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                                                              Thursday 16 Mayhursday 16 May

                 test when Carla’s mother is found dead at   uncontrollably eat objects.  +33 4 93 68 90 20   Moritz Heidelbach
                 home.                          Next screening: 18 May, 09:30, Olympia 9  Section: Market     Synopsis: A highly suspenseful and compelling
                                                                               Director: Arnaud Lemort        hostage thriller about the issue of gentrification
                 THE MOVER (Premiere)           DON’T STOP ME NOW (Premiere)   Casting: Christian Clavier, Mathilde Seigner  – and the good souls who lose along the way. .
                 Latvia, 90’, Drama.            Italy, 98’, Comedy.            Synopsis: Philippe and Carole have just met.
                 Palais E                       Riviera 1                                                     CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET ? (Premiere)
                 Sales: Mistrus Media           Sales: True Colours Glorious Films Srl (A10-C1)  They are both recently divorced. Very much in   USA, 100’, Romance.
                 Section: Market                Section: Market                love, Phillipe will do whatever it takes to win   Olympia 1 (Invite only)
                 Director: D vis S manis        Director: Riccardo Milani      over Carole’s two teenage kids. He makes a   Sales: Embankment Films Ltd (29 Rue Du
                                                                               deal with her son: If he passes his final exams
                 Synopsis: Ten-year-old Zigis lives with his fam-  Casting: Paola Cortellesi, Stefano Fresi  and graduates high school, he can choose their   Commandant André)
                 ily in a house on the bank of a river in Riga,   Synopsis: Giovanna is a woman who seems to   summer vacation spot. And... Ibiza it is! Far   Section: Market
                 Latvia. The Second World War has begun, but   be totally dedicated to her family and her bor-  more used to peaceful holidays in northern   Director: Elise Duran
                 Zigis’s childhood is as carefree as before; he   ing work, but she actually hides a secret dan-  FLESH OUT
                 goes to school and plays with his friends and   gerous life.  France, Philippe is in for the surprise of his life...  Italy, 95’, First film.
                 his trusted companion, his dog D eris. In 1941,   Next screening: 18 May, 10:00, Riviera 1  Next screening: 19 May, 15:30, Arcades 1  Olympia 3
                 Latvia is occupied by the German army.   FOR SAMA (Premiere)   HORRIBLE HISTORIES:           Sales: Films Boutique (G3) +04 92 993220
                 Repressions begin against the Jews. Zigis’   United Kingdom, 95’, Documentary.  THE MOVIE (Premiere)  Section: Market
                 father, works at the Luftwaffe factory in Riga to   Olympia 2  United Kingdom, 86’, Comedy.  Director: Michela Occhipinti
                 which Jews are taken every day from the   Sales: Autlook Filmsales (J5) +436769003771  Arcades 3  Synopsis: Verida is a modern girl. She works in
                 ghetto. An enthusiastic and fearless adventurer,              Sales: Altitude Film Sales / Altitude Film   a beauty salon, is addicted to social media and
                 he thinks of a way to save the Jews working at   Section: Market (Special Screenings)  Entertainment (9 Rue Des États-Unis, 2nd Floor)   hangs out with her friends. Still, she is engaged
                 the factory. In the yard of his house, he digs a   Director: Waad Al Kateab, Edward Watts  +33 4 89 68 50 15  to a man chosen by her family. Like many girls
                 bunker to hide them. The film is a story of   Synopsis: For Sama is both an intimate and   Section: Market  her age, she is under pressure to gain a sub-
                                                epic journey into the female experience of war.
                 growing up against the background of the   A love letter from a young mother to her   Director: Dominic Brigstocke  stantial amount of weight in a tradition called
                 tragic events of the 20th century.                            Casting: Craig Roberts, Kim Cattrall, Nick Frost,
                                                daughter, the film tells the story of Waad al-  Kate Nash, Derek Jacobi  gavage, in order to reach the voluptuous body
                 HURT BY PARADISE (Premiere)    Kateab’s life through five years of the uprising   Synopsis: Sent to ancient Britain by Emperor   considered in Mauritania a sign of great beauty,
                 United Kingdom, 85’, Comedy.   in Aleppo, Syria as she falls in love, gets married   Nero, Roman teenager Atti must outsmart a   charm, wealth and social status. The wedding is
                 Palais G (Priority Badges Only)  and gives birth to Sama, all while cataclysmic   Celtic rebellion. But, after befriending a spunky   fast approaching and meal after meal Verida is
                 Sales: Bke Productions         conflict rises around her. Her camera captures   Celt, Atti’s unsure which side of the battle he   starting to challenge everything she always
                 Section: Market                incredible stories of loss, laughter and survival   belongs.  thought was normal: her loved ones, her way of
                 Director: Bellamacina Greta    as Waad wrestles with an impossible choice-                   life, and not least, her own body.
