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                                                                                                                     Thursday 16 May 2019

 Thursday 16 Mayhursday 16 May

                 Pauline Serieys, Zoé De Tarle , Philippe Rebbot,   that belittle and alienate them.  gram is projected using the Insight 8K projector   wife and her ex-husband to fulfill their long-
                 Isabelle De Hertogh            Next screening: 18 May, 11:00, Debussy  and the playback tools developed in the   cherished wish.
                 Synopsis: Lois, 16, has only one dream:                       project. With a resolution of 7680x4320 pixels
                 becoming an astronaut. However, although   BANDISHALA (Premiere)  and a wide gamut of colours and contrasts, the   ADAM (Premiere)
                 she’s gifted in physics, she has a big problem:   India, 140’, Social issues.  emerging 8K media format is capable of   USA, 96’, Comedy.
                 Lois weighs over 200 pounds – a family trait   Palais C       providing a more engaging and immersive   Lerins 1
                 she’s inescapably stuck with.   Sales: Maharashtra Film, Stage & Cultural   experience. Immersify proposes a selection of   Sales: Visit Films (M4)
                 Next screening: 18 May, 12:00, Olympia 4  Development Corporation Ltd (22.06)  8K video pieces, from native 8K camera footage   Section: Market
                                                Section: Market                                               Director: Rhys Ernst
                 CHICUAROTES (Premiere)         Director: Milind Lele          (from PSNC, NHK Technologies, TV Globo, and   Casting: Nicholas Alexander, Bobbi Salvor
                 Mexico, 95’, Drama.            Casting: Mukta Barve, Vikram Gaikwad,   NASA & ESA Space Agencies.) and Singing   Menuez, Leo Sheng, Chloe Levine, Margaret
                 Olympia 9                      Sharad Ponkshe, Umesh Jagtap, Hemangi Kavi,   Sand 2.0, a computer-generated audiovisual   Qualley
                 Sales: Cinepolis               Pravin Tarde                   experience by Tadej Droljc, demonstrating the
                 Section: Market (Special screening)  Synopsis: Madhavi Sawant is a conscientious   potential of this format. In Palais J: May 16th at   20:00
                 Director: Gael García Bernal   and proficient prison officer, a staunch believer   18:00, 18th at 12:00, and 20th at 16:00. In   ME AND ME (Premiere)
                 Casting: Dolores Heredia, Daniel Giménez   in transparent and disciplined prison adminis-  collaboration with Digital Projection Inc.  Unknown, Korea (South), 105’.
                 Cacho, Benny Emmanuel          tration. She strives to transform the corrupt   Next screening: 18 May, 12:00, Palais J  Palais F (Invite only)
                 Synopsis: A full-fledged member of Mexico’s   administration of prisons. In her attempt to   LIVE! (Premiere)  Sales: Finecut Co. Ltd. (G9)
                 exceptionally talented generation, a first-rate   clean the crooked system, she uncovers the cor-  118’, Action/Adventure.  Section: Market
                 actor in films by Iñárritu and Cuarón, Gael   rupt nexus of prison administrators and   Palais K  Director: Jin-Young Jung
                 García Bernal, along with Diego Luna, is a dev-  politicians. The people she hurts in this process   Sales: The Solution Entertainment Group  Casting: Jin-Woong Cho
                 otee of Cannes, where he was on the Jury in   are unsettled and try to avenge for her deeds.   Section: Market
                 2014. Chicuarotes is the actor’s second feature   They conspire a gang rape on her. Madhavi is   Director: Miller Steven C  3 (Premiere)
                 film where he takes a deep dive into Mexican   shattered by this assault. She has to fight now   Next screening: 18 May, 18:00, Olympia 5  Korea (South), 91’, Drama.
                 society with a story about teenagers that is an   a battle of bringing change in corrupt prison   Palais H (Press Allowed)
                 affectionate portrayal, continuing in Mexican   administration and also of facing humiliation of   ALA CHANGSO (Premiere)  Sales: Kim Ki-Duk Film
                 cinema’s tradition to pay homage to its eternal   being a rape victim.   China, 109’, Family.  Section: Market
                 country, film after film.      Next screening: 19 May, 17:30, Palais J  Riviera 1            Director: Kim Ki-Duk
                 Next screening: 20 May, 19:30, Salle Du 60e  INVISIBLE SUE    Sales: Xinhua Net Co., Ltd     20:30
                 18:00                          Germany, 95’, Family.          (22.03/16.02 (Cannes Xr))      ASTRO GARDENER (Premiere)
                                                                               Section: Market
                 ELEPHANTS CAN PLAY FOOTBAL     Palais G                       Director: Sonthar Gyal         Korea (South), 80’, Animation.
