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                                                                                                                      Tuesday 21 May 2019

 21  TO 24  May

                 survivor of sexual violence during the Donbass   anthropologist working for the Forensic   Gray 4  Sales: Short Film Corner
                 conflict in Ukraine, an area where war is not   Foundation; his job is to identify the missing.   Sales: Greta Joanne Entertainment  Section: Market
                 even recognised; Mark, one of the former   One day, while hearing the account of an old   Section: Market
                 interrogators in Guantanamo, denounces the   woman, he thinks he has found a lead that   Director: Toyin Ibrahim Adekeye  ON A MAGICAL NIGHT (Premiere)
                 institutionalised system of sexual torture put in   might guide him to his father, a guerrillero who   Casting: The Ooni Of Ife, The Alaafin Of Ayo,   France, 90’, Comedy.
                 place by the United States; Fatima, mother of   went missing during the war. Against his   Femi Kuti
                 11-year-old Nora, abducted like thousands of   mother’s wishes, he flings himself body and soul   Synopsis: When the slave boats docked in   Riviera 2
                 other children and sexually tortured in the   into the case, looking for truth and resilience.  America, Brazil, Cuba and the Caribbean’s   Sales: Charades
                 prisons of the Syrian regime… These stories                   hundreds of cultures, traditions, and religions   (3 Rond-Point Duboys D’Angers)
                 confront us with the most obscure and   16:00                 landed with the Africans, but only one remains   Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)
                 horrendous mechanics of international                         prominent to date in the new world, the culture   Director: Christophe Honore
                 institutions, a look backstage behind   PAIN AND GLORY (Premiere)  of the Yoruba. Bigger Than Africa follows the   Synopsis: After 20 years of marriage, Maria
                 contemporary conflicts, spotlighting those who   Spain, 112’, Drama.  journey of these Africans from the point of no   decides to leave. She moves to the room 212 of
                 have the courage to engage, resist and mobilise.              return in West Africa to the final destinations.   the hotel opposite her marital home. From there,
                 How can we rebuild ourselves when the values   Olympia 1      Shot in six different countries with research and   Maria can scrutinize her apartment, her
                 that define us have been stamped on and   Sales: FilmNation Entertainment Llc  interviews coming from around the world, this   husband, her wedding. She wonders if she has
                 reduced to nothing? Zero Impunity offers a voice   Section: Market (In Competition)  film took us to places like Brazil, Cuba, United   made the right decision.
                 and solutions to this dreaded universal social   Director: Pedro Almodóvar  States, Trinidad & Tobago and where it all began,
                 norm. A film about love, life and humanity. Join   Casting: Penélope Cruz, Antonio Banderas  West Africa.  18:00
                 the Movement.                  Synopsis: Pain and Glory tells of a series of
                                                re-encounters experienced by Salvador Mallo, a   17:30        LIBERTÉ (Premiere)
                 PIRANHAS                       film director in physical decline.                            Spain, France, 132’, Drama.
                 Italy, 110’, Drama.                                           PAPICHA (Premiere)             Palais I
                 Lerins 2                       BULL (Premiere)                Algeria, France, Belgium, Qatar, 105’, Drama.  Sales: Films Boutique (G3) +04 92 993220
                 Sales: Elle Driver (7 La Croisette)  USA, 101’, Drama.        Lerins 1                       Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)
                 Section: Market                Palais I                       Sales: Jour2Fête Sales (D8)    Director: Albert Serra
                 Director: Claudio Giovannesi   Sales: Film Constellation      Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)  Synopsis: 1774, shortly before the French
                 Synopsis: Naples. Nicola and his friends are   (Dauphin Entrance, 2nd Floor)                 Revolution, somewhere between Potsdam and
                 fifteen years old. They want to make money, buy   Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)  Director: Mounia Meddour  Berlin. Madame de Dumeval, the Duc de Tesis
                 designer clothes and brand new scooters.  Director: Annie Silverstein  Casting: Lyna Khoudri, Shirine Boutella, Hilda   and the Duc de Wand, libertines expelled from
                                                Synopsis: In a near-abandoned subdivision   Daouada, Yasin Houicha, Nadia Kaci  the puritanical court of Louis XVI, seek the
                 LAND OF ASHES (Premiere)       west of Houston, a wayward teen runs headlong   Synopsis: Algeria, 1990s. Nedjma, an 18-year-  support of the legendary Duc de Walchen,
                                                                               old student passionate about fashion design
                 Costa Rica, Argentina, Chile, France, 82’, Drama.  into her equally willful and unforgiving neighbor,   refuses to let the tragic events of the Algerian   German seducer and freethinker, lonely in a
                 Lerins 3                       an aging bullfighter who’s seen his best days in   Civil War to keep her from experiencing a   country where hypocrisy and false virtue reign.
                                                                                                              Their mission is to export libertinage, a
                 Sales: Totem Films             the arena; it’s a collision that will change them   normal life and going out at night with her   philosophy of enlightenment founded on the
                 (29 Rue Du Commandant André)                                  friend Wassila.                rejection of moral boundaries and authorities,
                 Section: Market (Critics’ Week, In Competition)  16:15                                       but moreover to find a safe place to pursue their
                 Director: Sofía Quirós Ubeda                                  SUMMER OF CHANGSHA (Premiere)   errant games, where the quest for pleasure no
