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                                                                                                                     Thursday 16 May 2019

 Thursday 16 Mayhursday 16 May

                 IRON SKY 2 - THE COMING RACE   MS.PURPLE (Premiere)           bilities. Through her experience, she   THE REHEARSAL (Premiere)
                 Germany, Finland, Belgium, 90’, Science-fiction.  USA, 87’, Drama.  understands that balance of mind, body, and   USA, 45’, Drama.
                 Palais B                       Palais H                       soul are vital aspects in realising the true values   Palais G (Priority Badges Only)
                 Sales: Myriad Pictures (57 La Croisette)  Sales: Mirovision / Studio Bonanza (G8)  of life. Disability is only what we perceive,   Sales: Bke Productions
                 Section: Market                Section: Market                ability is everything of what we believe.  Section: Market
                 Director: Timo Vuorensola      Director: Justin Chon          Next screening: 17 May, 16:00, Gray 3  Director: Jaclyn Bethany
                 Casting: Lara Rossi, Vladimir Burlakov, Kit Dale,   Casting: Tiffany Chu, Teddy Lee  DAUGHTER OF SHANGHAI (Premiere)  THE BRINK
                 Udo Kier, Tom Green, Julia Dietze, Stephanie   Synopsis: A young woman who works as a   China, 90’, Documentary.  USA, 91’, Documentary.
                 Paul, Kari Ketonen, Lloyd Kaufman, Jukka   karaoke hostess in Koreatown reconnects with   Gray 5  Palais I
                 Hilden                         her estranged brother in the final days of their   Sales: Shanghai Seedling Film Inc.  Sales: Magnolia Pictures & Magnet Releasing
                 Synopsis: Iron Sky, the science fiction comedy   father’s life.  Section: Market             (Albatros Entrance, 4th Fl. #44)
                 about the Nazis from the Dark Side of the   ANGELA THOUSANDS OF POSSIBILITIES  Director: Chen Miao  Section: Market
                 Moon. Iron Sky 2 – The Coming Race takes the   (Premiere)     Next screening: 17 May, 16:00, Gray 5  Director: Alison Klayman
                 audience to a journey into the Centre of the   China, 66’, Family.                           Casting: Steve Bannon, Nigel Farage, Mischaël
                 Earth. There the Vril, an alien race that came to   Palais J  MONOS                          Modrikamen
                 Earth millions of years ago, are preparing their   Sales: Hangzhou Economic And Technological   Colombia, 102’, Drama.  Synopsis: After leaving the White House,
                 return to power. We learn very soon that most   Development Zone Jin Huaqing Photo  Lerins 3 (Press Allowed)  Trump’s controversial former chief strategist
                 of the maniacs of history – tyrants, inventors,   Section: Market  Sales: Le Pacte (M21)     Steve Bannon goes global with his effort to
                 serial killers and religious fanatics – have   Director: Huaqing Jin  Section: Market        spread extreme nationalism.
                 actually been Vril agents in disguise, on a                   Director: Alejandro Landes
                 mission to destroy mankind. It was only after   16:00         Casting: Julianne Nicholson, Moises Arias,   LOST AND FOUND (Premiere)
                 The President of the United States of America –   THE UNKNOWN SAINT (Premiere)   Julian Giraldo  France, 110’, Romance.
                 a Vril herself, with some passing resemblance   Morocco, France, 100’, Comedy.  Synopsis: On a faraway Colombian mountain-  Palais K
                 to a certain Sarah Palin – managed to ignite a   Gray 1       top, what at first glance looks like a hedonistic   Sales: Charades (3 Rond-Point Duboys
                 full-scale nuclear war that nearly wiped out   Sales: The Match Factory (25 La Croisette) +33   summer camp, is actually the setting of a mis-  D’Angers)
                 every living being from the surface of the Earth,   6 43 63 46 73  sion: child soldiers with guns and war names   Section: Market
                 that they are ready to overtake and destroy   Section: Market (Critics’ Week)  must make sure that Doctora, a kidnapped   Director: Ronan Le Page
                 what’s left of the humankind.The last hope lies   Director: Aljem Alaa Eddine  American woman, stays alive.  Casting: Pio Marmaï, Léa Drucker
                 within the offspring of the local Moon Nazi   Casting: Younes Bouab, Salah Bensalah,   WHO’S THAT GRANNY?!  Synopsis: Franck wants a quiet life and a fresh
                 population and a small group of refugees who   Bouchaib Essamak, Mohamed Naimane, Anas   France, 100’, Comedy.  start. After 15 years of a failed theatre career, a
                 fled to the Moon 30 years ago. A hero arises   El Baz, Hassan Ben Bdida, Abdelghani Kitab,   Olympia 4  seemingly perfect job: museum guard. But that
                 among the people – the daughter of Renate   Ahmed Yarziz      Sales: TF1 Studio (64 Rue D’Antibes, 2nd Fl.)  is before he meets Sybille, his neurotic
                 Richter and James Washington – who takes the   Synopsis: Moments before his capture by   Section: Market  colleague.
                 lead in saving the Eearth, accompanied by the   police, a thief digs a grave to hide a bag of   Director: Gabriel Julien Laferrière  Next screening: 18 May, 12:00, Gray 1
