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                 FESTIVAL & MARKET

                                                              21  TO 24  May

                                                                               their slumber!                 Director: Bas Devos
                   FESTIVAL                     Section: In Competition           BUTTERFLIES                 Synopsis: After a long day at work, 58-year-old
                                                                                                              Khadija falls asleep on the last subway train.
                                                 THE VAN
                                                                               Israel, France, 8’

                                                France, Albania, 15’           Director: Yona Rozenkier       When she wakes up at the end of the line, she
                                                                                                              has no choice but to make her way home on
                                                Director: Erenik Beqiri        Casting: Yoel Rozenkier, Avraham Selektar,   foot. On her nocturnal journey she finds herself
                 24/05/2019                     Casting: Phénix Brossard, Arben Bajraktaraj,   Varda Ben Hur  compelled to ask for and give help to the other
                                                                               Synopsis: Another Sunday in April. A Kibbutz
                                                Afrim Muçaj, Lulzim Zeqja
                                                                                                              inhabitants of the night.
                 8:30                           Synopsis: The Van finally stops, the doors   in the north of Israel. A natural phenomenon.   13:00
                                                                               A family on an impromptu ride, maybe the
                                                open and the Son comes out alive. A few
                 MEKTOUB, MY LOVE : INTERMEZZO   more fights and he will be able to pay his   last one.
                 (Premiere)                     way out of Albania, and hopefully, take his      MONSTRE DIEU/MONSTER GOD  THE TRAITOR (Premiere)
                 France, 240’, Drama.           Father with him.               Argentina, 10’                 Italy, 145’, Drama.
                 Grand Théâtre Lumière (Ticket Required)     ANNA              Director: Agustina San Martín  Grand Théâtre Lumière (Ticket Required)
                 Sales: Pathé Films (Ibis Entrance, 4a/E)  Ukraine, United Kingdom, Israel, 15’  Casting: Camila Dobrusky, Emilio Vodanovich,   Sales: The Match Factory
                 Section: In competition        Director: Dekel Berenson       Mariali Rubio, Isabella Rapazzo  (25 La Croisette) +33 6 43 63 46 73
                 Director: Abdelatif Kechiche   Casting: Svetlana Barandich, Anastasia   Synopsis: God is now a Power Plant. On a   Section: In competition
                 Synopsis:                      Vyazovskaya, Eric Gilliatt, Liana Khobelia, Alina   misty night cows escape, a child is chosen,   Director: Marco Bellocchio
                 French-Tunisian director Abdellatif Kechiche   Chornodub, Istan Rozumny  and a girl tries to find freedom.  Casting: Pierfrancesco Favino, Fausto Russo
                 returns to Cannes with the Intermezzo of   Synopsis: Anna, a middle-aged single      WHITE ECHO  Alesi, Fernanda Candido, Nicola Cali, Luigi Lo
                 Mektoub, My Love, six years after his Palme d’or   mother, lives in a small industrial town in   USA, 15’  Cascio, Fabrizio Ferracane
                 with La Vie d’Adèle (Blue Is the Warmest Color).   war-torn Eastern Ukraine. Despite not having   Synopsis: In the early 1980s, an all-out war
                 The groundwork for this saga storytelling and   been out for years, she is lured by a radio   Director: Chloë Sevigny  rages between Sicilian mafia bosses. Tommaso
                 extraordinary portrait of French youth in the 90s   advertisement to attend a party of foreign   Casting: Kate Lyn Sheil, Eleonore Hendricks,   Buscetta, a made man, flees to hide out in Brazil.
                 was laid in his Canto Uno.     men who are touring the country, searching   Sheila Vand, Alison Sudol, Hailey Benton Gates,   Back home in Italy, scores are being settled, and
                                                for love.                      Safi Kamau Goodman, Nicole Quinn  Buscetta’s allies are killed off one after another.
                 THE TRAITOR (Premiere)            LE GRAND SAUT               Synopsis: A story of a young woman, Carla,
                 Italy, 145’, Drama.            France, 12’                    and her relationship with her inner power.   14:00
                                                                               Carla’s mystical beliefs are a metaphor for
                 Salle Du 60e                   Director: Vanessa Dumont, Nicolas Davenel  the talents and powers we think we possess,
                 Sales: The Match Factory       Casting: Alain Demaria         how we garner them, what we do with   COURTS MÉTRAGES
                 (25 La Croisette) +33 6 43 63 46 73  Synopsis: At 22, Alain is already a living   them, how we share them and how we use   147’.
                 Section: Day after screenings (In Competition)  legend in Marseille. Of all the young divers   them to influence others.  Salle Du 60e
                 Director: Marco Bellocchio     who jump from the Corniche, he is the only      THE NAP       Section: In Competition
                 Casting: Pierfrancesco Favino, Fausto Russo   one to dive head and neck forward “to break   Argentina, 15’
                 Alesi, Fernanda Candido, Nicola Cali, Luigi Lo   the water”. If the jump allows him to control   Director: Federico Luis Tachella  COURTS MÉTRAGES
                 Cascio, Fabrizio Ferracane     his impulses, he knows that he will not be   Casting: Graciela Ninio, Rita Pauls, Yonathan   147’.
                 Synopsis: In the early 1980s, an all-out war   able to brave forever the fear of heights.    Salle Du 60e
                 rages between Sicilian mafia bosses. Tommaso      THE DISTANCE BETWEEN US AND THE   Toledo, Jacqueline Golbert  Section: In Competition
                 Buscetta, a made man, flees to hide out in Brazil.            Synopsis: A girl wraps her grandmother in a
                 Back home in Italy, scores are being settled, and   SKY       spiral of fantasy, causing amnesia to her.
                 Buscetta’s allies are killed off one after another.  Greece, France, 9’  ALL ABOUT YVES (Premiere)  COURTS MÉTRAGES/SHORT FILMS
                                                Director: Vasilis Kekatos
                 8:45                           Casting: Nikolakis Zeginoglou, Ioko Ioannis   France, 107’, Comedy.  Salle Du 60e
                 DEERSKIN (Premiere)            Synopsis: Night, national road. Two   Theatre Croisette       Section: In Competition
                                                                               Sales: Le Pacte (M21)
                                                                                                                THE VAN

