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                                                              Thursday 16 May

                 DEATH OF ME (Premiere)         Sales: California Pictures (C5) +13104665106  reincarnation of a Serbian soldier who died on   Synopsis: Christian is an extremely talented as
                 USA, 95’, Horror.              Section: Market                the very day he was born.      well as unpredictable and rebel football player.
                 Palais D (Invite )nly)         Director: Alexander Baack      Next screening: 17 May, 08:30, Bunuel  After his latest screw-up, the president of his
                 Sales: 13 Films (35 La Croisette, Villa Bernard)  Casting: Hillary Baack, Paul Guyet  DEERSKIN (Premiere)  team decides to assign him a personal tutor, to
                 Section: Market                Synopsis: A deaf woman meets a recently   France, 100’, Black comedy.  help him in controlling his temper.Valerio is a
                 Director: Darren Lynn Bousman  blinded man, as the two navigate life and love.  Olympia 6    shy and solitary professor, the exact opposite of
                 Casting: Maggie Q, Luke Hemsworth                             Sales: Wtfilms (32 Rue Des Serbes (B), 6th   the “Champion”. Sparks will fly between the
                 Synopsis: A young relief doctor working in   Australia, 93’, Drama.  Floor)                  two at first, but soon their relationship will
                 Haiti gets a surprise visit from his wife, Emma.   Palais J   Section: Market (Directors’  Fortnight)  change both for the better. Next screening: 18
                 In an attempt to repair their failing marriage                Director: Quentin Dupieux      May, 15:30, Riviera 2
                 they indulge in a local voodoo ritual.   Sales: Charades (3 Rond-Point Duboys   Casting: Jean Dujardin, Adèle Haenel  MERCY BLACK (Premiere)
                 THE NIGHT SITTER (Premiere)    Section: Market                Synopsis: A man leaves everything behind to   USA, 88’, Horror.
                 USA, 88’, Horror.              Director: Rodd Rathjen         buy the jacket of his dreams. But his obsession   Olympia 4
                 Palais F (Press Allowed)       Synopsis: An innocent Cambodian boy is   with his 100% deerskin jacket will push him   Sales: The Film Sales Company
                 Sales: Jinga Films (G7) +447971845546  enslaved on a Thai fishing trawler and soon   into a bloody spiral...  Section: Market
                 Section: Market                realises that his only hope of freedom may be   Next screening: 24 May, 08:45, Theatre   Director: Owen Egerton
                 Director: Abiel Bruhn, John Rocco  to become as violent as his captors.  Croisette           Casting: Daniella Pineda, Austin Amelio,
                 Casting: Elyse Dufour, Jack Champion,   Next screening: 17 May, 16:00, Gray 1  12:00         Jeaneane Garofolo
                 Jermaine Rivers, Amber Neukum, J. Benedict                    CAPITAL IN THE 21ST CENTURY (Premiere)  I’M NOT A KILLER (Premiere)
                                                HEROES DON’T DIE (Premiere)
                 Larmore, Ben Barlow, Bailey Campbell, Joe Walz  France, Belgium, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 90’,   New Zealand, 100’, Documentary.  Italy, 110’, Drama.
                 Synopsis: A con artist poses as a child minder   Drama.       Arcades 2 (Invite only)        Palais E
                 in order to rob the house of a wealthy occultist              Sales: Studiocanal             Sales: Rai Com (A8)
                 and his reclusive young son. But as her accom-  Riviera 2 (Priority Badges Only)  Section: Market  Section: Market
                                                Sales: Le Pacte (M21)
                 plices arrive, the boy summons a trio of witches   Section: Market (Critics’ Week, Special   Director: Pemberton Justin  Director: Zaccariello Andrea
                 who treat the villains to night of black magic                                               Synopsis: A man is walking alone in the last
                 and mayhem.                    screening)                     LIL’ BUCK: REAL SWAN (Premiere)  bits of darkness. It’s Deputy Police officer
                                                Director: Aude Léa Rapin       France, 90’, Documentary.      Francesco Prencipe, going to see his best friend,
                 YOU & ME (Premiere)            Casting: Adèle Haenel, Jonathan Couzinié  Gray 1 (Press Allowed)  Judge Giovanni Mastropaolo.