                 ex-Moon Führer Kortzfleisch, also a Vril. The   money. Released from prison years later he   Casting: Chantal Ladesou, Thierry Neuvic, Julie   LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO SOFIA
                 movie satirises both history and capitalism.                  Gayet, Philippe Katerine, Lucien Jean-Baptiste,   Italy, 98’, Comedy.
                                                returns to retrieve the bag, only to find a shrine
                 BLACK GARDEN (Premiere)        to an Unknown Saint built directly over his loot,   Arié Elmaleh, Nino Kirtadze, Julie Depardieu,   Riviera 1
                 Australia, 90’, Social issues.  and a brand new village constructed all around   Claudia Tagbo, Teilo Azaïs  Sales: True Colours Glorious Films Srl (A10-C1)
                 Palais D                       it.                            Synopsis: After two years of living together as   Section: Market
                 Sales: Bakers Road Entertainment   Next screening: 18 May, 11:30, Olympia 6  a happy family in their own apartment, the   Director: Guido Chiesa
                 +610405435938                  ONE LITTLE FINGER (Premiere)   patchwork bunch of seven halfsisters and half-  Casting: Fabio De Luigi, Micaela Ramazzotti,
                 Section: Market                USA, India, 105’, Drama.       brothers are forced to split up and move out.  Caterina Sbaraglia
                 Director: Shaun Wilson         Gray 3 (Press Allowed)         ANTRUM (Premiere)              Synopsis: Gabriele, an ex-rocker now owner of
                 Casting: Cara Culligan, Garry Keltie                          Canada, USA, 94’, Horror.      a music store, is the divorced and a very caring
                 Synopsis: Christmas Eve, 2023. It’s eight days   Sales: Rj Global Media  Palais C (Press Allowed)  dad of Sofia, 10 years old.
                                                Section: Market
                 after the end of World War Three and a handful   Director: Sarmah Rupam  Sales: Jinga Films (G7) +447971845546  17:15
                 of survivors wait to die, except one. As Kate   Casting: Tamela D’Amico, Sayomdeb   Section: Market
                 makes contact with an unknown radio broad-  Mukherjee, Abhinaya M.g., Siedah Garrett,   Director: Michael Laicini, David Amito  SYSTEM CRASHER
                 caster, she travels on foot in search of his   Malaya Goswami, Jaya Seal Ghosh, Jeeja   Casting: Nicole Tomkins, Rowan Smythe, Dan   Germany, 118’, Drama.
                 broadcast location until the true intention of                Istrate, Shu Sakimoto          Lerins 4
                 the voice reveals himself.     Ghosh Nag, Jonathan Stoddard, Pabitra Rabha,   Synopsis: Antrum is a lost film from the 1970s   Sales: Beta Cinema (Goeland Entrance)
                                                Kushal Chakrabarty                                            +4917610312646
                 IS IT A CRIME (Premiere)       Synopsis: When an American neurologist,   which resulted in the death of fifty six people   Section: Market
                 USA, 95’, Thriller.            Raina, uproots her life to research music thera-  when the Budapest cinema that it premiered in   Director: Nora Fingscheidt
                 Palais F                       py in India, she finds herself teaching children   burned down. Other deaths were linked to the   Casting: Helena Zengel, Albrecht Schuch,
                 Sales: Digital Seven, Llc      and adults with disabilities by bringing them   film before it was destroyed. Now that an inter-  Gabriela Maria Schmeide
                 Section: Market                together through music and inspiring them to   negative has been discovered and a missing   Synopsis: On her wild quest for love, 9-year-
                 Director: Clifton Bell         challenge themselves through their abilities.   reel restored, the deadliest film ever made is   old Benni’s untamed energy drives everyone
                 Casting: Cameron Giles, Samantha Opitz,   Den and Angel are persons with disabilities   ready for re-release.  around her to despair.
                 Brian Stapf, La Rivers, Sprague Theobald,   who want to contribute towards the better-  CRSHD (Premiere)  17:30
                 Shauna Bloom, Peter Reznikoff, Al Pagano  ment of society by overcoming their physical   USA, 81’, Comedy.
                 Synopsis: On the surface, Helen has a very   challenges. As Den and Angel come of age, they   Palais E  THREE DAYS AND A LIFE (Premiere)
                 comfortable life. But as her husband becomes   learn to cope with abuse and bullying. Their   Sales: Visit Films (M4)  France, 123’, Drama.
                 more and more distant, loneliness sets in. She   lives intersect when Raina struggles to further   Section: Market  Arcades 3
                 decides to rent out their guest house to Derrick,   her research. Raina’s philosophy and life are   Director: Emily Cohn  Sales: Gaumont (2 Rue Bivouac Napoleon)
                 a financial consultant. Helen quickly falls for   changed with the time that she spent in India,   Casting: Isabelle Barbier, Deeksha Ketkar,   +33 4 93 68 90 20
                 him and they begin to have an affair that has   where she is touched by the beauty of the cul-  Sadie Scott, Will Janowitz, L.h. Gonzalez, Abdul   Section: Market
                 unexpected consequences.       ture and real-life stories of children with disa-  Seidu

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