                 (Premiere)                     Sales: Attraction Distribution   Casting: Nyima Sungsung, Yungdrung Gyal  Lerins 1
                 Russia, 105’, Drama.           (H6 (Marina Club))             Synopsis: This is a story of how a Tibetan man   Sales: Finecut Co. Ltd. (G9)
                 Gray 3                         Section: Market                surmounts himself after his wife dies of illness   Section: Market
                 Sales: All Media Company (M9/M3)  Director: Ubay Fox, Agus Pestol  and goes on a pilgrimage with the son of his   Director: Jong-Shik Won
                 Section: Market                Casting: Ruby M. Lichtenburg, Anna Shirin
                 Director: Mikhail Segal        Habedank, Lui Eckardt, Victoria Mayer, Luc
                                                Schiltz, Jeanne Werner, Patrick Hastert
                 WHEN LOVE DIGS A HOLE (Premiere)  Synopsis: When young girl Sue gets in contact
                 Canada, 90’, Comedy.           with a liquid invented by her mother, a scientist,
                 Gray 5                         she is suddenly able to become invisible.
                 Sales: Panoceanic Films / Cinema Arts (G13)   Next screening: 19 May, 18:00, Palais E  NEWS  THE  OFFICIAL  DAIL Y
                 Section: Market                SPREAD YOUR WINGS (Premiere)
                 Director: Ara Ball             France, 120’, Family.             A LFF Media publication, in partnership  Pre press
                 Casting: France Castel, Julie Le Breton, Patrice   Palais I (Invite only)  with Marché du Film  Etienne Hénocq
                                                                                                              ([email protected])
                 Robitaille, Robert Naylor      Sales: SND - Groupe M6 (42 Rue Des Serbes)  Chief Editor
                                                Section: Market                   Laurent Cotillon            Published by LFF Media.
                 JOAN OF ARC (Premiere)         Director: Nicolas Vanier          Managing Editor             Editorial, Advertising:
                 France, 133’, Historical.      Casting: Jean-Paul Rouve, Melanie Doutey  Vincent Le Leurch   105, rue La Fayette, 75010 Paris
                                                                                  ([email protected])
                 Olympia 4 (Priority Badges Only)  Synopsis: Christian, an ornithologist, works on   Copy Editor  Director of Publication
                                                                                                              Réginald de Guillebon
                 Sales: Luxbox (23 Rue Bivouac Napoléon)  a lifetime project. He wants to teach orphaned   Debbie Lincoln  Origination: Creatoprint, Printing Riccobono
                 Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)  geese how to migrate. Using his ultralight air-  ([email protected])  Dist. Gilles Pierret, LD Prod
                 Director: Bruno Dumont         plane he will guide them, from Norway to   Reporters          May 2019
                                                                                  Liza Foreman ([email protected])
                 Casting: Lise Leplat Prudhomme  France, along safe migration routes. Thomas is   Julian Newby (Boutique Editions Ltd)  Cannes Market News
                 Synopsis: In the 15th century, both France and   sceptical about his father foolhardy plans. Stuck   ([email protected])  13, square Mérimée   st
                 England stake a blood claim for the French   at his father’s farm, the teenager gets to spend   Advertising Director  (above La Potinière restaurant, 1  Fl.)
                 throne. Believing that God had chosen her, the   time with the birds. Gradually, Thomas connects   Sylvie Marceau  Advertising: +351 911 577 720
                                                                                                              Editorial: 04 97 06 39 81
                                                                                  Int’l Sales
                 young Joan leads the army of the King of   with the geese and cares about them. Soon   Markus Duffner
                 France. When she is captured, the Church sends   father and son embark on the most fantastic   ([email protected])  The paper used for this publication is a recyclable
                 her for trial on charges of heresy. Refusing to   journey…       Artistic Director           and renewable product. It has been produced using
                 accept the accusations, the graceful Joan of Arc   Next screening: 18 May, 17:30, Arcades 1  Bruno Lesauvage  wood sourced from sustainably managed forests,
                                                                                                              elemental or total chlorine-free bleached pulp.
                 will stay true to her mission. Bruno Dumont’s                    Éric Bonté/1000images       The producing mills have third-party certified
                 decision to work with a ten-year-old actress re-  8K CONTENT SELECTION (Premiere)  Database Manager  management systems in place, applying standards
                 injects this heroine’s timeless cause and ideolo-  Unknown, 80’.  Jimmy Jouve                such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, EMAS, OHSAS
                 gy with a modernity that highlights both the   Palais J (Press Allowed)  Prod. Manager       18001, FSC and PEFC. This publication is printing
                 tragic female condition and the incredible fer-  Sales: Immersify (14.02 (Cannes Xr))  Isabelle Dubuc  in a plant which has been certified “Imprim’Vert”
                                                                                  Marketing Manager
                                                                                                              under the registration #DO/CL N°07-161
                 vor, strength and freedom women show when   Section: Market      Pauline Liebens
                 shackled by societies and archaic virile orders   Synopsis: In 3 special screenings, an 8K pro-
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