                 USA, 90’, Romance.             Synopsis: After being violently called out by a   Sales: Versatile (20 Bis Rue Des Serbes - F-
                 Palais H                       stranger, Joachim believes he is the   1640a)                 GET HER...IF YOU CAN
                                                                               Section: Market                Spain, 102’, Comedy.
                                                                                                              Palais G
                                                                               Director: Louis Wallecan
                                                Next screening: 18 May, 16:00, Gray 1  Sales: Filmsharks / The Remake Co. (D12)
                                                                               Section: Market
                                                                               100% WOLF (Premiere)           Director: Inés De León
                                                        Australia, 85’, Animation. Trailer   Casting: Amaia Salamanca, Leticia Dolera,
                                                                               Gray 3 (Press Allowed)
                                                                                                              Javier Rey
                                                                               Sales: Studio 100 Film Gmbh (20bis Rue Des   Synopsis: A young stand-up artist, without a
                                                                               Serbes, Apt. 4e1) +49 160 972 050 63  penny, but wanting to eat the world crosses
                                                                               Section: Market                paths with the glamorous lives of Roberto, an
                                                                               Director: Alexs Stadermann     idealistic snob, and his sister Daniela, an
                                                                               Synopsis: Eleven-year-old Freddy Lupin can’t   aggressive executive.
                                                                               wait to become a werewolf, just like his
                                                                               legendary father! But when the big day arrives,   BEYOND DRIVEN (Premiere)
                                                                               Freddy’s first transformation is not quite what   USA, 90’, Documentary.
                                                                               he bargained for.              Palais K
                                                                                                              Sales: Love Entertainment
                                                                               I TRAPPED THE DEVIL            Section: Market
                                                                               USA, 83’, Horror.              Director: Riyaana Hartley, Vincent Tran
                                                                               Gray 5                         Casting: Giovanna Amati, Tatiana Calderon,
                                                                               Sales: Yellow Veil Pictures (19.08 (Palais Club))  Alice Powell, Beitske Visser, Patrizia Lombardi,
                                                                               Section: Market                Vicky Piria, Carmen Jorda, Amna Al Qubaisi,
                                                                               Director: Josh Lobo            Hamda Al Qubaisi
                                                                               Casting: Aj Bowen, Jocelin Donahue, Scott   Synopsis: At the Spanish Grand Prix in 1975,
                                                                               Poythress, Susan Burke, Chris Sullivan, Rowan   Lella Lombardi made history and became the
                                                                               Russell, Josh Marrott          first and only woman to score points in Formula
                                                                               Synopsis: A man descends into paranoia after   One. Her death left behind a mysterious per-
                  THE                                                          trapping what he believes to be the devil in his   sonal life but sparked a powerful legacy of
                                                                               basement, but things take a dark turn when his
                                                                                                              female racers to follow. Beyond Driven is the
                  BEST OF                           News, reviews,             family unexpectedly arrive for Christmas.  first documentary to reveal and explore what it
                                                                                                              was like for Lella Lombardi to be the first wom-
                                                                               THE CHAMPION (Premiere)
                                                     interviews and
                  EUROPEAN                          festival reports           Italy, 109’, Comedy.           an to reach the pinnacle of racing while
                                                                                                              interweaving stories from today‘s top female
                                                                               Lerins 3
                  CINEMA                                                       Sales: True Colours Glorious Films Srl (A10-C1)  drivers as they race to make it to the Formula 1
                                                                                                              grid 44 years later.
                                                                               Section: Market
                                                                               Director: Leonardo D’Agostini  SILENCE OF THE TIDES -
                                                                               Casting: Stefano Accorsi, Andrea Carpenzano,   PROMO (Premiere)
                                                                               Massimo Popolizio              Netherlands, Germany, 30’, Documentary.

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