                 Casting: Smachleen Gutiérrez, Humberto   THE BEST YEARS OF A LIFE (Premiere)  China, 120’, Thriller.  longer obeys laws other than those dictated by
                 Samuels, Kesha Brown, Hortensia Smith  France, 90’, Drama.    Lerins 2                       unfulfilled desires.
                 Synopsis: Selva (13) lives in a Caribbean coastal             Sales: Indie Sales
                 town. After the sudden disappearance of her   Palais K        (2 Rue Bivouac Napoléon, 5th Fl.)  OH MERCY (Premiere)
                 only motherly figure, Selva is the only one left to   Sales: Other Angle Pictures            France, 19’, Drama.
                 take care of her grandfather, who doesn’t want   (Albatros Entrance, 2nd Floor) +33667512829  Section: Market (Un Certain Regard)  Salle Du 60e
                 to live anymore. Between mysterious shadows   Section: Market (Out of Competition)  Director: Zu Feng  Sales: Wild Bunch
                 and wild games, she debates whether helping   Director: Claude Lelouch  Casting: Zu Feng, Huang Lu
                 her grandfather achieve his desire, even though   Casting: Anouk Aimée, Jean-Louis Trintignant,   Synopsis: China, nowadays, in the city of   (5 Square Mérimée – 1st floor)
                 this might mean going through her last   Marianne Denicourt, Souad Amidou, Antoine   Changsha. A Bin is a police detective. During the   Section: Day after screenings (In Competition)
                 moments of childhood alone.    Sire, Monica Bellucci          investigation of a bizarre murder case, he meets   Director: Arnaud Desplechin
                                                Synopsis: They knew each other long ago: a   Li Xue, a surgeon. As they get to know each   Casting: Léa Seydoux, Sara Forestier, Roschdy
                                                                               other, A Bin happens to be more and more
                 DIVERSITY IN CANNES 1 (Premiere)  man and a woman whose dazzling and   attracted to this mysterious woman, while both   Zem, Antoine Reinartz
                 110’.                          unexpected romance captured in the now-iconic   are struggling with their own love stories and   Synopsis: Christmas night in Roubaix. Police
                                                                                                              chief Daoud roams the city. Burn out cars, violent
                 Palais F                       film, revolutionised our understanding of love.   sins. Could a love affair help them find   altercations… In the face of poverty, deception
                 Sales: Short Film Corner       Today, the former race car driver seems lost in   redemption?  and distress, Daoud knows who is lying and
                 Section: Market                the pathways of his memory. In order to help                  who is telling the truth.
                                                him, his son seeks out the woman his father   Next screening: 23 May, 14:00, Debussy
                                                wasn’t able to cherish but whom he constantly
                 THE BARE NECESSITY (Premiere)   revisits in his thoughts and dreams. Anne   SCHOOL LIFE (Premiere)  TALENTS ADAMI CANNES + PRIX
                 France, 102’, Comedy.          reunites with Jean-Louis and their story picks up   France, 116’, Comedy.  SACD (Premiere)
                 Riviera 1                      where they left it…            Lerins 3                       90’.
                 Sales: Playtime (3 Square Mérimée)                            Sales: Gaumont (2 Rue Bivouac Napoleon)   Miramar
                 Section: Market                16:30                          +33 4 93 68 90 20              Sales: Semaine De La Critique
                 Director: Erwan Le Duc                                        Section: Market                Section: Critics’ Week
                 Casting: Swann Arlaud, Maud Wyler, Nicolas   THE WILD GOOSE LAKE (Premiere)  Director: Grand Corps Malade, Mehdi Idir
                 Maury, Fanny Ardant            China, 113’, Thriller.         Casting: Zita Hanrot, Alban Ivanov, Soufiane
                 Synopsis: Pierre Perdrix has been enjoying an   Olympia 2     Guerrab, Moussa Mansaly
                 enchanted though restless existence since the   Sales: Memento Films International (MFI)   Synopsis: Fresh from the South of France,   FESTIVAL
                 enigmatic Juliette Webb burst into his life.  (84 Rue D’Antibes, Fifth Floor)  Samia, a young educational consultant, arrives
                                                Section: Market (In Competition)  in a difficult middle-school in the suburbs of
                 OUR MOTHERS (Premiere)         Director: Diao Yinan           Paris. With Moussa and Dylan, two hall monitors
                 France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands,   Casting: Hu Ge, Kwai Lun Mei, Liao Fan, Wan   who also master punchlines, she runs the School  23/05/2019
                 Guatemala, 77’, Drama.         Qian                           Life team that supervises students throughout
                 Riviera 2                      Synopsis: The story of a gangster on the run   the school year. Passionate about her job and   8:45
                 Sales: Pyramide International (J6)  who eventually sacrifices himself to save his   assisted by the school’s teachers and her
                 Section: Market                family and the woman he encounters along the   colleagues, Samia will do all she can to motivate   ALL ABOUT YVES (Premiere)
                                                                               discouraged kids and show them that a brighter
                 Director: César Diaz           way.                           future is possible…            France, 107’, Comedy.
                 Casting: Armando Espitia , Emma Dib                                                          Theatre Croisette
                 Synopsis: Guatemala, 2018. The whole country  17:00                                          Sales: Le Pacte (M21)
                 is immersed in the trial of the soldiers who                  DIVERSITY IN CANNES 2 (Premiere)  Section: Directors’ Fortnight
                 sparked the civil war. Victim statements come   BIGGER THAN AFRICA (Premiere)  110’.         Director: Benoît Forgeard
                 one after another. Ernesto is a young   Nigeria, USA, Cuba, Togo, 90’, Historical.  Palais F  Casting: William Lebghil, Doria Tillier

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