                 Synopsis: Positioned as "the London version   whether or not to flee the city to protect her   PORTRAIT OF GOD (Premiere)  THE DUST WALKER (Premiere)
                 of Frances Ha" Hurt By Paradise is the debut   daughter’s life, when leaving means abandon-  Cyprus, 93’, Drama.  Australia, 100’, Science-fiction.
                 feature by writer/director Greta Bellamacina. It   ing the struggle for freedom for which she has   Gray 4 (Invite only)  Olympia 6
                 is the story of Celeste- a young poet and single   already sacrificed so much.  Sales: Altadium Group  Sales: Sc Films International (24 La Croisette,
                 mother- her comedically unsuccessful attempts   ONCE IN TRUBCHEVSK (Premiere)  Section: Market  3rd Floor) +33 4 93 39 89 87
                 to get her first book published and find her                  Director: Doronin Roman        Section: Market
                 father, and her co-dependent friendship with   Russia, 81’, Drama.  Synopsis: One day the artist meets a girl, a   Director: Sandra Sciberras
                 her babysitter Stella- a middle-aged failed   Olympia 8 (Priority Badges Only)  time traveler. As the girl says, a trip to the past   Casting: Jolene Anderson, Stef Dawson,
                 actress captivated by an online love affair. Hurt   Sales: Loco Films  is possible. She developed a method of   Richard Davies, Cassandra Magrath
                 By Paradise is a literary comedy set in a   Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)  ‘Chrono-diving“, based on regressive hypnosis,   Synopsis: Two spaceships crash land on Earth.
                                                Director: Larissa Sadilova
                 Bohemian London of the present day. It is a   Synopsis: In a small town, nothing stays a   when the diver falls into a trance and can   Sergeant Joanne Sharp fights to protect the
                 young and accessible indie film with an   secret. No matter how hard you try to hide infi-  remember’ their past lives. The time traveler   town’s people from an insidious parasite car-
                 emotional arc and a tragi-comic plot twist.                   asks the artist to find evidence. the artist can   ried by the Aliens.
                 Female-written and directed, Hurt By Paradise   delities, the truth will come out sooner or later.   quickly and accurately draw everything he   Next screening: 18 May, 14:00, Olympia 4
                 was also shot with a majority-female crew. It   A decision then arises: to start a new life   remembers. According to her theory, it is safe to
                 has already won official selection at the   together or to confess and hope for forgiveness.   “dive ‘ for several centuries.The purpose of the   AV THE HUNT (Premiere)
                 Edinburgh Film Festival, which will be it’s UK   This is the choice the protagonists are faced   traveler-to send the artist back to two thousand   Turkey, 90’, Thriller.
                 festival premiere (June 20th).                                years and draw a portrait of the most famous   Olympia 7
                                                Next screening: 23 May, 11:00, Debussy  man – Jesus Christ. But the artist could be one   Sales: WTFilms (32 Rue Des Serbes (B), 6th
                 LE CHOC DU FUTUR (Premiere)                                   of the descendants of the Evangelical Apostle   Floor)
                                                DES HOMMES (Premiere)
                 France, 84’.                   France, 90’, Documentary.      Thomas.                        Section: Market
                 Palais I (Priority Badges Only)  Palais C                                                    Director: Emre Akay
                 Sales: MPM Premium (23 Rue Bivouac   Sales: Unite De Production  AWAY (Premiere)             Casting: Billur Melis Koç, Ahmet Rifat  Sungar,
                 Napoléon, 3rd Fl.)                                            Latvia, 74’, Animation.        Ya ızcan Konyali, Baki Kaymaz
                 Section: Market                Section: Market (ACID)         Lerins 2 (Priority Badges Only)  Synopsis: A young couple makes love when a
                 Director: Collin Marc          Director: Alice Odiot, Jean-Robert Viallet  Sales: CMG - Cinema Management Group Llc   cop barges in. Young and athletic Ayse escapes
                                                Synopsis: Thirty thousand square metres and   (M17) +18189141323
                 SWALLOW (Premiere)             2,000 inmates, half of them under 30 years old.   Section: Market  but her lover dies. Now all the men in her
                 USA, France, 110’, Thriller.   The Baumettes jail tells about misery, violence,   Next screening: 18 May, 12:00, Lerins 1  family are chasing her around the city and the
                 Palais K                       abandonment, and also hopes. It is a story with               countryside to avenge their honour. Ayse’s only
                 Sales: Charades (3 Rond-Point Duboys   its screams and its silences. A concentration of   THE LAST BERLINER (Premiere)  key for survival is to become as ruthless as
                 D’Angers)                      humanity.                      Germany, 97’, Thriller.        those hunting her.
                 Section: Market                15:30                          Lerins 4                       UNTITLED SUBMARINE/CINETIC
                 Director: Carlo Mirabella - Davis                             Sales: Arri Media International (M11) +33 4 92   SCREENING (Premiere)
                 Casting: Hayley Bennett, Austin Stowell  IBIZA (Premiere)     99 32 04                       USA, Documentary. Trailer
                 Synopsis: Hunter has a seemingly perfect life.   France, 85’, Comedy.  Section: Market       Olympia 9 (Invite only)
                 She is pregnant, happy and harmonious in her   Arcades 1      Director: Gregor Erler         Sales: Submarine Entertainment
                 everyday life. Out of the blue, Hunter begins to   Sales: Gaumont (2 Rue Bivouac Napoleon)   Casting: Matthias Ziesing, Pegah Ferydoni ,   Section: Market

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