céline, at home; and the gym where      MOVEMENTS (Premiere)
                                                                               she trains among like-minded people
                 relationship with her unemployed alcoholic  13:00             Sales: National Film And Television School   10’, Animation
                 journey to restore it, and to re-establish her
                 father.                        NINA WU (Premiere)                SAN MIGUEL                  Director: Dahee Jeong
                                                                                                              Synopsis: In the space of 10 minutes, the
                    DUSZYCZKA                   Taiwan, 103’, Drama.           Mexico, 19’                    African baobab tree grows 0.008 mm, the
                 Poland, 9’, Animation          Salle Du 60e                   Director: Cris Gris            fastest dog in the world, the Greyhound, can
                 Director: Barbara Rupik        Sales: Luxbox (23 Rue Bivouac Napoléon)  Casting: Melisa Pena Rodriguez, Elva Luz   run 12 km, and the Earth travels 18,000 km
                 Synopsis: A dead body became stuck by a                       Garcia, Barbara Delgado        around the Sun. Movements is a 10-minute
                 river bank. Its decaying insides still hide a   Section: Day after screenings (Un Certain   Synopsis: In order to heal her grieving   animated film which I drew at a rate of 2
                 human soul - a miniature of the deceased.   Regard)           mother, Ana, a devout nine-year-old girl,   seconds of animation per day. We are all
                 Rotting organs part and a tiny creature gets   Director: Midi Z  pushes her faith to its limit in hopes of divine   walking, seeing, working, running, and
                 out. Standing on the river bank, it says   Synopsis: After eight years toiling in bit-parts,   intervention  stopping together.
                 goodbye to the corpse and sets off on a   aspiring actress Nina Wu finally gets her big      SATÁN     DEUX SŒURS QUI NE SONT PAS SŒURS
                 journey through the post-mortem land.   break with a leading role in a spy thriller set in   Switzerland/Mexico, 17’  (Premiere)
                                                the 1960s. The part is challenging, not least
                    PURA VIDA                   because it calls for full nudity and explicit sex   Director: Carlos Tapia González  22’
                 Slovak Republic, 30’           scenes, and the film’s director is often hard on   Casting: Emilio Puente Bustindui, Angelica   Director: Beatrice Gibson

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