                 France, 77’, Black comedy.     strangers meet for the first time at an old   Section: Directors’ Fortnight  France, Albania, 15’
                 Theatre Croisette              gas station. One has stopped to gas up his   Director: Benoît Forgeard  Director: Erenik Beqiri
                                                bike, while the other is just stranded. Lacking
                 Sales: WTfilms                 the €22.50 he needs to get home, he will try   Casting: William Lebghil, Doria Tillier  Casting: Phénix Brossard, Arben Bajraktaraj,
                 (32 Rue Des Serbes (B), 6th Floor)  to sell him the distance that separates them   Synopsis: Jerem decides to settle at his   Afrim Muçaj, Lulzim Zeqja
                 Section: Directors’ Fortnight  from the sky.                  grandma’s place to compose his first album.   Synopsis: The Van finally stops, the doors
                 Director: Quentin Dupieux                                     There, he meets So, a mysterious investigator   open and the Son comes out alive. A few
                 Casting: Jean Dujardin, Adèle Haenel     ALL INCLUSIVE        working on behalf of the startup Digital Cool.   more fights and he will be able to pay his
                 Synopsis: A man leaves everything behind to   Finland, 15’                                   way out of Albania, and hopefully, take his
                 buy the jacket of his dreams. But his obsession   Director: Teemu Nikki  11:30               Father with him.
                 with his 100% deerskin jacket will push him into   Casting: Lauri Maijala, Hannamaija Nikander
                 a bloody spiral.               Synopsis: Kalervo has felt powerless all his   SUMMER OF CHANGSHA (Premiere)      ANNA
                                                life, unable to fight back, until Annukka a   China, 120’, Thriller.  Ukraine, United Kingdom, Israel, 15’
                 10:00                          woman who loves him gives Kalervo a life   Salle Du 60e       Director: Dekel Berenson
                                                altering gift. Like with many of director   Sales: Indie Sales   Casting: Svetlana Barandich, Anastasia
                 THE TRAITOR (Premiere)         Nikki’s works, All Inclusive can be interpreted   (2 Rue Bivouac Napoléon, 5th Fl.)  Vyazovskaya, Eric Gilliatt, Liana Khobelia, Alina
                 Italy, 145’, Drama.            in many ways, but at the core it’s a film   Section: Day after screenings (Un Certain   Chornodub, Istan Rozumny
                 Palais K                       about power, love and change.  Regard)                        Synopsis: Anna, a middle-aged single
                 Sales: The Match Factory          INGEN LYSSNAR               Director: Zu Feng              mother, lives in a small industrial town in
                 (25 La Croisette) +33 6 43 63 46 73  Sweden, 14’              Casting: Zu Feng, Huang Lu     war-torn Eastern Ukraine. Despite not having
                 Section: In competition        Director: Elin Övergaard       Synopsis: China, nowadays, in the city of   been out for years, she is lured by a radio
                 Director: Marco Bellocchio     Casting: Cecilia Milocco, Kristoffer Appelquist  Changsha. A Bin is a police detective. During the   advertisement to attend a party of foreign
                                                                                                              men who are touring the country, searching
                 Casting: Pierfrancesco Favino, Fausto Russo   Synopsis: The new refugee home for   investigation of a bizarre murder case, he meets   for love.
                 Alesi, Fernanda Candido, Nicola Cali, Luigi Lo   children is being discussed at a public council   Li Xue, a surgeon. As they get to know each
                 Cascio, Fabrizio Ferracane     meeting. Two people standing on opposite   other, A Bin happens to be more and more      LE GRAND SAUT
                 Synopsis: In the early 1980s, an all-out war   sides try to get heard. “Who Talks” raises   attracted to this mysterious woman, while both   France, 12’
                 rages between Sicilian mafia bosses. Tommaso   questions about whose opinions actually   are struggling with their own love stories and   Director: Vanessa Dumont, Nicolas Davenel
                 Buscetta, a made man, flees to hide out in Brazil.   matter and what creates polarisation.  sins. Could a love affair help them find   Casting: Alain Demaria
                 Back home in Italy, scores are being settled, and      L’HEURE DE L’OURS  redemption?        Synopsis: At 22, Alain is already a living
                 Buscetta’s allies are killed off one after another.  France , 14’                            legend in Marseille. Of all the young divers
                                                                               GHOST TROPIC (Premiere)
                 11:00                          Director: Agnès Patron         Belgium, 85’, Drama.           who jump from the Corniche, he is the only
                                                                                                              one to dive head and neck forward “to break
                                                Synopsis: That very night, houses will burn.
                                                Men and women will tremble. Hordes of   Olympia 8             the water”. If the jump allows him to control
                 COURTS MÉTRAGES/SHORT FILMS    children will come together and howl as they   Sales: Quinzaine Des Realisateurs / Directors’   his impulses, he knows that he will not be
                 (167)                          dance alone on the ashes like wild bears. It   Fortnight      able to brave forever the fear of heights.
                 Théâtre Claude Debussy (Press Screening)   only takes one cry to awaken them all from   Section: Directors’ Fortnight     THE DISTANCE BETWEEN US AND THE

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