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                                                                                                                     Thursday 16 May 2019

 Thursday 16 May

                 Trailer                        GHOST TOWN ANTHOLOGY           frogs with friends, spies on a young teacher for   Synopsis: A man leaves everything behind to
                 Riviera 1 (Invite Only)        Canada, 97’, Drama.            whom he feels a fascination that can hardly   buy the jacket of his dreams. But his obsession
                 Sales: Doc & Film International (L12)  Lerins 2               understand, and in the absence of his dad faces   with his 100% deerskin jacket will push him
                 Section: Market                Sales: Films Boutique (G3) +04 92 993220  again and again the collector who threatens an   into a bloody spiral...
                 Director: Pieter-Rim De Kroon  Section: Market                imminent eviction. But above all things, Delfín   Next screening:
                 Synopsis: Silence of the Tides is a poetic film   Director: Denis Côté  wants to participate in a Children’s Orchestra   24 May, 08:45, Theatre Croisette
                 for cinema about the largest tidal wetland in   Synopsis: In Irénée-les-Neiges, an isolated   that is being formed in a neighbouring village.   14:00
                 the world, The Wadden Sea. The driving force of   town with a population of 215 people, Simon   His ageing music teacher taught him to play
                 the film is the breathing of the Wadden. The   Dubé dies in a car accident. The townspeople   the French horn, and Delfín will do the   CLOSE TO THE HORIZON (Premiere)
                 inhaling and exhaling of the tides. It’s a film of   are reluctant to discuss the tragedy. In this peri-  impossible to show up for the audition. This will   Germany, 110’.
                 cycles involving the rolling life of flora and fau-  od of mourning, strangers start to appear. Who   mean an adventure for him and also for his   Arcades 2
                 na, and it’s a film of contrast throughout the   are they?    father.                        Sales: Studiocanal
                 four seasons, life and death, storm and silence,   ROCCA CHANGES THE WORLD (Premiere)  SOLDIER’S LULLABY (Premiere)  Section: Market
                 the masses and the individual. All set against a   Germany, 101’, Family.  Serbia, 120’, Drama.  Director: Tim Trachte
                 backdrop of sky, water, wind, mist and con-  Lerins 4         Palais F                       CLARENCE CLEMONS WHO DO
                 stantly changing light. The film plays witness to   Sales: Beta Cinema (Goeland Entrance)   Sales: Multivisionnaire Pictures (F2) +33 7 89   I THINK I AM (Premiere)
                 the ongoing relationship between man and   +4917610312646     63 98 74                       USA, 90’, Documentary.
                 nature.                        Section: Market                Section: Market                Gray 1
                 13:30                          Director: Katja Benrath        Director: Predrag Antonijevi   Sales: Virgil Films And Entertainment
                                                                                                              Section: Market
                 SILLAGES (Premiere)            Casting: Luna Maxeiner, Fahri Yardim, Barbara   Casting: Marko Vasiljevi , Vuk Jovanovi ,   Director: Mead Nick
                                                                               Ljubomir Bandovi , Nenad Okanovi
                                                Sukowa, Mina Tander, Michael Maertens
                 France, 90’, Action/Adventure.  Synopsis: With never-ending optimism Rocca   Synopsis: World War I veteran, Stevan, arrives   Next screening: 18 May, 16:00, Palais I
                 Arcades 1
                 Sales: Aléa Films +640217271   proves together with her friends, that even a   to the celebration of the 20th anniversary of   THE SILENCE OF OM (Premiere)
                 Section: Market                child has the power to change the world.  the end of the war and the memorial for his   Taiwan, 100’, Drama.
                 Director: Léa Rinaldi          Next screening: 20 May, 09:30, Lerins 4  first company, the Fifth Artillery Battery. He sur-  Gray 3 (Press Allowed)
                 Casting: Ian Lipinski          I CAN QUIT WHENEVER I WANT     vived the war because he was assigned to   Sales: Time Vision Co., Ltd.
                 Synopsis: Sails arise. Food and equipment are   (Premiere)    another unit. His other purpose here is to find   Section: Market
                 loaded on small sailboats. A speaker states the   Spain, 98’, Comedy.  out what happened to his fellow soldiers, espe-  Director: Lee Leading
                 names of the competitors. A strange   Olympia 6               cially Aleksandar, the second Lieutenant of his
                 atmosphere inhabits this space opened on the                  unit. He learns that Aleksandar actually know-  NOWHERE ALASKA (Premiere)
                 horizon while Sqürl’s (Jim Jarmusch’s band)   Sales: Filmax (A1)  ingly sacrificed himself for Stevan when he   USA, 86’, First film.
                 post-punk melancholic notes invade the space.   Section: Market  reassigned him. This is a story of courage and   Gray 5
                 Port of La Rochelle, 2017, the Mini Transat (a   Director: Carlos Theron  comradery; and it shows why the Serbian army   Sales: Vagabond North
                 single-handed race without technical assistance   Casting: David Verdaguer, Ernesto Sevilla,   managed to achieve such great military feats   Section: Market
                 nor communication with the shore) is launched   Carlos Santos, Cristina Castaño, Miren       Director: Carroll Cory
                 under the crowd’s clamours. Ian Lipinski is the   Ibarguren, Amaia Salamanca, Ernesto Alterio  despite all odds and difficulties.
                 frontrunner of the race. With his piercing blue   Synopsis: Professors by day. Dealers by night.  PAPA (Premiere)  Casting: Danny Royce, Conner Floyd, Jo’Nez
                 gaze and his Little Prince’s look, Ian is a poet   Next screening: 18 May, 12:00, Palais C  USA, 107’, Drama.  Cain-Lewis, Aaron Phifer
                 and passionate navigator, who lives for sailing               Palais H                       REBORN
                 since his teenage years. This time he enters the   AASHA AND THE STREET DOGS (Premiere)  Sales: California Pictures (C5) +13104665106  USA, United Kingdom, 80’, Horror.
                 competition with a prototype boat. After   United Kingdom, 95’, Family.  Section: Market     Lerins 1 (Press Allowed)
                 capsizing in 2013 and triumphing on a series   Palais B (Priority Badges Only)
                 boat in 2015, Ian wants to set a record by   Sales: Cinestaan International  Director: Dan Israely  Sales: Jinga Films (G7) +447971845546
                 being the first winner in both categories.  Section: Market   Casting: Robert Scott Wilson, David Proval,   Section: Market
                                                                                                              Director: Julian Richards
                 CROWN VIC (Premiere)           Director: Frederik Du Chau     Paul Sorvino, Daryl Hannah, Eric Roberts,   Casting: Kayleigh Gilbert, Barbara Crampton,
                                                                               Michael Madsen
                 USA, 110’, Crime.              Synopsis: Aasha And The Street Dogs is the   Synopsis: Inspired by a true story of an adopt-  Michael Pare, Chaz Bono, Rae Dawn Chong,
                 Arcades 3                      heart-warming tale of Aasha, a spirited and   ed son looking for his biological parents. Papa   Monte Markham, Peter Bogdanovich
                 Sales: The Solution Entertainment Group  brave three-legged street dog who dreams of a   is a heart-warming movie about love, compan-  Synopsis: A stillborn baby girl is abducted
                 Section: Market                better life. The first live-action all-animal feature   ionship, relationships, and family.  from a morgue and brought back to life by
                                                to be shot in India, it stars an extraordinary cast
                 CHINA SHOOTING LOCATION PROMO   of dogs, pigs, camels, cows and a charismatic   WHITE SNAKE (Premiere)  electrokinetic power.
                 (Premiere)                     young street kid.              China, 95’, Fantasy.           THE DAZZLED (Premiere)
                 Unknown, 110’.                 Next screening: 19 May, 09:30, Palais B  Riviera 2 (Press Allowed)  France, 90’.
                 Gray 2                                                        Sales: All Rights Entertainment Limited (E13/  Lerins 3 (Invite Only)
                 Sales: Xinhua Net Co., Ltd (22.03/16.02   DELFÍN (Premiere)   E14)                           Sales: Pyramide International (J6)
                 (Cannes Xr))                   Argentina, 87’, Drama.         Section: Market                Section: Market
                 Section: Market                Palais D                       Director: Amp Wong, Ji Zhao    Next screening: 17 May, 09:30, Lerins 2
                                                Sales: Meikincine Entertainment (19.08 (Palais
                 SPYCIES (Premiere)             Club)) +33 4 92 99 81 19       Synopsis: A white snake spirit transforms into   COMMON BLOOD (Premiere)
                 China, France, 95’, Animation.  Section: Market               a woman and falls in love with a man.  Argentina, 108’, Thriller.
                 Gray 4 (Invite only)           Director: Gaspar Scheuer       Next screening: 18 May, 13:30, Riviera 2  Olympia 4
                 Sales: Iqiyi, Inc. (21.03)     Casting: Valentino Catania, Cristian Salguero,   DEERSKIN (Premiere)  Sales: Film Factory Entertainment (A5)
                 Section: Market                Paula Reca, Marcelo Subiotto   France, 100’, Black comedy.    Section: Market
                 Director: Guillaume Ivernel, Zhiyi Zhang  Synopsis: Life may not be easy. It certainly isn’t   Olympia 9  Director: Miguel Cohan
                 Synopsis: Vladimir, a highly skilled but disobe-  for Delfín, an 11-year-old boy who lives alone   Sales: Wtfilms (32 Rue Des Serbes (B), 6th   Casting: Dolores Fonzi, Óscar Martinez, Paulina
                 dient secret agent, gets left to rot for his atti-  with his father in the barren, muddy outskirts of   Floor)  Garciá
                 tude on an off-shore platform, watching over a   a Buenos Aires province small town. Over a   Section: Market (Directors’ Fortnight)  Synopsis: The close-knit family that Carla and
                 top-secret material: the Radiuzite.  week, Delfín wakes up early every morning to   Director: Quentin Dupieux  Santiago have built over the years is put to the
                 Next screening: 18 May, 15:30, Gray 4  go to work, falls asleep in class, goes fishing   Casting: Jean Dujardin, Adèle Haenel

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